Basil location: 6 important criteria

In order for basil to fully develop its unmistakable aroma, it has to be in the right place. These 6 golden rules guarantee enjoyment.

Little sunbather

Basil comes from the Mediterranean region and is therefore used to warm climates. A sunny location is essential for this reason. The royal herb needs at least six hours of direct sunlight to grow. It goes without saying that it also requires consistently warm temperatures.

The right substrate

In order for the spice plant to develop well, the substrate should be as follows:

  • permeable
  • profound
  • locker
  • frisch
  • wet
  • slightly sandy
  • pH from 6.5 to 7.5

If the gardener wants to grow the basil on the windowsill in spring, the following mixture is recommended for the substrate:

  • peat
  • Sand
  • Coconut fiber
  • Saaterde
Tip: Old coffee grounds are an ideal, natural fertilizer for the herb. Spread regularly between May and September at the basil site, it protects against snails and provides important nitrogen.

exception to nutritional requirements

The majority of garden herbs belong to the medium consumers. However, basil has special requirements for very nutrient-rich soil. The heavy feeder needs a lot of minerals and must not be exposed to any major competition in a mixed culture. It is best for the gardener to enrich the bed with humus and organic material. In addition, he should observe the crop rotation and only plant the royal herb in the same location after a two-year break. This also prevents fungal disease as there may still be spores in the soil after one season.

Good neighbors, bad neighbors

The first thing to remember about being good neighbors is that basil can’t stand itself. The gardener should therefore not cultivate more than one plant in a bed or bucket. For older plants, a change of location is recommended after just one year, which the gardener carries out continuously. The basil herb is just as incompatible

Cucumbers, on the other hand, are a welcome neighbor as they protect against powdery mildew. The same goes for tomatoes, as both plants benefit from each other. The tomato tendril protects the king herb from precipitation, while the essential oils contained in the basil keep pests away.

Note: The royal herb only benefits from the combination with tomatoes as long as the vegetable plant does not take away the sunlight.

Please no precipitation

The royal herb does not have any objections to moist soil, but direct precipitation damages growth. Therefore, the plant should be protected, if necessary covered.

Note: Kingsweed does not like draughts, but a little air movement is beneficial. It ensures that rain and dew dry faster.

Cultivate basil on the balcony

If the garden does not offer sufficient capacity or the necessary requirements for a basil location, the plant can also be cultivated on the windowsill or on the balcony without any problems. A protected place without draughts is important here. Positioning in front of a south wall should be avoided, since the heat accumulates here and throws back the stuffy air. Otherwise, the tub culture has a big advantage: the heat-loving plant stops growing at a temperature of 10°C. Overwintering in a pot on the windowsill is quite possible.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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