Black aphids are unwelcome guests on outdoor and container plants. The defective insects are not very choosy and do not even stop at exotic plants. If the pests feel comfortable on the host plant, damage and population increase. However, chemicals do not necessarily have to be used to combat it. Because in your own garden and in the kitchen you will find a variety of useful and effective home remedies. With these, you not only protect the environment, but can also promote the health and resilience of your plants.
Table of Contents
- Many of the well over 850 Central European Sternorrhyncha species are considered pests.
- The insects can reach a length of up to 7 millimeters.
- Aphids can reproduce by virginity.
- Some aphid species and generations have wings.
- Belong to the family of arthropods.
damage picture
Aphids are among the most common plant pests worldwide. The millimeter-sized pests can be found in almost every garden and the voracious animals don’t stop at houseplants either. First of all: Infestation with aphids does not necessarily lead to the death of the plants. The pests often go unnoticed, especially in large plants. The few discolored and withered leaves and the curled shoot tips are all too often attributed to care errors or fungal diseases. The same applies to stunted growth and malformed foliage. Frequently one only becomes aware of the insects through a sticky plant surface. The presence of an excessive number of ants around the infested plant often indicates that pests sucking cell sap are in the immediate vicinity.
But even if healthy and older plants often survive an aphid infestation almost unscathed, you should consistently eliminate the insects. In this way, the black aphids cannot spread uncontrollably over other plants. In addition, the excretion of the animals, which is responsible for the sticky surface, poses some risks for the plants. Because not only ants see the honeydew as a welcome change in their own diet. Sooty fungi and viruses use the sticky material as a breeding ground and can cause considerable damage to the host plant.
First countermeasures
You don’t need to resort to chemical mace once you spot the black aphids on their green protégés. Because you can decimate and eliminate the pests with simple, environmentally friendly means. How exactly you proceed depends on the degree of infestation and the damage already caused to the plant.
Water jet
If the aphid population is still in the early stages, the insects can be sprayed with water. In order to catch all the animals, this procedure must be carried out for several days in a row. In the garden, you can use a special attachment for the garden hose – or just your thumb – to create a hard jet of water. Don’t be too hesitant, because damaged foliage and shoots regenerate quickly or sprout again. Indoor plants, on the other hand, are hosed down in the bath or shower. So that this measure does not mark the beginning of a thorough cleaning of the bathroom, you should place the plant pot in a plastic bag and spray down the infested parts of the plant from above.
As already mentioned, soapy
aphids rarely come alone. To keep ants and fungal pathogens at bay, you should regularly remove the sticky residue left by the pests. It is sufficient if you generously wipe shoots and leaves with soapy water and a sponge. Repeat this action regularly. This also applies if ants are already present. Because by wiping away the honeydew, you also remove the trail of scent left by the ants. The beneficial insects are confused, and you yourself can start specifically fighting the black aphids.
This point is often simply left out or forgotten. However, in order to make it more difficult for the aphid colony to move to neighboring plants, you should move infested potted plants separately. Even if this action does not offer 100% security, you at least make it more difficult for the pests to visit other host plants.
Efficient and organic home remedies
The further the harmful insects spread on the infested plant, the more difficult it is to combat. At the latest when the black aphids cover 2/3 of the plant, you should use other means of elimination. You will quickly find what you are looking for in the kitchen cupboard and in your own garden to drive away the small pests in an environmentally friendly and long-term manner. Some of the best home remedies include:
Soapy water
An absolute classic when it comes to pest control. This remedy can be quickly made in almost every household and can be used for pests outdoors and for indoor plants alike. To make the lye you will need:
- 50 grams curd soap
- 1 liter of hot water
- 50 milliliters of alcohol.
Pour the water over the soap and stir until the soap has completely dissolved. Allow the brew to cool and add the alcohol. Before treatment you should cover the substrate. The brew is sprayed on the aphids with a water atomizer. Important to know: This treatment affects the plant. Therefore, only repeat the procedure at intervals of 2 to 3 days.
What is not healthy for humans cannot be healthy for pests either. The same applies to tobacco and cigarette ash. Nicotine and other ingredients have a toxic effect on the pests when they come into contact with them. Steep about 50 grams of tobacco or cigarette butts in boiling water for a few hours. Filter out suspended matter and apply the brew with a water atomizer. Avoid contact with the substrate. Because even the plant itself could suffer damage through the roots if tobacco brew is taken in excessively.
The defensive plant is often underestimated, and its reputation as a weed is completely unjustified. A variety of plant pests and fungal pathogens can be combated with a stinging nettle broth. Here, too, pour hot water over dried or fresh nettle leaves and let the brew steep for at least a day. The longer, the more intense the effect. Before applying the liquid with a water atomizer, you should filter off the leaves and dilute the brew slightly. Repeat the procedure daily until no more aphids show up. In contrast to the tobacco and soapy water methods, the substances in the nettle itself do not harm the affected plant. Rather, you strengthen the defenses of the plants at the same time.
broth In addition to its distinctive smell, garlic has a cleaning and disinfecting effect. In order to effectively combat black aphids on the tuber, you should also make a broth of crushed garlic cloves and then apply this directly to the aphids. At the same time, this remedy also strengthens the resistance of the affected plants.
You should only use this method for robust or exotic plants that can easily tolerate a rapid increase in humidity for a short period of time. Like spider mites, aphids are extremely sensitive to moist heat. Water houseplants firmly and wrap completely with clear foil. Only remove these after 2 days and repeat the action if necessary. You can also combine this control measure with others to increase effectiveness.
neem oil
Neem oil, which comes from Asia and Africa, is one of the most powerful biological weapons in the fight against pests. To use the effective remedy in the garden against pests and fungal pathogens, you should prepare and apply 5 ml of neem oil to 1 liter of water. Spray about every 2 to 3 days, but avoid direct contact with the substrate.
Animal helpers against pests
Even if we humans regard aphids as pests, the animals are an important source of food for birds and other insects. You can also take advantage of this fact yourself. Encourage the colonization of natural predators such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps and lacewing larvae. While these insects are rarely able to eliminate heavy populations of black aphids, they can still significantly weaken and decimate them. With the following tips you can create an optimal habitat for the useful animals:
- Provide retreats for birds.
- Set up nesting sites.
- Do not apply chemical fungicides and insecticides.
- Create species-rich plant diversity in the bed.
As is so often the case, however, the voracious fellows are missing when it matters most. However, you can also buy lacewing larvae, assassin bugs and parasitic wasps from a special mail order company and apply the insects to the affected areas. Create ideal conditions for the animals beforehand, so that they can start their destructive work immediately after settling down. This also includes removing the ants that surround “their” aphids and also protect them against predators. To eliminate, you should try baking soda first. Regularly wiping the parts of the plant with soapy water reliably removes the scent traces of the ants.
Avoid chemicals in the garden
Even if stinging nettles and co. are proven to be among the best home remedies for combating aphids, they do not work immediately. It is therefore often extremely tempting to reach for chemical products from specialist retailers. These become effective immediately, and the end of the pest population seems to be within reach. Even if the acquisition costs of these agents are usually limited, you should still refrain from buying or using chemicals. Edible plants and fruits are at risk of insecticide residues entering the human body. Other insects, such as ladybugs, butterflies and bees, can also suffer damage from contact venom. In addition, it is not uncommon that some pests develop a response to overuse of insecticides. The control measures with chemical products are then unsuccessful in the following generations.
frequently asked Questions
Is it worth removing infested plant parts and disposing of them in the compost?
This question can only be answered with a clear “no”. Aphids require living plant tissue to reproduce and feed. Nevertheless, the millimeter-sized pests are able to quickly find a new food source. It is not necessary to remove vital, infested parts of the plant. If you cut off wilted leaves and dead shoot tips, you should wrap them in plastic foil and dispose of them directly with the household waste. This will prevent the black aphids from spreading to other places in the garden.
Can you prevent aphid infestation?
There is no such thing as 100% protection against insects that suck cell juice. However, you can increase the resistance of your plants beforehand, so that they become unattractive to the pests. In any case, note the requirements that the plants place on the substrate and location. Because if these are chosen incorrectly, the plant suffers enormously and has little to counter fungal pathogens and harmful insects.
- Fertilize with coffee grounds.
- Use diluted nettle broth for watering.
- Check the plants regularly.
- Plant garlic in the immediate vicinity – as long as the respective plant species tolerate it.
- Avoid dryness and waterlogging.
You can apply these measures to potted plants and in the garden alike. With simple means you promote the health of the plants and prevent infestation by diseases and pests.