Flowers in purple are rare in nature and their sight is all the more beautiful. The extravagant color can be easily combined with other colors and is an eye-catcher. Here we present 20 shrubs with purple flowers.
Table of Contents
Shrubs with purple flowers from A to B
(Fingerblättrige) Akebie (Akebia quinata)
- Height: 600 to 700 cm
- Width: 40 to 250 cm
- Flower shape: cupped, only female flowers are purple, male flowers are pink
- Blütezeit: Mai
- Leaves: Divided, obovate, deciduous, evergreen in mild winter temperatures
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: rich in nutrients, loamy
Ballhortensie (Hydrangea macrophylla)
- Height: 100 to 130 cm
- Width: 90 to 130 cm
- Flower shape: simple, ball-shaped
- Flowering period: June to September
- leaves: oval, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: undemanding, moderately moist
Bastardindigo (Amorpha fruticosa)
- Height: 200 to 300 cm
- Width: 200 to 300 cm
- Flower shape: simple, racemose
- Flowering period: June to August
- leaves: pinnate, deciduous
- Location: sunny
- Soil: undemanding, moderately nutritious
Bartblume (Caryopteris)
- Height: 100 to 120 cm
- Width: 100 to 120 cm
- Flower shape: simple, arranged in umbels
- Flowering period: August to September
- leaves: roughly serrated, oval, deciduous
- Location: sunny
- Soil: sandy, well-drained, dry, avoid waterlogging
Besenheide (Calluna vulgaris)
- Height: 20 to 30 cm
- Width: 20 to 40 cm
- Flower shape: bell-shaped
- Flowering period: late August to October
- Leaves: needle-shaped, orange-red autumn color, evergreen
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: humic, permeable, slightly acidic
The common heather is only partially hardy and should be protected somewhat in winter. A pruning in the spring stimulates new growth.
Blauraute (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
- Height: 50 to 80 cm
- Width: 30 to 50 cm
- Flower shape: small labial florets, spike-like
- Flowering period: July to September
- Leaves: lanceolate, deeply dissected, felt-like hairs, silvery
- Location: sunny
- Soil: well drained, moderately nutritious
Blauregen (Wisteria sinensis)
- Height: 400 to 900 cm
- Width: 300 to 800 cm
- Flower shape : simple, racemose
- Flowering period: May to June
- leaves: pinnate, slightly hairy
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: humic, sandy to loamy, fresh, well-drained
From C to K
Catawba-Rhododendron (Rhododendron catawbiense)
- Height: 100 to 140 cm
- Width: 120 to 160 cm
- Flower shape: simple, large
- Flowering period: late May to June
- Leaves: narrow, oblong, deep green, evergreen
- Location: sunny to shady
- Soil: fresh to moist, humic, well-drained, slightly acidic
Chinese spice bush (Elsholtzia stauntonii)
- Height: 90 to 150 cm
- Width: 60 to 120 cm
- Flower shape: spike-like
- Flowering period: August to October
- Leaves: fragrant, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: fresh, well drained
These shrubs with purple flowers are only partially hardy, which is why you should protect the Chinese spice shrub in winter. The flowers are also fragrant and provide insects with a good food source late in the year.
Chinese beauty fruit (Callicarpa bodinieri)
- Height: 200 to 300 cm
- Width: 150 to 200 cm
- Flower shape: bell-shaped, arranged in umbels
- Flowering period: July to August
- Leaves: ovate, red-brown autumn color, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: normal garden soil
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
- Height: 400 to 600 cm
- Width: 250 to 350 cm
- Flower shape: panicle
- Flowering period: May to early June
- leaves: ovate, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: rich in nutrients, permeable, likes lime
Garden marshmallow (Hibiscus syriacus)
- Height: 150 to 200 cm
- Width: 80 to 120 cm
- Flower shape: single, large, shrubs can also have double purple flowers
- Flowering period: July to September
- Leaves: serrate, yellowish autumn color, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: rich in nutrients, sandy to loamy, slightly acidic to alkaline
Hängeflieder (Buddleja alternifolia)
- Height: 200 to 300 cm
- Width: 175 to 250 cm
- Flower shape: simple, paniculate
- Flowering period: June to July
- Leaves: narrow, lanceolate, alternate
- Location: sunny
- Soil: permeable, tolerant of lime
Canadian Judas Tree (Cercis canadensis)
- Height: 250 to 400 cm
- Width: 150 to 200 cm
- Flower shape: simple
- Flowering time: April to May
- Leaves: heart-shaped, varying shades from greenish to white or pink, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: fresh, well drained, loamy to sandy
From L to Z
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- Height: 25 to 40 cm
- Width: 20 to 40 cm
- Flower shape: lamiform, spike-like
- Flowering period : July to September
- Leaves: narrow, finely hairy, grey-green, evergreen
- Location: sunny
- Soil: well drained, dry, moderately nutritious, tolerant of lime
Mönchspfeffer (Vitex agnus-castus)
- Height: 100 to 200 cm
- Width: 100 to 300 cm
- Flower shape: simple, paniculate
- Flowering period: August to October
- Leaves: lanceolate, yellow autumn color, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: permeable, fresh, dry
Säckelblume (Ceanothus impressus)
- Height: 80 to 100 cm
- Width: 50 to 70 cm
- Flower shape: panicle
- Flowering period: May to July
- Leaves: elliptic, evergreen
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: undemanding
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
- Height: 30 to 60 cm
- Width: 35 to 40 cm
- Flower shape: Labiate, spike-like
- Flowering period: June to August
- Leaves: oval, downy, grey-green, evergreen
- Location: sunny
- Soil: dry to slightly fresh, well-drained, humic, tolerant of lime
Butterflies (Buddleja davidii)
- Height: 200 to 300 cm
- Width: 150 to 300 cm
- Flower shape: simple, paniculate
- Flowering period: July to October
- Leaves: lanceolate, tapering, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: well-drained, normal garden soil
Some species of summer lilac tend to multiply heavily from seeds. It is therefore advisable to prune the shrub after flowering. This will also encourage a second bloom later in the year.
Dwarf Scented Lilac (Syringa meyeri)
- Height: 100 to 150 cm
- Width: 100 to 120 cm
- Flower shape: panicle-shaped, flowers with an intense fragrance
- Flowering period: May to June
- Leaves: ovate, slightly wavy margin, deciduous
- Location: sunny to semi-shady
- Soil: loose, fresh
frequently asked Questions
Yes, the Chinese beauty fruit not only has purple inflorescences, but the fruits are also purple. The fruits are now also accepted as a food source by some bird species, although they are an unusual color.
There are around 25 species in the genus Syringa and numerous cultivated forms. Many species already have a purple flower, which is often intensified through breeding.