Cat repellent – the best remedies against cats in the house and garden

Cats are popular pets. The furry four-legged friends have a fascination for many people. Their usefulness in a large mouse population in the garden and house cannot be denied. However, the animals are not always welcome. Anyone who has ever discovered the droppings of the animals in the children’s utility bed or sandpit knows how to sing a song about it. You don’t need a dog to fend off the cats. Simple methods and simple home remedies can cause the animals to look for a new territory or stay away from your garden in the future.

Drive cats away in the house

Open doors and the cat flap of your own house tiger magically attract strangers. The effects on the inventory and its residents cannot be foreseen. While some cats just sniff around curiously, uncastrated specimens tend to mark “their” new territory. The urine odor is penetrating and difficult to remove from carpets, laminate and parquet floors. There is also another problem: many stray cats carry unpleasant pestswith himself around. The risk increases that your own pets can become infected with fleas, lice or worms. Anyone who has ever witnessed a pest infestation on their own cat or dog knows how complex the treatment is. Allergic people have to look after it in any case. With little effort and the right resources, you can prevent strange cats from viewing your four walls as an extension of the territory. A little patience is required to chase away the four-legged friends and thus get rid of them permanently.

Fold with sensor: Small dogs and their own cats are often given the opportunity to switch back and forth independently between the house and the garden. A cat flap on the house or side door is the most convenient option for this. This opening is not only used by your own four-legged friends. Limit access for unfamiliar animals. For example, it makes sense to lock the hatch at night and when you are out of the house for a long time. Another sensible but costly alternative: Install a sensor-controlled flap. Unlike conventional flaps, this does not open with mechanical pressure. Rather, a sensor recognizes the chip that your own animal is wearing on the collar and releases the passage. The only catch: With dogs, wearing collars is not a problem.

Tip : You can get sensor-controlled cat flaps that work with microchips in stores. These transmitters, about the size of a grain of rice, can be implanted under the skin of your pets by the vet.

Uninteresting environment: Probably the most efficient means of repelling cats. Make your house uninteresting for the animals. There are several ways to do this, but you may need to catch the right moment and be patient:

  • Do not leave doors and windows open unattended for long periods of time.
  • Scare the cat with a loud shout or noise.
  • Get active help in the form of a water balloon or water pistol in summer.
  • Spray special deterrent sprays into the house at the preferred entrances.
  • Set up a spray with a motion sensor.
  • Aluminum foil or a rescue blanket on the windowsill can keep frightened cats away.
  • Cover the sandpit.

Tip : We strongly advise against spreading pepper and broken glass. The unwanted four-legged friends are chased away, but could be permanently damaged.

A common mistake : do not feed strange cats. Most of the cats roaming around have a place to live and their own “can opener”. Of course, the velvet paws use every opportunity to get something to eat. Once you have been recognized as an abundant source of food, you will not get rid of the animals anytime soon. Another sensible measure, which even has a double benefit, is the installation of fly screens on windows and doors. In summer, the material keeps blood-sucking mosquitoes away and makes it difficult for foreign cats to enter your house. When buying, look for high-quality material that does not give in immediately with the slightest pressure.

You can raise strange cats to a limited extent and thereby keep them away from their property. Loud noises and water are two factors that animals don’t like. Use these means to fend off the cats permanently. However, you have to be at the “crime scene” at the right time in order to be able to react adequately and with a learning effect for the four-legged friends. Just scare and scare the furry friends away.

Effective tips and resources for the garden

Preventing the animals from entering the living space is simple. It looks different in your own garden. Cats do not stick to property boundaries or allow themselves to be deterred by mundane fences or walls. Freshly dug beds in particular are not safe from the animals. The area is dug up and misused as a toilet. Independent of freshly planted plants and seeds. Incubators and bird feeders in winter are a kind of self-service shop for the small predators. Here it is advisable to take appropriate countermeasures and drive the cats away. These funds are suitable for the defense of cats:

  • Protect freshly prepared or dug beds with plant film.
  • Making frequently used ” toilet corners ” with coarse gravel unattractive.
  • rabbit grille also protects against digging.
  • Plant special, strong-smelling plants against cats.
  • Mulch regularly.
  • Generously spread the coffee grounds .
  • Thoroughly clean areas marked with urine.

The list of tips on how to repel and drive away cats is far from over. However, the success of other methods is limited. In specialist shops, for example, you can get special devices against predatory game and cats. The animals should be kept at a distance or chased away with a high-pitched tone that is imperceptible to the human ear. Unfortunately, the practice looks different. Even sensitive people can still hear the sound. Another drawback: cats get used to the clay quickly and will still pay a visit to your yard as before. The use of coffee grounds is also controversial. Only about a handful of cats are bothered by the aromatic scented mass and can be driven away by it. It is much more likely that you only fertilize the beds with coffee grounds and provide them with valuable nutrients. In one case, the material has definitely proven itself when it comes to “cat defense”: The coffee grounds whitewash the smell of the cat’s legacies. This prevents the animals from finding the “crime scene” again and using it again. Sandpits at the children’s playground should be covered with a tarp immediately after playing.

Strong smelling plants and coffee grounds are just a matter of getting used to. Not every cat is impressed by the smells and stays away from the area. While some four-legged friends avoid citrus fruits or plants, others are only minimally disturbed by the scent. You may need to try several methods to find the best repellants for your neighborhood cats.

Tip: You can do without the application of dog hair. The smell of the barking four-legged friend does not bother the cats very much and does not keep them away from the garden.

Protect the domestic bird world efficiently

Cats appear gentle and harmless. Nevertheless, one should never forget that fur noses are predators. The hunting instinct awakens in each of the four-legged friends as soon as birds or small mammals are in the immediate vicinity. You can make it more difficult for the cats in your garden to get to the nesting and feeding areas of their feathered contemporaries.

  • Set up nesting boxes and feeding places at a sufficient height.
  • Avoid thick undergrowth nearby, which the cats could use as a climbing aid.
  • A special construction around the tree trunk prevents the animals from climbing up.
  • Attach alarming sources of noise, such as bells, to the branches.

You can protect fish in the pond by making the bank area unattractive or difficult to access for your four-legged friends. For example, create a steep bank or plant thick reeds. Do not drive away or chase away cats with this remedy. However, it will be difficult for the animals to use your garden pond as a rich source of food.


With the right tips and resources, it is possible to chase cats out of the house and garden or keep them away permanently. The time and financial factors of the cat defense options vary. A look at the suggestions shows that even freshly dug garden beds and sandboxes can be effectively protected.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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