Fire blight is a dangerous plant disease. It is triggered by a bacterium, more precisely by Erwinia amylovora, and mainly affects pome fruit trees. The bad thing is that the disease is spreading like an epidemic. Fortunately, there is no danger to humans…
Category: Plant diseases
No fruit from the supermarket can be as fresh and tasty as that from your own garden. Unfortunately, the joy of it can be clouded by a wide variety of plant diseases, such as shotgun disease. This can attack all types of…
Most gardeners put a lot of time and love into their plants. But even if optimal conditions are provided, the plants in the garden can be infested with diseases or pests. Unfortunately, clematis, especially the large-flowered species with their beautiful and colorful…
Not so long ago, the cherry tree, both sweet and sour cherries, was considered very pest-resistant. However, special cultivations, environmental factors and unfavorable locations make the fruit tree susceptible to leaf diseases. One of the symptoms is the curling of the cherry…
The resilient and easy to care for currants are grown in large numbers in the local gardens. Because the fruits are tasty and can be processed in a variety of ways. There are also various ornamental currants. But there are diseases that more…
Yellow and brown leaves on the otherwise beautiful, green bamboo can have many reasons and causes. These can usually be found in a care error that needs to be tracked down. Because only when the cause is known, the right measures can…
Black star soot is a serious fungal infection that occurs primarily on roses, but can also affect other plants. The infection can cause the plants to become bald, weakened, and eventually die. Since the spores of the fungus spread quickly and are…
The graceful flamingo flower is a popular house plant that shows its beautiful red flowers all year round in the best conditions. But if the leaves turn yellow or brown, the plant is showing that something is wrong. It can be because…
There are two types of leaf spot disease, bacterial and fungal diseases. Both show similar symptoms, the typical leaf spots. The disease caused by fungi is treatable. In the case of diseases caused by bacteria, there are no remedies approved in the home…
Unfortunately, the two types of fungus Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum do not stop at popular fruit plants, such as strawberries. Effective fungicides have not yet been developed, mainly because the fungi attack the plants from below and clog the water…