Prepare garlic broth against aphids: recipe

Garlic broth is a popular home remedy for aphids in the garden. Because it is effective and purely biological. The article explains how the brew is ideally prepared, what the recipe looks like and when the home remedy can be used. Ingredients needed 1 liter of water 75 g fresh garlic Tip: Ideally, you should put on gloves…

Recognize black caterpillars: 17 species with picture

For a short time during the year, beautiful butterflies make for “ugly” caterpillars. In some species, these are mainly black in color. But patterns, hairs or thorns help us to correctly identify the spotted specimens. 5 caterpillars with distinctive thorns Some species of Nymphalidae have black caterpillars that have more or less conspicuous, but always clearly recognizable…

Fight scale insects – the best home remedies

Hardly anything is more depressing for a hobby gardener than to see your own plants suffering from a pest infestation. Treatment becomes all the more difficult when the insects are scale insects. Using chemical agents is not always the best way. The use of insecticides is particularly problematic for crops or in your own four walls. Hardy pests…

Identify caterpillars with hair: 10 species with picture

There are a large number of caterpillars in Germany. Determination is often not easy. Below is an overview of caterpillars with hair that you can identify in the future. Yellow/Green caterpillars The color of the caterpillar and hair can help identify the animals. In the first part there are some yellow/green specimens. Ahorn-Rindeneule (Acronicta aceris) The caterpillar grows…

Control bacon beetle and bacon beetle larvae

Bacon beetles (Dermestes) pose a hygienic storage problem and damage a wide variety of materials. Prompt control is required to prevent uncontrolled proliferation. There are different methods for this. Look In order to know whether one of the following control measures is effective, the pests and/or the bacon beetle larvae must first be identified. 144 species are known…

Identify caterpillars by color: 21 species of caterpillars

They come in many different colors, from yellow to green to brightly colored. Many of the dazzling caterpillars later become beautiful or inconspicuous butterflies and moth species. The list below will help determine the species of caterpillars. Green Caterpillars A green caterpillar can usually be either a butterfly or a moth. The green specimens are the ones that…

Caterpillars with horns: 8 native species

If you roam carefully through nature, you can discover many exciting things. Colorful caterpillars with horns, for example, which you can find between July and September with a bit of luck. Here we present 8 native species. characteristic of hawk moths Incidentally, the horned caterpillars do not wear their horns on their heads, but rather on the…

Help, aphids on lovage: what to do?

Lovage (Levisticum officinale), also known as maggi herb because of its spicy taste, belongs to the umbelliferae family (Apiaceae). If the plant is infested with aphids, natural measures should be the first choice. Appearance of the aphids Aphids are only a few millimeters in size – a maximum of 7 millimeters – and come in a…

Pests on figs: fig leaf moth & Co

The fig tree ( Ficus carica ) is one of the oldest domesticated crops. Sometimes it is visited by pests. Here’s what they are and how to fight them. aphids Aphids (Aphidoidea) are a maximum of 7 millimeters in size. They come in many colors, for example green, black-brown or red-brown. Some animals can even change color from green to red…

Aphids on indoor plants – what helps against the lice?

Aphids, like scale insects or other plant pests, are particularly common in the winter months. In most cases, care errors and unfavorable site conditions are the cause of an infestation. If no countermeasures are taken, aphids can multiply very quickly, spread to other plants and, in the worst case, cause the affected plants to die. Therefore, fighting is…