Chilies have now also become native to many gardens in this country. Its cultivation and care are relatively easy. However, sometimes the flowers can simply fall off. Everything about the causes and measures below.
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causes and solutions
As a rule, it is quite normal if some flowers just fall off. However, it becomes problematic when there is an increased shedding. The reasons for this can be of different kinds. However, with the right measures, they can be successfully combated.
Failure to fertilize
The chilli is dioecious, each plant always has male and female characteristics. This makes them self-fertile. However, the chilli flowers will wither and fall off if fertilization does not occur.
- outdoors fertilization by bumblebees, bees and wind
- problematic in the greenhouse and indoor culture
Insemination by hand can help here. Such artificial insemination ensures that the chilli flowers do not fall off and at the same time the varietal purity is maintained. This is particularly important if the seed is to be used for propagation and cultivation. Manual fertilization is relatively easy. The procedure is as follows:
- starting from top to bottom
- carefully open the closed flower
- Using tweezers
- transfer pollen from flower to flower using a soft real hair brush
- dab each blossom with circular movements
- Gently roll the brush back and forth between your fingers
- Covering the pollinated flower with air-permeable gauze
- to maintain the type purity for each type of extra brush
- alternatively shake the plant by the stem
- for at least three seconds
- by vibration loosening of the pollen and distribution
Too fast growth
In order to develop flowers and later fruits, the plants must be well developed. Due to unfavorable climatic conditions and care mistakes, the chili uses the available energy to form new shoots and leaves. This is then no longer sufficient for flowering and fruiting. Already existing chili blossoms fall off and fruits cannot ripen properly. A well-developed root system is always important for the development of flowers and fruits. This enables an adequate supply of water and nutrients. Growth can be positively influenced by various measures:
- Cut back dense and unnecessary shoots
- However, only cut mature and strong plants
- remove one shoot from each branch
- bears many flowers, remove some
- Use of clean and sharp tools
- alternatively break out shoots by hand
Wrong location
Even if fertilization has taken place, chilli flowers can fall off. The reasons for this can often be found in the wrong choice of location:
- too dark location
- no air movement or
- too drafty place
- high temperature fluctuations, especially at night
- Temperature below 19 degrees Celsius during and after pollination
Choosing the right location can prevent the chili blossoms from falling off. When growing in a greenhouse , for example, larger temperature fluctuations, especially at night, are counteracted. However, regular ventilation and shading in summer must take place. Of course, chili plants also do well outdoors under the right conditions. It should be noted:
- Location: bright, sunny and airy
- no draft
- Soil: deep, humus, medium-heavy
- neutral pH
- covered to protect against cool rain
- protect with protective films or film hoods on cold nights
- optimal attachment to the southern wall of the house
- Wall retains heat during the day
- gives it away at night
- Relative humidity when growing in greenhouse 75%
It should not be forgotten, however, that even if chili plants are very heat-loving, constant temperatures above 33 degrees can damage the chili flowers, they fall off. The pollen it contains becomes infertile and fertilization is no longer possible.
care mistakes
The main reasons for a flower shedding can also be errors in care. These include, among others:
- waterlogging
- longer ball dryness
- nutrient deficiency
- Over-fertilization, especially with nitrogen
Proper care is important for the development of the chilies, as well as for good fruit and flower formation. It is important to know that chilli plants are heavy consumers:
- good nutrient supply
- no fertilization during the cultivation phase
- first application of fertilizer at a height of 40 cm
- Liquid fertilizer such as tomato fertilizer once a week
- Compost and horn shavings once a month
- Incorporation into the top layer of soil
- Adjust fertilization slightly after fruit set
- then ideally once a week to 14 days administration of nettle liquid manure
- adequate watering
- top layer of soil must be dry
- never let it dry out completely
- as soon as fruit set, keep plant a little drier
- Planting distance at least 40 to 50 cm
- thus good air circulation and sufficient light
- bursting of the royal bloom
- first flower at Y-junction
frequently asked Questions
The first flower that appears can be removed, but it doesn’t have to be. The plant needs a lot of strength for the royal bloom. As a result, other blossoms and fruit buds fall off. The removal stimulates growth and leads to increased flowering. The pods are relatively large. If the king flower is retained, the plant will grow compact and stocky and the fruits will remain small.
If possible, rainwater should always be used. Tap water is not good for the plants, it has a negative effect on growth. Since rainwater is not always available, tap water must be upgraded accordingly. To do this, simply fill a cotton bag with one liter of peat in a 10 liter bucket and hang it up. After a week at the latest, the irrigation water is nice and soft.