Chrysanthemums – care, cut & hibernate

Chrysanthemums are popular garden flowers. They originally come from Asia, mainly from China. Flowers have a special meaning for the Japanese. There the chrysanthemum is the symbol of the imperial family. The throne there is called the chrysanthemum throne. Chrysanthemums are perennial flowering plants. They can reach heights of growth of 20 to 150 cm. The flower colors range from green and white, through yellow and pink to purple. There are many different cultivars available, which vary both in growth form and in flower color. There are around 5,000 different varieties. Most chrysanthemums bloom in autumn, but there are also varieties that bloom earlier.

The care of chrysanthemums

Depending on whether the flowers are grown in the house or in the garden, they have to be looked after. It’s not that complicated. Some varieties are not sufficiently hardy and must therefore be overwintered frost-free, but otherwise maintenance is easy. The care recommendations here refer to garden chrysanthemums.

Idea: If you buy blooming chrysanthemums, they bloom much earlier than they do in the bed. They are covered with opaque film in the nursery. The reason is a peculiarity in the formation of flowers. Only when the length of day and night are the same do the chrysanthemums begin to flower. This is the case around September 20th to 23rd. Then it takes another 6 to 9 weeks for flowering. So you have to simulate shorter days, either with foil or by putting a bucket over the plant.


Chrysanthemums like it light but not hot. The individual varieties sometimes have different requirements. You can’t go wrong if the plants don’t have to stand in the bright midday sun. None of them like that. Otherwise you should ask about the site conditions when buying. Often there are info stickers on the plant where you can find out such things.

  • Bright, sunny place, but no midday sun
  • If possible, temperatures should not exceed 25 ° C!
  • Chrysanthemum indicum – partially shaded or shady location
  • For very long-stemmed varieties, a slightly sheltered place is ideal.

Plant substrate

Good garden soil is usually sufficient for chrysanthemums. It is important that there is no waterlogging. Particularly when keeping them in containers, it is important to ensure that excess water can drain off easily.

  • Normal flower or garden soil is completely sufficient.
  • Compost soil, with a nice humus content, is ideal.
  • Mix in some sand if the substrate is very firm.
  • Well drained soil that can absorb enough moisture.


Chrysanthemums plant

Ideally, chrysanthemums are planted in spring, but also into early summer. So they can grow well and are prepared for the first winter. It works well in vessels if you place several specimens together in one.

  • Water the plant balls before planting!
  • Put the chrysanthemum as deep as it was in the pot!
  • Press the earth firmly all around so that the plant has a hold.
  • Possibly insert the support rod at the same time!
Note:  While it is true that the flowers of the chrysanthemums are edible, it is strongly discouraged if you have purchased plants. You have to assume that the plants have been treated with pesticides or the like. It is better to get seeds from edible chrysanthemums and sow them. The flowers and even the leaves are edible.

Watering and fertilizing

Sufficient water is necessary if the plants are to produce many flowers and then to keep them longer. Persistent drought is harmful, but so is waterlogging. Fertilizer ensures a well-developed bloom and a long shelf life. If you forget to water, the leaves of the plant quickly droop. However, they recover quickly after watering. But that shouldn’t happen too often, it weakens the plants.

  • Sufficient watering, especially in sunny locations or light soil!
  • The root ball must never dry out!
  • No waterlogging!
  • Drainage and a drainage hole for vessels are ideal.
  • Fertilizing potted plants – either with slow release fertilizer or normal flowering plant fertilizer with the irrigation water – from April to September
  • Fertilizing garden plants – water compost in spring or occasionally with pond water.
  • Organic vegetable fertilizer is also beneficial.

To cut

You don’t really have to cut chrysanthemums. It is important to regularly remove what has withered. Otherwise you only cut off the shoots about a hand high above the ground after they have withered in autumn.

A tip is to cut back the chrysanthemums by about half when they are about 50 cm high. This improves their stability. The flower formation is only slightly delayed.


Many chrysanthemums are sufficiently hardy. You can easily survive the cold season in the bed. It is enough for them if they are covered with brushwood. Non-hardy varieties, which are often cultivated in window boxes or pots, must either be very protected or overwintered in a cool room (e.g. cellar, garage). The different groups of chrysanthemums have different winter hardiness. It is best to buy the plants from a perennial nursery. There you are guaranteed to get the correct information about winter hardiness. As a rule, hybrids are not hardy.

  • When wintering outdoors, cut the plants about hand high!
  • Place the boxes in a protected place, preferably on a warm house wall!
  • Cover boxes!
  • It is beneficial to place them on styrofoam sheets.
  • Always keep the root ball slightly moist!
  • If the frost is not too long and deep, the plants will survive the winter.
  • If you want to be on the safe side, you can put the boxes in the garage or basement.
  • Temperatures around 5 ° C are ideal.


Since chrysanthemums are usually offered very cheaply, propagation is usually not worthwhile. However, it is possible and also not difficult. One uses head cuttings.

  • Cut cuttings before bud formation!
  • Cut cuttings of approx. 10 cm!
  • Put directly into potting soil!
  • Put a transparent plastic bag over it.
  • Ventilate daily to avoid mold!
  • Location bright, but no midday sun, about 20 ° C air temperature.
  • Cuttings also take root in a glass of water.
  • The water must be changed regularly!

Chrysanthemums Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests

Most of the time, chrysanthemums are quite robust. Leaf spot disease can occur every now and then. Spider mites also find the plants quite interesting.

  • Leaf spot disease – fungal disease, recognizable by light to brownish spots on the leaves. Field horsetail spraying has a strengthening and preventive effect. Dispose of infected leaves!
  • Spider mites – recognizable through fine webs on the underside of the leaf. Predatory mites or pyrethrum-based spraying can help.

Types of flowers and particularly beautiful varieties

Chrysanthemum flowers have different shapes, similar to dahlias. A distinction is made between large and small, simple, semi-double and double flowers. There are also pompon-flowered, spider-shaped and anemone-flowered varieties. Crossing always creates new varieties.

  • ‘Goldmarie’ – semi-double golden yellow flowers. Blooms from the end of August. Height of growth 60 to 80 cm, hardy
  • ‘Little Amber’ – half-double, apricot-colored to yellow-brown flowers. Flowering time October / November, height 80 cm
  • ‘Mei-Kyo’ – ponpon-like purple-pink flowers. Flowering period September to October, height 50 to 60 cm
  • ‘Fellbacher Wein’ – semi-double, bright wine-red flowers. Flowering time September / October, height 70 cm
  • ‘Nebelrose’ – silver-pink double flowers, very beautiful variety and very hardy, flowering period October / November, height of growth 80 cm
  • ‘Ordensstern’ – double golden bronze colored flowers. Particularly long flowering time from August to November, good winter hardiness, height 90 cm
  • ‘Salmon Red Cloud’ – double, muted red flowers. Particularly hardy and very robust, 80 cm tall.
  • ‘White Bouquet’ – white ponpon flower, flowering time September to October, height of growth 80 to 110 cm
  • ‘Schwabenstolz’ – double, dark red flower. Flowering time September / October. Height of growth 60 to 80 cm
  • ‘Hebe’ – delicate purple-colored, simple flowers, flowering period October to November, height of growth 70 cm, very natural looking

Chrysanthemums beautiful varieties

Chrysanthemums are ideal autumn flowers. They do well in pots as well as in beds. The beautiful flowering plants do not need a lot of care and are easy to combine. If you want to overwinter the plants outdoors, you should ensure that they are sufficiently hardy when choosing the variety. It is best to buy chrysanthemums from a proper perennial nursery. There you have a large selection and are well advised.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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