Bright yellow petals and a dark brown flower head, this is how the North American coneflower (Rudbeckia) spoils garden visitors in late summer. When is the best time to plant coneflowers? We have put together the most important information for you.
Table of Contents
site conditions
Representatives of the genus Rudbeckia prefer sunny locations. Individual varieties also feel comfortable in partially shaded areas.
Lack of rainfall and high temperatures in summer can dry out the beds severely. The coneflower doesn’t mind that much, it can survive heat and dry periods unscathed. The plants are very stable and have sturdy stems. Even after heavy downpours, they recover quickly and bloom in full bloom again. Most coneflowers are hardy and perennial. Depending on the variety, they bloom from July to October. They are a popular bee food plant and also magically attract bumblebees and butterflies. Coneflowers thrive in nutrient-rich, well-drained humus soil. They also bloom in loamy, damp locations. Waterlogging should be avoided.
Two sun hats
Echinacea and Rudbeckia Perennials of the common coneflower Rudbeckia usually flower yellow to brownish. There is a risk of confusion with the red coneflower. It is also called purple coneflower or mock coneflower. The plant belongs to the genus Echinacea. Rudbeckia and Echinacea belong to the daisy family and have several similarities, but also differences. While Echinacea is more similar to zinnias, Rudbeckia has characteristics of sunflowers. The easiest way to differentiate is to look at the center of the flower. In Rudbeckia varieties, this is soft and smooth. The center of the flower of the echinacea, which is also known as the hedgehog’s head, is prickly.
Echinacea and Rudbeckia have similar location requirements. They are planted at the same time and with good care, both perennials will blossom in the summer.
Both echinacea and rudbeckia plants have a permanent place in natural cottage gardens. Together, the two flowering plants create a luminous sea of flowers and a paradise for bees and butterflies.
By the way, weeds hardly stand a chance in coneflower beds.
Sow or plant
A large selection of coneflower seeds is commercially available. Sowing takes place from March to May in the cold frame or in seed trays. At a germination temperature of 14 to 18 degrees Celsius, the seedlings develop after 10 to 14 days. When the little plants have reached a size of 10 centimetres, they can be planted outdoors after the ice saints.
Anyone who has purchased ready-made plants or received them through plant division can plant them in the bed or in a bucket.
Instructions for bed planting
The best time to plant coneflowers for bedding is in autumn. The perennial can develop well in the still warm soil and flowers magnificently the following year. Before planting, we recommend placing the coneflower with the root ball in water for half an hour.
- loosen the bed
- Dig a planting hole
- insert plant
- fill with potting soil or compost
- attach
- water well
Tub planting instructions
The best time to plant coneflowers in pots is in spring.
- Fill the bucket bottom with coarse gravel
- Fill the potting soil up to half
- insert plant
- press surface
- water well
The small cultivars of the rough coneflower (Rudbeckia hirta) are particularly suitable for cultivation in a bucket:
Toto luck
- Growth height: 25 to 30 centimeters
- Flower: yellow, single
- Flowering period: July to September
- annual
Kind Cherry Brandy
- Growth height: 50 to 60 centimeters
- Flower: dark red
- Flowering period: June to October
- perennial
Cappuccino fate
- Growth height: 60 to 70 centimeters
- Flower: dark red inside, orange to yellow outside
- Flowering period: June to October
- perennial