How to connect two rain barrels together

Connecting rain barrels is practical and not only saves costs, but also protects the environment. This way you use less tap water and therefore less has to be clarified. But how does it work?

methods and possibilities

  • pump water
  • suction through a hose
  • Rain barrel connector
  • Connection by a fixed hose or pipe

Each method has advantages and disadvantages. They revolve around both the effort and the costs, but also open up several possibilities. They should therefore be matched and selected to suit the conditions of the garden.


If a barrel is too full, it is usually too heavy to lift and pour the water into another rain barrel. If there is no fixed connection between the rain barrels, there are two ways to divert the water. A pump can be used to direct it from one rain barrel to another.

The advantage here is that the decanting takes place very quickly and can take place in a targeted manner. With an appropriate pump, the garden can also be watered directly. The disadvantages are:

  • a comparatively high purchase price
  • no permanent connection of the rain barrels
  • repeated effort


The second option is suction via a hose. The method is simple and inexpensive, as the guide below shows:

  1. A rubber hose – for example an old garden hose – is cut to the right length. It should be long enough to reach at least halfway through the full rain barrel. In addition, it should be cleaned thoroughly.
  2. One end of the hose is held in the full water butt. The other end should be very clean as it will be used for suction. It is therefore ideal if you disinfect it beforehand.
  3. Hold the free end of the hose to your mouth and build up suction like a drinking straw.
  4. Once the water moves into the hose and has moved past the highest point of the hose bend, you must stop vacuuming immediately. Otherwise the water would get into your mouth.

Due to the suction, the water runs into the empty rain barrel until the water level in both barrels has almost equalized. The advantage of this method is that effort and costs are extremely low. A disadvantage is that rainwater can get into your mouth. On the other hand, the decanting of the water has to be started again and again by hand.

Tip: In order to optimize the running of the water, the full rain barrel should ideally be higher than the empty rain barrel.

Rain barrel connector

A rain barrel connector is a durable and secure line between the two rain barrels. A complete set is practical but also comparatively expensive. You have to reckon with costs of 150 to 200 euros. However, all parts and tools required for installation on the water butt are usually included.

Installation instructions are usually provided by the manufacturer. However, the following step-by-step explanation can also help:

  1. A hole the size of the screw connection is drilled or cut out in both barrels. Many sets already contain the tools required for this. If this is not the case, a so-called hole cutter or circle cutter with a suitable diameter must also be purchased.
  2. The connecting nuts are attached to the inside and outside of each barrel. It is important to ensure that the screws are tight so that a reliable seal is created.
  3. The connecting hose is inserted into both barrels through the nuts. Usually additional seals have to be attached.

The water butt connection is very easy to attach and is therefore also suitable for anyone who has little manual experience.

Connection by hose

A connection with a fixed rubber hose or alternatively a pipe can also be improvised. A ready-made rain connector set is not required. The improvised connection proceeds as follows:

  1. Using a hole cutter, cut a hole the diameter of the tubing in each barrel.
  2. Insert a cut tube into both holes.
  3. The transition between the cut out holes and the respective end of the hose should be closed with silicone.

Top or bottom?

If you connect two rain barrels with each other, you also have to pay attention to the height of the attachment. But where is the best place to connect it? Both a connection of the water butts in the upper area and in the lower area of ​​the water butts have their advantages and disadvantages.

If a hose, water butt connection or pipe is attached in the upper area:

  • the inlet is easy to access and clean
  • the first bin is well filled after heavy rain and removal is easy
  • the connection is comparatively safe from frost

The disadvantage, however, is that at least the first bin remains full until the correct level is reached. This makes the rain barrel more susceptible to frost damage.

If you want to connect the rain barrels to each other in the lower area, you have these advantages. Below:

  • faster overflow into all barrels
  • Even distribution of the water and thus less susceptibility to frost in the barrels
  • reduced susceptibility to damage (except Frost)

However, the disadvantages are that the water butts must be completely empty when the connection is made. In addition, the water butt connectors are more susceptible to frost damage because they are in close proximity to the ground. However, insulating the barrels can help here.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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