Laying out lawns – sowing properly – lawns in spring and autumn

If you want to create a lawn, you have to pay attention to a few things in order for the project to succeed. Although creating a lawn is not difficult, the result can still be very different.

So the right time is very important, but so is the selection of lawn seeds. There are different varieties and not all are suitable. The soil should also be well prepared in order to achieve a well-drained weed-free and nutrient-rich foundation for the monoculture lawn.

How is the soil prepared?

Before you can start sowing, the soil has to be dug, about as deep as a spatula. All foreign bodies must be removed! Then the earth is straightened. It is important that you do not sow the seeds straight away, but wait about 14 days for the soil to settle!

The best time

In principle, you can always sow, except when there is frost, it just doesn’t always make sense. Do you sow in spring, in summer, or is it better in autumn? What should the temperatures and weather be like?

  • For the lawn system, soil temperatures over 10 degrees are required. The air must be over 14 degrees! Even at night, the air temperatures should not drop below 10 degrees!
  • The young grass roots need constant temperatures.
  • However, the soil must not be too dry, which is often the case in summer.
  • So, it is better to sow in spring or autumn.
  • Autumn is ideal because this is the time when there is usually more rainfall. In addition, dew ensures uniform soil moisture.
  • Since ground frost can already be expected in autumn, you shouldn’t start too late!
  • September and the beginning of October are the best times to plant a lawn.
  • Spring is also suitable, but not too early in the year, as late frosts have to be expected.
  • This time is also often drier, so more water has to be poured, also in the following period, until the lawn has developed fully.

Fertilize the lawn for the first time

The right choice of lawn type

Not every lawn is suitable for every garden. So you have to know how much care you want to give to the green area. If you have children or a dog, the lawn has to be resistant. Places in the shade require a different lawn than places in the sun. There is a lot of choice.

A distinction is made between ornamental lawns, lawns for use, hard-wearing lawns and extensive lawns. Ornamental lawn is representative, but also requires all kinds of maintenance and is not very hard-wearing. Usable lawn is the normal garden lawn. Tough lawn is suitable for playing fields, stressed lawns. He can take a lot. Sports turf is very maintenance-intensive. Although it is often offered, it is only suitable to a limited extent for normal house gardens. Extensive lawn is landscape lawn, not so suitable for gardens. Shadow lawns for shady areas are quite uncomplicated and easy to care for. If in doubt, ask a specialist for the right variety!

Use fresh seeds as possible. It should not be older than three years, otherwise it will lose its ability to germinate. Granulated lawn seeds are quite handy for beginners. The small pellets contain the seeds in a germ-promoting binding compound. They are very easy to deploy. One can easily check whether they are evenly distributed. Buy only good quality seeds. Often there is more filling material than seeds, so look for the number of grams per 100 grams on the package!

Regular seed mixtures offer good quality. To be recognized by the imprint RSM.

How is it sown?

When you have decided on a type of lawn seed, you can start sowing. The ground should be prepared accordingly.

  • Sowing with a spreader is ideal because the correct dosage is applied.
  • Otherwise you can sow by hand. To do this, weigh out a handful of seeds and calculate how many hands are needed for one square meter.
  • The quantities per square meter can be found on the packaging.
  • It is important that the seeds are distributed evenly.
  • Then carefully work the seeds into the soil with a rake.
  • It is often recommended that the seed be trodden down. You can do that, but it is better to leave the ground open. It can absorb moisture better.
  • Lawn seeds need light to germinate, so don’t work them in too deeply!
  • Do not sow the lawn on windy days, otherwise half of it will be blown away by the wind.

the next steps

  • Do not let the sown area dry out. Water every two or three days if it doesn’t rain!
  • Also do not enter, for at least six weeks!
  • Also keep pets away!
  • Do not use a water jet when watering, it will wash away the seeds. The best thing to do is just let it rain!

Mow the lawn for the first time

  • Do not mow newly created lawns until they are 8-12 cm high. Then mow half the length! You should not cut deeper than 5 cm!
  • Never leave the clippings lying around, otherwise the fresh shoots can rot.
  • Next cut only after 14 days!
  • Now you can cut to 3.5 to 5 cm.
  • You can now cut normally and regularly.
  • Sharp knives are important when mowing. Blunt blades can tear out roots that are still weak.

Fertilize the lawn for the first time

The lawn seed pack often contains a starter fertilizer. This is practical because it gives the seed what it needs to grow straight away. Otherwise do not fertilize immediately, because the fertilizer can burn the tender plants. You wait until after the third mowing before you start fertilizing. In the beginning it is better to stay a little below the normal dosage than to fertilize too much!

Mending the lawn
Even if you care for and cherish your lawn, it can happen that you have to mend it. There are several factors that make this necessary. This repair is usually not a problem. The best time for repairs is spring, but not too early as late frosts are to be feared. There are special repair seed mixtures for mending. The grass types it contains are particularly robust and resilient.

  • Mow the lawn as short as possible!
  • Then scarify! Weeds, dry grass and moss are removed.
  • Remove everything with a rake!
  • Loosen the top layer of soil a little in the bare areas.
  • Sow the lawn!
  • Spread a thin layer of soil on the seeds! Light germs!
  • Always keep the sown area slightly damp! Caution do not rinse seeds!

Costs for the lawn

It is not difficult to sow lawn yourself. This is of course the lowest cost. But you can also have a lawn laid out, but that will be more expensive. Turf turf is also an option, albeit more expensive.

  • Lawn seeds come at very different prices. A good RSM mixture costs around 7 euros per kilogram. The amount is enough for approx. 40 square meters. (less than 20 cents per square meter).
  • Branded seeds are more expensive, but not necessarily better.
  • When buying, pay attention to how much seed it actually contains. Often times, half the pack is just filler.
  • If you have the lawn laid out, you have to reckon with costs of 5 to 15 euros per square meter.
  • Rolled turf costs from 3 euros per square meter and is often based on the purchase quantity. Then there are the water costs. Turf turf needs to be heavily watered for a few weeks.

Conclusion In
most cases you can trust yourself to create a lawn. It’s not difficult unless you have to do some major earthwork beforehand. It is important to pay attention to high-quality lawn seed mixtures. You shouldn’t save money or complain about deficiencies later. Choosing the right seed for the soil and location usually saves a lot of maintenance. The same applies to sowing the lawn: Good preparation saves rework!

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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