Weeds are a thorn in the side of many lawn owners. If there are also crawling weeds in the lawn, the annoyance is all the greater. Because creeping weeds not only spread by themselves, but are also difficult to get rid of. In order to successfully fight the plague in the lawn, it is advisable to first identify the weeds.
Table of Contents
Identify weeds that are crawling above ground
- botanischer Name: Convolvulus arvensis
- Height of growth: creeping on the ground, climber
- Soil: fresh to moderately dry, rich in nutrients, rich in bases; humus-poor loam or clay soils
- Flower: funnel-shaped, soft pink to bluish
- Flowering period: June to September
- Leaf shape: oblong with a point and two corners
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: rhizome (sprout formation, offshoots); circular movements at the tip of the shoot
- Control : dig up with a digging fork and weed puller, since the roots are very long, complete removal is almost impossible
Thread Speedwell
- botanischer Name: Veronica filiformis
- Height of growth: Creeping on the ground, stems up to 50 centimeters long
- Soil: fresh, nutritious, low in lime, humic, sandy or loamy
- Flower: supporting leaves of the flowers resemble deciduous leaves; 3 petals pale blue with darker stripes, 1 petal white to light bluish
- Flowering time: March to June
- Leaves: stalked leaves, rounded (up to 15 millimeters), opposite on flowering stems, alternate on non-flowering stems
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: Creeping sprouts lying on the lawn
- Control: complete elimination is also almost impossible here, push back the stock by regular scarifying
Note: Thread Speedwell is spring green. Since the plant already has no leaves in summer, it is often overlooked.
- botanischer Name: Glechoma hederacea
- Synonyms: real gondola vine, goundel vine, earth ivy
- Growth height: up to 30 centimeters (stem with a square cross-section)
- Soil: moist, heavy, fertile, calcareous, does not tolerate salt
- Flowers: two to five-flowered inflorescences on the axils of the leaves; hairy bracts, calyx bluish-violet in colour
- Flowering time: April to June or July
- Leaves: Evergreen, underside of leaves tinged purple, arranged in a decussate manner, rounded, roughly notched leaf margin
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: creeping shoots (stolons) on the lawn, side shoots every 8 to 15 centimetres, root formation at the nodes, main shoot with a length of up to 200 centimetres
- Control: belongs to the shallow roots, remove manually with weed cutter or by hand
Little Brownie
- botanischer Name: Prunella vulgaris
- Synonyms: common prunella, common prunella
- Height of growth: 5 to 30 centimeters (sparsely hairy stem)
- Soil: semi-dry grass, crawling and stepping grass, damp meadows
- Flower: Inflorescence up to four centimeters long immediately above the last pair of leaves; calyx with blue-purple petals (7 to 15 millimeters); Calyx lower lip with white teeth
- Flowering period: June to October
- Leaf: elliptical to ovate, entire or notched margin, arranged opposite
Leaf colour: medium green - Distribution: root-forming, above-ground runners
- Control: Mow the lawn before flowering to prevent seed spread
Creeping cinquefoil
- botanischer Name: Potentilla reptans
- Synonyms: Creeping goose, Creeping goosefoot
- Height of growth: creeping stems with a length of 30 to 100 centimeters
- Soil: rich in nitrogen
- Flowers: fivefold flowers, yellow petals, diameter: 17 to 20 millimeters, stalk towers over most of the leaves,
- Flowering period: June to August
- Leaf: stalked leaves, five-fingered (name), toothed edge
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: Stems creeping along the lawn with root formation at the nodes
- Control: Very difficult to control due to long roots, flowers and leaves can be used for consumption
Creeping buttercup
- botanischer Name: Ranunculus repens
- Growth height: 10 to 50 centimeters
- Soil: occasionally moist, stony, humus-containing or raw clay and loam soil; compacted soils
- Flowers: golden yellow, shiny, diameter: 2 to 3 centimetres, arise from the leaf axils
- Flowering period: May to August
- Leaf: threefold pinnate, irregularly toothed
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: creeping stolons with rooting at the nodes
- Combat: the long-term solution is to remove the top layer of soil and thus to sow a new lawn
Note: The creeping buttercup develops clumps of leaves on the ground.
white clover
- botanischer Name: Trifolium repens
- Synonyms: creeping clover
- Growth height: 5 to 20 centimeters
- Soil: nutrient-rich, calcareous, moist
- Flowers: Capitate inflorescences with 40 to 80 individual white flowers
- Flowering period: May to October
- Leaf: elliptical to obovate, leaf stalk up to 20 centimeters, leaf blade pinnate, leaf margin finely toothed,
- Leaf color: fresh green, often light transverse band
- Distribution: bare, creeping stem (5 to 30 centimeters), rooting at the nodes, roots up to 70 centimeters deep
- Control: cut out or scarify
Identify weeds that are crawling underground
field horsetail
- botanischer Name: Equisetum arvense
- Synonyms: horsetail, field horsetail, cat tail, ponytail, sheep hay, pan butzer, scouring herb
- Growth height: 10 to 50 centimeters (sterile foliage shoots), 5 to 20 centimeters (fertile shoots)
- Soil: indicator plant for compaction and waterlogging
- sterile foliage shoots (appear in May): below the tip, plentifully and regularly whorled; simple, ascending, deciduous branches; 6 to 20 ribs on the stem
- Fertile shoots (March to early May): appear before the sterile shoots, die after dusting, light brown with four to six sheaths, no branches, spikes one to four centimeters long
- Distribution: rhizomes up to 1.60 meters deep, underground runners
- Control: loosen the soil, avoid waterlogging and compaction
Common goutweed
- botanical name: Aegopodium podagraria
- Synonyms: goutweed
- growth height: 30 to 100 centimeters; bare stem with angular furrows
- Soil: fresh, rich in nutrients, rich in bases, loose, deep, mildly to moderately acidic, humic; clay and loam soils
- Flowers: Inflorescence in two umbels with flat rays (12 to 25), white, inconspicuous individual flowers
- Flowering period: June to July
- Leaf: ovate to elongated (reminiscent of goat’s foot), petiole, jagged edge, hairy underside, arranged alternately
- Leaf color: blue-green to medium green
- Distribution: underground, proliferating rhizome (white runners with a minimum length of 20 centimetres), root depth up to 50 centimetres
- Control: cut off light supply, cut off flowers before seed ripening, also suitable as a vegetable
Horn Wood Sorrel
- botanischer Name: Oxalis corniculata
- Synonyms: horned sorrel, horn-fruited sorrel
- Growth height: about 20 centimeters
- Soil: no special requirements
- Flowers: umbel-like inflorescence with few individual flowers; five hairy, greenish sepals; five yellow petals
- Flowering period: May to October
- Leaf: alternate, three-part fingered, reverse heart-shaped
- Leaf color: often tinged with reddish brown
- Distribution: main shoot with side shoots (10 to 40 centimeters); root formation at the nodes
- Control: prevent creeping weeds from growing by mowing regularly, fertilize with horn meal
Note: The sessile leaflets fold down at a basal joint.
creeping couch grass
- botanischer Name: Elymus repens
- Synonyms: couch grass, couch grass, couch grass
- Height of growth: 50 to 120 centimeters (culms at the nodes or at the end of the foothills)
- Soil: nutrient-rich, nitrogen-rich, but also nutrient-poor soils
- Flower: spiked inflorescences with a length of 5 to 20 centimeters
- Flowering period: June to August
- Culms: glabrous, erect or bent down, three to five nodes
- foliage leaves: flat ribbed, rough on top
- Leaf color: green
- Distribution: runner-forming rhizome (soil depth: two to eight centimetres; roots up to 80 centimetres); annual new growth between 30 and 100 centimeters
- Combat: Clear the lawn and remove rhizomes and above-ground plants by hand, then also remove deeper roots with the digging fork
crawling bugle
- botanischer Name: Ajuga reptans
- growth height: 10 to 30 centimeters; erect, square stem; red-purple below, hairy on top
- Soil: fresh, nutritious, neutral to moderately acidic, humic; clay soils
- Flowers: three to six inflorescences on lateral false whorls; Corollas usually blue, but also pink or white (rarely)
- Flowering time: April to June
- Leaves: basal rosettes, opposite on the stem, ovate, stalked, shiny surface
- Leaf color: medium green
- Distribution: stoloniferous rhizome with root formation at the nodes
- Control: the entire root must be removed, combat in good time as soon as creeping weeds are in sight