The edge of the pond is considered to be the transition from solid ground to water. There are many attractive planting options for this. The most important thing here is that the plants should look beautiful, but also serve as a fastening for the edge. But the edge of a pond is not just the same; there are different zones here, all of which place different demands on the plants that are planted. The following article shows how the planting works best.
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Structure of the pond edge
Everyone who creates a pond should be aware that the edge of the pond is a calling card. Therefore this should be harmonious and also fit into the overall picture of the garden. It does not matter whether it is a swimming pond or a simple garden pond for fish. Above all, the following different zones must be observed here, all of which place different demands on the planting:
- Randzone
- conditions similar to those in the garden bed
- Wet zone
- for plants that want to stand moist
- but not entirely in the water
- Sumpfzone
- Plants are sometimes in the dry and sometimes in the water
Function of the pond edge
In addition to its decorative appearance, the pond border also has another function. Every pond needs a capillary barrier, which is usually not very decorative. However, this prevents the plants planted by the pond from pulling the water out of the pond with their roots. But the vegetation hides the barrier, but the pond border is also attached at the same time. If you have to accommodate technology for the pond, you can also simply hide it between the plants on the bank. Another function is that of providing shade for the plants at the edge of the pond, which protect the pond liner from too much sunlight and the resulting damage.
Every pond and therefore the edge must be laid out differently. Because every garden has certain factors that must be taken into account in the planting plan for the pond border. So, special attention should be paid to the following:
- Terrain topography
- decides on pond levels
- high or low lying banks
- steep slopes on the bank
- Condition of the soil
- Substrate determines plant species
- also the soil conditions
Create a planting plan
If you want to create an exact plan for the pond and the plants, you should also create an exact drawing for this. This shows the size and location of the pond. The location is important above all for the reasons that the surrounding plants, shrubs and flowers can also be named that are already cultivated in the garden. Because the planting of the pond border should match this later. The following should also be described in the plan:
- Underground
- the different areas
- Draw in swamp and wet areas
- Draw in the outer edge
Finally, the various desired plants are noted on the plan in their intended location. The plan should be as precise as possible, then it will be easier to plant later.
Plant the edge
As a rule, the same conditions prevail on the outer edge of the bank as in the rest of the garden. Therefore, the border offers a good transition and should accommodate plants similar to the surrounding garden beds. This results in an overall harmonious picture, the pond is integrated and does not have a disturbing effect. The following plants are suitable for the outer pond border:
- Girl’s eye
- Felberich
- Chinese reed
- Pampasgras
- Meadow
- Cranesbill
- Snowball
Plant the wet zone
Not every plant is well suited for the wet zone, as it has to be able to handle a lot of water here. The following plants feel good in the wet zone:
- Three-masted flower
- Lady’s mantle
- Goldleistengras
The swamp zone is the most demanding, as there are constantly changing conditions with which the plants planted here have to cope. In the cold months it is often very humid and wet, in summer, when it is very hot and dry, this area also dries off regularly. These site conditions are not suitable for all plants, but the following can be chosen well:
- Horsetail
- Juggler flower
- Blood-Weiderich
- Blue sword lily
- Yellow marigold
- Wollgras
- Reed plants
The swamp zone is also a habitat for frogs, toads and all native birds that swim or drink here.
The right moment
For the planting of the pond border, which does not necessarily have to take place at the same time as the creation of the garden pond, the right time must above all be chosen. Spring is therefore the ideal time to plant the plants and complete the garden pond. You should wait until after the last frost so that the subsoil around the pond is no longer frozen. The following should also be considered in the schedule:
- do not plant all plants at the same time
- some plants in early spring
- others not until early summer
- usually plant before the growing season
- some plants have an early growing season
- others later in the year
Since the plants all have different properties, this can also affect the time of planting. When buying the different plants, you should therefore ask when the correct planting time is for the individual plants.
Anyone who thinks about the planting and the subsoil before setting up their garden pond or before redesigning the edge of the pond should create a planting plan for this. Because there are different zones with different demands on the plants. The height of the individual plants can also be determined in this way. This is primarily about a privacy screen that may be desired. If everything has been carefully planned beforehand, the planting can be done very quickly afterwards and then offers a decorative eye-catcher in every garden.