Cultivating new potatoes is comparatively easy and allows a first harvest very early in the year. This in turn offers various advantages. But which varieties belong to it and what are these potatoes all about – our list and definition show it.
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The term early potatoes already reveals what it is all about – potatoes that are ready to be harvested very early in the year. With the varieties in question, the early harvest not only depends on the potatoes being planted in the ground early in the year. The variety also plays a crucial role. Because some variants mature much faster than others and offer various advantages as a result and due to other properties.
The advantage of early potatoes is not only early ripening. In addition to this characteristic of definition, the varieties in question also have other advantages to offer. Below:
- the bed is free again quickly: Due to the short growth and ripening times, the bed in question can be used twice a year. This is a decisive advantage, especially in small gardens, and opens up several possibilities.
- Resistances: Potato blight and potato beetles often cannot harm the early potatoes. Because, on the one hand, the rapidly maturing cultivated forms tend to be more resistant and, on the other hand, some parasites are often not so active at the time of growth and maturity that they pose a danger.
- Fine taste: The early potatoes usually have a much finer and more aromatic taste than later potatoes. In addition, the shell can usually be eaten without any problems. Because of this and the fact that they are harvested during the asparagus season, the potatoes are wonderfully suited as jacket potatoes.
- great variety: floury or waxy, sweet, mild or tart – there are a large number of different options with early potatoes.
There are numerous different variations of new potatoes, so that the right one can be selected for every taste and every use. Our list shows 31 of the most popular and best strains:
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The German variety is:
- particularly light and mild
- goes well with spicy dishes
- offers high yields
- mostly sticky
- comparatively susceptible to weed falls
The variety is:
- pronounced tolerant
- hardly storable
- ideal taste immediately after harvest
- sticky
- intense yellow flesh
The Aktiva variety is a comparatively modern variety. Their properties include:
- particularly high yield
- ideal for smaller gardens or growing on a balcony
- mostly sticky
- pleasantly intense potato aroma
The variety is:
- a real heavy feeder
- provides a high yield with sufficient supply
- sticky
- ideal for salads, baked potatoes and casseroles
- suitable for potato wedges, fried potatoes and french fries
- reddish shell
- very light flesh
- mostly sticky
- disease resistant
- well storable
- mealy boiling
- suitable for soups and purees
- fine but aromatic in taste
- comparatively easy to store
- versatile
- waxy potato variety
- high yields
- Potatoes are yellow and relatively small
This potato variety is:
- ripe very early
- sticky
- pleasant, mild taste
- versatile preparation options
- best taste not freshly harvested, but after a short storage period
- Harvest in June or July
- Intensives, asides Aroma
- sticky
- very fine and mild in taste
- versatile
- mostly sticky
- intense yellow flesh
The characteristics of the Dutch variety are:
- low to medium yield
- red to dark red skin
- aromatic taste with a meaty note
- greasy consistency
- suitable as fried potatoes, stir-fries and as jacket or boiled potatoes
F to H
- yellow-fleshed
- mealy boiling
- mild in taste
- resistant to nematodes
- well storable
- the potatoes are ideal for gratins, as baked potatoes or fries
The Friesland potatoes are:
- aromatic in taste
- mostly sticky
- bring high yields
- are suitable as fries, fried potatoes or for casseroles
- high yields with sufficient watering
- ideal for smaller gardens and beds
- mealy boiling
- aromatic
- suitable for puree but also for stews and dumplings
- mostly sticky
- very fine, delicious aroma
- Versatile uses, for example for salads or gratins
- enormous need for nutrients and water
- very high yields
- sticky
- intense yellow flesh
- pleasantly aromatic in taste
- sticky
- fine taste
- high yield
- ideal for hobby gardeners
- mainly waxy to floury
- very light flesh
- intense taste
- ideal as jacket or boiled potatoes
K to O
- comparatively new variety
- rustic potato flavor
- good yields
- mild taste
- comparatively late harvest for new potatoes
- frugal and therefore ideal for poor soil conditions
- resistant to diseases and pests
- mealy boiling
- suitable for soups, purees and as a baked potato
- fine taste
- well storable
- mealy boiling
- versatile application possibilities
- high yield
Margitslightly sweet aroma- Versatile uses in dishes
- mostly sticky
- high yields
- comparatively old variety from Hungary
- good taste
- very high yields, therefore also suitable for small beds
- floury
- resistant to diseases and pests
- resistant to drought
- the taste is mild
- well suited for soups and preparations in the oven
The variety:
- is ripe very early in the year
- can be harvested early in June
- has a mild, pleasant aroma
- brings very high yields
- is ideal for hobby gardeners
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Pink Gipsy
The variety from Scotland:
- stands out because of its red color
- has a very fine skin
- eignet sich wunderbar als Salzkartoffel, Pellkartoffel oder Ofenkartoffel
- weist einen feinen Geschmack auf
- liefert hohe Erträge
- ist vorwiegend festkochend
- zart in der Konsistenz
- fein im Geschmack
- resistent gegen Krankheiten und Schädlinge
- robust im Anbau
- gut für Anfänger in der Pflanzenpflege geeignet
- festkochend
- ideal für Gratins, Salate aber auch Bratkartoffeln und Pellkartoffeln
Red Sonia
Diese Sorte der Frühkartoffeln:
- weist eine rot gefärbte Schale auf
- hat einen interessanten, würzigen Geschmack
- vorwiegend festkochend
- suitable as a baked potato and puree
- smooth shell with flat eyes
The Rosara variety offers:
- an interesting and decorative red bowl
- tender, light yellow flesh
- a predominantly sticky consistency
- high resistance to diseases
New potatoes of this variety:
- have a delicate taste
- are sticky
- bring high yields
- show good durability
- have a delicate skin
In addition, Sieglinde is one of the best-known and most popular new potatoes in Germany.
Die Frühkartoffel-Sorte Ukama:
- is ripe very early in the year
- produces high yields
- has a mild taste
- has a delicate, smooth skin
- has pale yellow flesh
- ideal variety for boiled potatoes and baked potatoes