Easy-care office plants: the best 13 plants in the office

Even when working in the office, it shouldn’t be too sterile. That is why plants are often set up here. But there is usually not much time left in an office to care for plants, so the office plants have to be easy-care, which improve the indoor climate and, depending on the size, can also provide a privacy screen to the other desks.

Easy-care office plants

So that the work in the office does not have to stand back because of the laborious care of the office plants, they should above all be easy to care for. Usually these are evergreen houseplants that do not bloom. These then usually only need water and fertilizers and can otherwise be left to their own devices. It is an advantage if the plants are also planted in hydroponics, as this makes care even easier. Because based on the level, it can be recognized when it is time to water again, and the green plants can also be supplied with slow-release fertilizer.

Tip: Plants grown in hydroponics are also robust against pests and are not as susceptible as those planted in soil.

Bow hemp

The Sansevieria, as the bow hemp is also called, belongs to the dragon tree family and was a popular houseplant, especially in the 1970s. Even today it can be found again in many apartments but also as an office plant, because it is very easy to care for and has the following properties:

  • sunny to partially shaded location
  • Soil slightly dry
  • pH-Wert neutral
  • tolerates lime
  • requires few nutrients
  • frostempfindlich
  • upright growth
  • thick, fleshy leaves
  • grow straight from the base
  • green / yellow striped
Tip: The slight lime tolerance is particularly good for a plant in the office. Because here you will be watering more with tap water, which you should leave for a few hours before the watering process.

Dragon tree

The Dracaena draco, the dragon tree , comes from the Canary Islands and has also become a popular indoor plant in the local latitudes and is also wonderfully suitable for an office. Because the plant is robust and easy to care for and does not need attention every day. The dragon tree also has the following properties:

  • Not in direct sunlight
  • fresh, gritty, loamy substrate
  • suitable for hydroponics
  • neutral pH
  • lime tolerant
  • little fertilizer required
  • grows expansive and upright
  • is suitable as a privacy screen between office desks


Epiprenum pinnatum, or Efeututen, are ornamental foliage and climbing plants. They are popular house plants because they are not hardy. Since the Efeutute forms shoots up to ten meters long, it is also suitable as a traffic light plant hanging from the ceiling in a corner of the office. The efeutute also has the following properties:

  • Sunny to partially shaded location
  • slightly moist, fresh soil
  • needs a lot of nutrients
  • heart-shaped, deep green leaves

Elephant foot

The elephant foot has many names. Beaucarnea recurvata is also known under the water palm, elephant tree and bottle tree. The succulent tree from Mexico got its name because of the similarity of the trunk to an elephant’s foot. It is related to the yucca and also belongs to the asparagus family. The easy-care plant is very robust and also has the following good properties that office plants should make:

  • sunny to partially shaded location
  • dry, fresh, sandy and loamy soil
  • weakly acidic pH
  • lime tolerant
  • little fertilizer
  • upright growth
  • very thick trunk
  • green, long leaves

Window leaf

For several years now, the monstera , the window leaf, has again been very popular as a houseplant. The tropical plant originally comes from the forests of South and Central America, where it grows into the crowns of the trees. Cultivated in a vessel, it grows expansively to the side. Above all, the large leaves that split when they get older make the plant so decorative, especially for an office. The window leaf also has the following properties:

  • partially shaded to shady location
  • Soil loamy to sandy, slightly moist
  • suitable for hydroponics
  • pH neutral to slightly acidic
  • kalvertraglich
  • little fertilization required
  • robust
  • large, heart-shaped, incised leaves
  • rich green
Tipp: Das Fensterblatt eignet sich auch hervorragend für einen gemischten Kübel mit anderen Pflanzen. Hier sollte jedoch genügend Platz geboten werden. So kann die Pflanze in einem langen, den Raum trennenden Kübel kultiviert werden.


Ficus lyrata ist immer noch ein Geheimtipp für Freunde von pflegeleichten Büropflanzen. Denn auch wenn die Geigenfeige zur Gruppe der Ficus gehört, ist sie noch recht unbekannt. Da die Pflanze auch im Kübel kultiviert eine stattliche Höhe erreichen kann, ist sie vor allem für hohe Büroräume oder eine Eingangshalle sehr gut geeignet, da sie hier so richtig zur Geltung kommen kann. Die Pflanze besitzt die folgenden Eigenschaften:

  • schattiger Standort
  • feuchter, frischer, sandiger Boden
  • wenig Dünger
  • aufrechter, ausladender Wuchs
  • große, grüne Blätter
  • mit auffälligen Blattadern


Die immergrüne Pflanze gehört zur Familie der Betelpalmengewächse und ist auch unter den lateinischen Namen Dypsis lutescens oder Areca lutescens bekannt. Die Goldfruchtpalme stammt ursprünglich aus Madagaskar, ist aber bereits seit Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts in den hiesigen Breitengraden bekannt und als Zimmerpflanze beliebt. So besitzt die Areca-Palme vor allem die folgenden Eigenschaften:

  • halbschattiger Standort
  • Bodenbeschaffenheit lehmig bis sandig
  • frisch und leicht feucht
  • hoher Nährstoffbedarf
  • pH-neutrales Substrat
  • toleriert Kalk
  • aufrecht und überhängend wachsend
  • gefederte, große grüne Blätter
Tipp: Da die Goldfruchtpalme, so wie auch die anderen hier vorgestellten Zimmerpflanzen eine luftreinigende Eigenschaft besitzt, können diese das Raumklima in Ihrem Office sehr verbessern. Denn gerade in großen Büros, in denen viele Angestellte arbeiten, ist dies ein wichtiger Punkt, der bei der Wahl der Büropflanzen ebenfalls Berücksichtigung finden sollte.

Kentia Palme

Die aus Australien stammende Howea forsteriana gehört zu den Palmengewächsen und ist daher sehr frostempfindlich. Aus dem Grund hat sich die pflegeleichte Kentia Palme auch zu einer beliebten Zimmerpflanze in den hiesigen Breitengraden entwickelt und ist auch für ein Office die perfekte Dekoration. Sie besitzt die folgenden Eigenschaften:

  • schattiger bis halbschattiger Standort
  • sandiger bis lehmiger Boden
  • trocken bis feuchtes Substrat
  • verträgt leicht sauren Boden
  • kalktolerant
  • benötigt viel Dünger
  • Blätter als Wedel gefiedert
  • wächst aufrecht und überhängend
Hinweis: Die hier genannten Grünpflanzen für Ihr Office sind alle auch aus dem Grund so gut als Büropflanzen geeignet, da sie sich einen Standort im Halbschatten bis Schatten wünschen. So sind sie an jedem Platz, zum Beispiel in einer Ecke oder der Mitte eines Großraumbüros gut aufgehoben.


Der Kolbenfaden stammt ursprünglich aus Indonesien und den Philippinen. Da es sich bei Aglaonema commutatum um eine recht kleine Topfpflanze handelt, kann der Kolbenfaden auf einem Bürotisch oder einer Fensterbank ohne die direkte Sonneneinstrahlung einen dekorativen Platz finden. So besitzt die Pflanze noch die folgenden Eigenschaften:

  • sandiger, feuchter Boden erwünscht
  • kalkempfindlich
  • benötigt viel Dünger
  • Wuchs aufrecht und sehr buschig
  • lanceolate, long leaves
  • white-silvery grain in rich green

Paradiesvogelblume / Papageienblume

The Strelitzia reginae comes from the Strelitzia family and is also known as a cut flower for the vase. As an office plant, the bird of paradise flower can decorate the room, because in addition to its blossom, the plant also develops graceful leaves. It also has the following properties:

  • sunny location
  • Loamy to sandy soil
  • slightly moist and fresh
  • needs a lot of fertilizer
  • Flowering period from December to August
  • a single multicolored flower
  • red, orange, green and blue
  • Shape is reminiscent of a parrot’s head
  • large, oval, blue-green leaves
  • grows upright and clusters


The plant is better known by its Latin name than by the German name Baumfreund. The easy-care houseplant is originally native to the tropical rainforests, but local homes have long been indispensable. The philodendron has the following properties that make it the perfect office plant:

  • sunny to partially shaded location
  • well drained, slightly moist substrate
  • works well for hydroponics
  • forms aerial roots
  • can be up to three meters high
  • Climbing plant
  • glossy, green, large leaves
  • Petioles and stem purple-red

Stick palm

The Rhapis excelsea is originally native to Southeast Asia and can reach a height of up to five meters here. However, it remains smaller when cultivated in the tub. It is therefore also ideal as a decorative corner filler in an office. It has the following properties:

  • partially shaded to shady location
  • moist, fresh, well drained substrate
  • easily tolerated by lime
  • the picture Rhizome
  • from this several tribes
  • reminiscent of palm group
  • long, green leaves
  • grow from the top of the trunk
  • remind of an umbrella


The classic indoor plant is the yucca palm , which is actually called the palm lily. The yucca is not a palm but belongs to the asparagus family, Asparagaceae. However, since its leaf tuft has a resemblance to palm trees, the plant was given the addition of palm in its name. The yucca genus includes 40 different varieties, but in this country the yucca palm mainly refers to the easy-care giant palm, Yucca elephantitis. This plant possesses the following characteristics:

  • Location likes sunny
  • Dry and fresh soil
  • weakly acidic substrate is accepted
  • easily tolerated by lime
  • little need for nutrients
  • robust
  • bizarre, upright stature
  • sword-shaped, green leaves
  • start at the trunk

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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