8 fast-growing plants that are suitable as privacy screens

In order to protect yourself from prying eyes from passers-by and neighbors, a natural privacy screen made of plants, which have fast-growing properties, is a good idea. If these are already bought as grown specimens, then a respectable starting height is given. In this way, it does not take long before a sufficient privacy screen is created. The right conditions for care and location must be observed to promote growth.

1. Boxwood

The boxwood has the botanical name Buxus sempervirens and is a fast-growing plant that is well suited for privacy in the garden. The growth is extremely dense up to the middle, so that the property is adequately protected from prying eyes. Due to its unusual shape, the evergreen boxwood fits perfectly in a farm or country house garden. In addition, the plant can be cut into the desired shape thanks to its pruning-friendly properties. However, appropriate measures must always be taken when pruning to protect yourself from the poisonous attributes of the tree. If a hedge with box trees is planned, then many plants per square meter should be used. In this way, a tall and narrow growth form can be cultivated in a timely manner.

  • Belongs to the relatively undemanding plants
  • Annual growth is about 20-30 cm
  • Reaches heights of growth of up to several meters with good care
  • Needs good soil quality to grow quickly
  • Slightly alkaline pH values ​​in the soil are ideal
  • Prefers full sun to partially shaded site conditions
  • Even tolerates radical pruning extremely well
  • All parts of the plant are slightly poisonous

2. Chinese reed

The Chinese reed bears the scientific name Miscanthus sinensis and belongs to the grass family. This persistent and extremely fast-growing plant species comes from East Asia and is also known as elephant grass. Thanks to the filigree and sprawling culms, the reed leaves a particularly decorative impression. The giant Chinese reed is particularly suitable as an opaque privacy screen, the lower varieties are only 40-60 cm high.

  • Exotic looking plant, grows in long stems
  • Can grow up to 100 cm per year
  • However, it only grows to a height of around 160 cm
  • With its bushy growth form, it quickly creates privacy
  • Prefers sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Depends on an adequate water supply
  • Blooms from August to September
  • Culms take on bronze hues in fall
Tip: The plant is quite tolerant of soil quality, but does not tolerate long periods of drought. In addition, the Chinese reed is not hardy due to its origin.

3. Eibe

The evergreen yew is called Taxus baccata in botany and belongs to the conifer family. Since the tree has fast-growing properties, it can be used to grow a privacy screen for the garden in just a few years. The better the site conditions are, the faster the yew will grow. The plant’s needles are amazingly flexible, with a spiral arrangement. However, an extremely toxic alkaloid is contained within the needles and bright red checkerberries, which adversely affects heart function. Therefore, the yew does not fit into a garden used by a family. Children and pets should not play in the vicinity unsupervised.

  • Relatively undemanding and easy-care plant
  • A semi-shady to shady position is ideal
  • Sunny conditions are also well tolerated
  • Grows about 20-40 cm per year
  • Belongs to the resistant and frost hardy plants
  • Calcareous soil qualities are ideal
  • Extremely compatible with cuts, can be cut to shape quickly and easily
  • Very toxic, so care should be taken when touching and pruning

4. Firethorn

Firethorn has the scientific name Pyracantha and belongs to the rose family The fast-growing plant is well suited for creating a hedge. Due to the great joy of growth, the plant needs locations with a sufficiently large amount of space. Over the years, a firethorn hedge forms a dense privacy screen that is almost impenetrable. In this way, many animals find a safe habitat thanks to firethorn, in combination with a year-round food source. The attractive plant produces white flowers in May, followed by bright orange-red berries in autumn. Children and pets should not play near it without adult supervision as the tempting fruit has poisonous properties.

  • Growth is between 20-40 cm per year
  • Growth progress depends on good care
  • Can reach a maximum growth height of up to 6 m
  • Loose and not too wet soil qualities are ideal
  • Prefers sunny to semi-shady locations
  • Forms thorny branches that sting on contact
  • Poisonous plant parts, be careful when pruning

5. Hornbeam

The fast-growing hornbeam has the botanical name Carpinus betulus and belongs to the birch family. The deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn, which turn light to bright yellow at this time of year. The plant is easy to cut into a specific shape and can also be cultivated as a hedge plant for privacy protection. An annual pruning is important so that the growth of the hornbeam remains compact and it can thrive healthily. In this way, the plant sprout again magnificently in spring.

  • Sunny to shady site conditions are ideal
  • Can reach heights of 10-20 m
  • Annual growth is 30-35 cm
  • Prefers nutrient-rich and fresh soil
  • Does not tolerate prolonged drought
  • Pruning-tolerant and hardy wood
  • Shaping pruning in late summer or early fall is important
  • Trunk often shows unusual twisted growth with increasing age
Tip: If the conditions are right, the hornbeam will grow into a medium-sized tree. The final growth height, however, depends heavily on the soil quality and the location.

6. Liguster

The privet has the botanical name Ligustrum and belongs to the olive tree family. This fast-growing plant is very decorative and produces bright white flowers at the beginning of summer. This is followed in autumn by the blue-green berries, which are a welcome source of food for animals. However, these berries are poisonous to humans, so children and pets should not have direct contact with the tree. However, if the plant is cut back often, it will not produce berries. Due to the relatively dense growth habit, the evergreen privet is well suited for creating an opaque hedge. The wood can also be cut into the desired shape, for example into a round ball.

  • Quite undemanding and easy-care plant
  • Prefers sunny to partially shaded locations
  • Growth can be between 40-50 cm per year
  • Can reach heights of growth of up to 4 m
  • Robust and adaptable to a wide range of conditions
  • Doesn’t make too many demands on soil quality
  • Also tolerates prolonged drought very well
  • Pruning-tolerant, but only conditionally hardy plant

7. Thuja

The thuja belongs to the cypress family and thus to the conifer family. This fast-growing plant is popularly known as the tree of life. The plant forms a soft needlework, which shines in different shades of green and also exudes a spicy scent. In contrast, the fruits are rather inconspicuous and are not particularly noticeable. Thuja is one of the evergreen plants and grows particularly quickly and densely. In this way, an opaque privacy screen is created in the garden within a short period of time. Because the wood, cones and twig tips are very toxic, care should be taken when contacting them. If the soil pH is too acidic, the needles will turn an unsightly brown.In addition, Thuja tends to diseases with fungi if it is not cared for properly and the locations are not suitable.

  • Belongs to the extremely frost hardy and wind resistant plants
  • Annual growth is about 30-50 cm
  • Depending on the variety, it can grow up to 6 m high
  • Relatively narrow habit, with a vertical orientation
  • Nutrient-rich soils with sandy and loamy properties are ideal
  • Prefers sunny to semi-shady site conditions
  • Vigorous pruning prevents fungal infestation
  • Take protective measures when pruning to prevent poisoning

8. False cypress

The cypress bears the scientific name Chamaecyparis and belongs to the cypress family. The evergreen shrub is easy to plant as a hedge and provides sufficient privacy for the garden in just a few years. The coloring of the leaves varies depending on the variety, they are either medium to dark green or blue-green. The plant forms quite inconspicuous flowers, but the growth is very dense. Although the false cypress prefers very bright locations, the plant also adapts to partially shaded site conditions. However, these may only last for a few hours during the day. If the fast-growing wood is planted as a solitary plant, it can reach immense growth heights of up to 20 m.

  • Growth is about 20-30 cm per year
  • Prefers sunny and wind-protected locations
  • Humus and slightly moist soil is ideal
  • Fertilize and water regularly at the beginning
  • As plants age, they take care of themselves
  • It is essential to avoid long-lasting waterlogging
  • All parts of the plant have toxic properties
  • Always think about protective measures when cutting back

If you want adequate privacy protection in the garden in a relatively short period of time, you are well advised to use fast-growing plants. These can already be purchased in a stately size in specialist shops, so that the garden area covered is promptly shielded from the outside world. A dense growth habit and robust properties are important when making your selection.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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