Ficus Benjamini is a sensitive plant. Without warning, it drops its green leaves. Daily and plentiful, until not a single one is hanging on its branches. Of course, he has a compelling reason for his actions. Either the location or the care doesn’t appeal to him. Occasionally, animal residents rob it of its beautiful leaf dress. Eliminating the cause is the solution.

light mangle

Every green leaf needs some light to live. A Benjamin plant, however, is immediately blessed with many leaves. It needs a lot of light so that no sheet is neglected. If there is not enough of this elixir of life, a few leaves have to say goodbye. The holey leaf dress doesn’t look good on Benjamini.

  • bright location is a must
  • especially varieties with variegated leaves need more light
  • close to the south window is optimal
  • avoid direct sun
  • in winter the daylight is modest
  • Set up the plant lamp
Tip:  The Benjamini can also spend the summer outdoors, e.g. B. on the balcony. There he is pampered and strengthened by the light. However, direct sun should also be avoided here, as well as rain and wind.


Not only we humans cannot tolerate drafts. This mulberry plant is also sensitive to fine air currents.

  • Benjamini must not stand in the draft
  • Avoid proximity to frequently opened windows and doors
  • Fans and radiators are also draft triggers
  • Drafts are particularly fatal in winter
  • then it is accompanied by temperature fluctuations

For the Benjamini, the air quality also has to be right. So it has no place in a smoking room.


The Ficus Benjamin originally comes from tropical warm areas. In this country, the winter cold can be a problem for him, even if the rooms are well tempered. The cold makes its way over the floor and the leaves have to say goodbye.

  • the ideal room temperature is 18 to 25 degrees Celsius
  • some soils are a source of cold for the roots
  • eg if the pot is on a stone floor
  • Place a styrofoam or cork mat underneath
  • that insulates and the pot stays warm
  • if necessary look for a more suitable location

Change of location

The weeping fig is a habit plant that grows fond of its location over time. She does not voluntarily move from familiar surroundings. On the contrary, it triggers stress reactions in her: she loses part of her leaves. It is even so “stuck” that turning it around when repotting is too much for it.

  • Change location only if necessary
  • Wait to get used to it
  • do not slide back and forth too often
  • Avoid turning when repotting

You can also recognize leaf shedding due to stress by the excretion of a milky liquid. This white sap can cause allergic reactions on contact with the skin. On the other hand, the juice can leave unpleasant stains on furniture and floor coverings.

Tip:  When you move to a new location, make sure that the Benjamini is not near the walkways. He can also react to constant contact while walking by by shedding leaves.

Dry room air

We rarely encounter high humidity. On the other hand, decidedly dry air is more likely. Especially in winter, the dry heating air causes problems for the weeping fig. As a tropical child, she prefers to stretch out her green foliage in a damp environment.

  • Spray leaves with water twice a week
  • Fill the coaster with water
  • it evaporates and increases the humidity in the immediate vicinity
  • expanded clay must be in the coaster as a spacer
  • otherwise the roots suffer from waterlogging and rot
  • the bathroom offers her the best indoor climate

Thirst for water

The thirst of the weeping fig follows the temperature. The higher the temperature climbs, the greater their need for water. If this desire is not adequately met, some of the leaves have to leave the branches. The growth also determines the amount of water required. A Benjamini who has grown bigger has to drink more, even if his pot dwelling has remained unchanged.

  • pour as needed
  • Use the watering can more often in summer
  • dried out root ball requires immediate action
  • Immerse the entire pot under water for about 15 minutes
  • then pay attention to regular watering


Too much water is also not desirable. Everything that the weeping fig cannot absorb after watering has to leave the pot or saucer.

  • prolonged wetness is soon followed by leaf loss
  • only use pots with drainage holes
  • Repot Benjamini if ​​necessary
  • A drainage layer made of expanded clay makes sense
  • Empty excess water promptly
  • Let the top layer of soil dry out
  • only then pour again


Plant pests are usually tiny and well camouflaged that they are often overlooked for a long time. If scale insects, spider mites or tripods attack the Benjamini undisturbed, its vitality is weakened. The supply of the green leaves stops, they turn yellow and gradually fall out.

  • Check Benjamini regularly
  • Targeted searches make it easier to find the pests
  • Leaf undersides are popular hiding spots
  • Spider mites lay tracks out of fine webs
  • Leaves are sticky from the lice’s honeydew
  • Plant must be isolated from other plants
  • Showering the plant washes away pests
  • use a biological agent to combat it

The Ficus Benjamini is unfortunately very sensitive. The location has to be right, as has the maintenance. He does not tolerate any deviations, he prefers to throw his leaves at our feet. The good news is: if you recognize your wishes and fulfill them, you can quickly stop the loss of pages or avoid them from the outset.

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