Bald patches in the lawn: identify and eliminate the causes

A warm summer or high pressure loads mean hardships for the green lawn in the garden. Bald spots appear in the lawn and create an unsightly appearance. Various methods allow the causes to be eliminated.

The reasons


Plant age is a common cause of developing dry patches or missing grass tufts. Grass ages and over the years some plants die. The cold winter is the enemy of older grass plants. In the spring, brown areas or bare areas appear.

Wrong care

The grass requires regular maintenance. If the individual plants do not get enough water or nutrients, they are quickly weakened. This has an inhibiting effect on growth and also makes the plants more susceptible to damage. Frost, drought and the like can destroy the green plants.

garden furniture

Garden furniture leaves strong dents on the green lawn. If they are always in the same place, garden tables, chairs, flower pots and the like can cause irreversible damage.

warm sun

Many home and garden owners are familiar with the problem. A hot summer leaves its mark in the garden. The lawns burn up leaving brown and bare patches . The grass doesn’t like temperature extremes. Neither the hot sun nor the frosty winter are beneficial for the garden plants.

Gradually overseed the lawn

When brown and bare patches appear in the garden, there is only one thing that can help: After you have identified them, you must take care of the reseeding and permanently eliminate the causes.

The best time

The best time for reseeding is early autumn. In September, the residual heat of summer is in the ground. In addition, the temperatures are mild and pleasant. As a result, the lawn seeds can develop optimally. For you, this means less maintenance.

The preparation

Soil preparation is required for overseeding. First you should mow the lawn and remove the dead remains of the plants. Then the floor needs to be roughened. This works in several ways:

  • Rake up with the rake
  • Scarify the affected areas

If the soil is sandy, you can add clay flour to optimize the supply of nutrients. If the soil is loamy, adding sand is a good way to create better drainage.

sow the lawn

For optimal reseeding, you should first identify which areas in the garden are affected. To fix the unsightly appearance, you can then distribute the lawn seeds. It is preferable to use the same mixture as when sowing for the first time.

Tip: keep some seeds when sowing for the first time. You can use these for overseeding and get an attractive look.

In small areas, sowing by hand is possible. Spreaders are advantageous for large areas. The next step is to carefully tread down the seeds. This works perfectly with a lawn roller. Stepping with the shoes is also possible. The subsequent watering of the affected area supports the growth of the seeds. Until the lawn seed begins to germinate, you should water the spots regularly and not step on them.

Prevention Tips

If you don’t want to identify any damage and then fix it, you can at best avoid the emergence of bare areas in the garden. The following tips will help prevent such lawn damage.

Aeration: Regular aeration of the lawn prolongs its life and strengthens individual plants. When the grass plants are weak, weeds and moss take over . These choke the lawn and bare patches spread throughout the garden. Regular ventilation can prevent this problem. This works effectively with scarifying.

Mowing: Mowing the lawn regularly serves different purposes. On the one hand, a new cut enhances the look. In addition, mowing strengthens the grass plants. These grow denser and successfully defend themselves against weeds and the like. Mowing in the blazing sun should be avoided. The plants can burn.

Avoid pressure points: Garden furniture and flower pots often create pressure points that negatively affect the grass plants. A regular change of location is accompanied by an even distribution of pressure.

Fertilizer: The stronger the grass plants, the less chance there is of bare lawns. The optimal care of the plants prevents all damage. Grass plants need enough water and regular fertilization. With a special lawn fertilizer you strengthen the plants effectively. It is recommended to analyze the soil beforehand so that experts in specialist shops can adjust the fertilizer to individual needs.

frequently asked Questions

Immediately after overseeding, you should cover the seeds. Otherwise, birds will eat the small grains. With good fertilization, the lawn grows quickly and magnificently.

After reseeding, the lawn needs rest. You should only mow the area again if the stalks are eight to ten centimeters long.

A special lawn fertilizer is basically suitable for every lawn. However, there are special features of the floor that you can take into account when making your choice.

Alternating spreading is recommended when reseeding. Scatter the seeds at an angle of 90 degrees, once wide and once lengthways. This creates a particularly dense lawn.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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