The forget-me-not (Myosotis) belongs to the predatory or borage family and is a perennial and undemanding spring bloomer. This plant is now also available with bright white and pink, mostly five-petalled flowers. These can grow in the form of grapes or clusters. Mixed-colored varieties are sometimes also offered in stores.
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Growth of the plant
This original forest plant reaches heights of growth between 10 and 30 cm. It grows bushy and enchants with its fragrant, colorful cushions of flowers. The rough, slightly hairy foliage stays on the plant all winter and retains its green color. Depending on the species, the leaves appear either during or after flowering and develop into dense foliage.
There are annual, biennial and perennial types of this plant. The forest forget-me-nots and the swamp forget-me-nots can be found in home gardens, the latter being a particularly moisture-loving plant and therefore very suitable for planting on the banks of a pond. In the trade, mainly seeds from the forest forget-me-nots are offered. With the beginning of spring, pre-grown plants are also offered that can be planted out in the garden immediately.
They can be used as underplanting, combined with other spring flowers such as bulb flowers, but can also be used to embellish tubs and window boxes. Compared to many other plants, the Caucasus forget-me-not, for example, still has the advantage that it repels snails and can thus also protect other plants from being eaten by snails.
The forget-me-nots can be sown in trays from May or directly outdoors from June to August. These plants then bloom the following spring. The seeds are placed in the sowing soil and only lightly pressed. Since this plant is a light germinator, the seeds must not be covered with soil. As a result, the corresponding seed pots are then placed in a shady or darker place in order to create optimal conditions for germination.
At temperatures of around 18 degrees, the seeds germinate within two to three weeks. The substrate should not dry out until germination. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the humidity is not too high. It shouldn’t be more than 70 percent. Otherwise it could lead to a fungal attack.
The seedlings are then separated at intervals of about 10 cm and later transplanted outside to their final place. Plants that were sown directly in the open ground up to mid-July can be isolated on the spot from the end of August. Sowing in the balcony box is also possible. Then, however, the seedlings should be moved as quickly as possible.
Sowing in the greenhouse
If the plants are to be grown in the greenhouse, particular attention should be paid to constant and good ventilation. In addition, there should be a thermometer in the greenhouse in order to be able to control the temperature, since the forget-me-not is sensitive to excessive temperature fluctuations.
If the plants have been grown in the pot and the seedlings are large enough, for example in late summer or at the beginning of autumn, they can be planted out in the garden. You should keep a planting distance of about 20 cm between the individual plants.
Plants sown directly in the garden are often too dense and should be pricked out or isolated so that each individual plant has enough space to grow. As already mentioned, attention should be paid to the humidity. If this rises above 70 percent, this would encourage the growth of both the fungi and the leaf mass too much. Protection against frost is particularly recommended for such young plants.
Location requirements
The forget-me-not thrives very well in different locations. These can be partially shaded or shaded and, depending on the variety, also light. The plant prefers well-drained, humus-rich, slightly acidic and moist soils, with moisture being particularly important. The largest specimens of this perennial can also be found in the bank areas of ponds, streams or lakes. If necessary, the soil can be improved accordingly by adding compost or adding peat.
For a rich flowering in the following year, perennial species should be cut back every year after flowering, at the end of autumn or at the beginning of winter. This also prevents unwanted self-sowing by the plant. However, if you want a gathering, you should move the pruning to early spring. Then the plant is cut close to the ground. With a self-sowing one should consider that the offspring of such plants do not always show a satisfactory growth.
Watering and fertilizing
- The forget-me-not should be watered regularly.
- Ensure adequate watering, especially on particularly hot days in summer!
- Regular watering is also essential when cultivating in buckets or balcony boxes.
- The roots of the forget-me-not are very sensitive to salt; another reason for regular watering
- However, waterlogging should always be avoided.
- Always allow the top soil layer to dry well before every watering!
- Basically you should water this plant from below.
- The forget-me-not should not be fertilized.
- Otherwise there is a risk of various fungal diseases.
Propagation is relatively easy as the forget-me-not, once planted, usually seeds itself. Of course, this requires optimal site conditions.
Perennial specimens can also be propagated by division, via basal cuttings and sometimes also via root cuttings, such as the Caucasus forget-me-nots (Brunnera macrophylla).
Propagation by division
In division, the plant in question is carefully dug up after flowering, divided and then replanted separately. It is important that every new plant has sufficient roots.
Propagation through cuttings
When propagating through cuttings, so-called basic cuttings are used. These are cuttings that are taken from shoots that have formed just above the ground. These are then cut off close to the ground and rooted in a glass of water or in the ground. Once roots have formed, you can plant.
Propagation via root
cuttings Root cuttings for the propagation of forget-me-nots can be obtained in early spring or autumn. To do this, the plant is dug up and the rootstock is exposed first.
Then pieces about 3 cm long are cut off from the young, strong and healthy roots. Then the individual pieces of root are cut diagonally at the lower end and straight at the upper end, this is important so as not to confuse the top and bottom later.
Now put charcoal powder on both interfaces and let them dry. Then stick the root cuttings with the sloping end down in a substrate made of peat and sand and cover with soil about the thickness of a finger. Then pour the whole thing and cover with foil. If the first roots show up, it can be replanted. When the plants are strong enough, they can be planted out in the garden.
- Forget-me-nots are usually hardy.
- Usually survives particularly cold winters without any problems.
- We recommend sowing as early as possible.
- This hardens the plants for the winter and makes them more resilient.
- Despite everything, adequate winter protection is recommended.
- Covers made of brushwood or straw can protect against severe frosts.
- A thicker layer of leaves or mulch will also provide adequate protection.
Flowering times of the most common species
During the flowering period of these plants, almost the entire foliage is covered by the countless small and fragrant flowers. In order to stimulate the formation of new buds and, if necessary, to extend the flowering period, you should regularly cut off faded and withered parts of the plant.
However, this only makes sense if self-sowing is not desired. When planting several varieties, this guarantees a relatively long flowering period. The flowering time varies from variety to variety. Some open their fragrant flowers as early as April, while others only unfold their full splendor in early summer.
The forest forget-me-nots, a perennial herbaceous plant, are particularly common in the gardens. Outwardly, it is similar to the Acker forget-me-not, but is a bit smaller. It blooms from April to June in shades of blue, pink and white, depending on the variety. The perennial swamp forget-me-nots are also more common. It blooms light blue from June to August.
The field forget-me-not can be one or two years old. Its flowers are much smaller than those of the forest forget-me-not, while the fruit stalks are longer. It blooms from April to September and in exceptional cases can reach heights of growth of more than 30 cm. The 25 to 40 cm high, spotted or large-leaved Caucasus forget-me-not, is perennial and blooms in bright blue from April to May.
Diseases and pests
Even if the forget-me-not is very robust, it can lead to an infestation with pests but also fungal diseases, mostly due to incorrect care. These include aphids and spider mites, as well as powdery mildew and gray mold. Powdery mildew infestation is the most common. Gray mold and pests are much less common.
Aphids mainly attack young shoots and flower buds. The affected parts of the plant curl up, which affects growth and ultimately leads to yellowing and death of the plant.
Various biological and synthetic agents are commercially available for combating aphids.
Spider mites
Infestation with spider mites is relatively rare. They are mainly found on shoots, flowers and on the underside of the leaves. Affected plants are also pale in color.
Appropriate pesticides from specialist dealers can be used to control it. However, since the spider mite is very stubborn, combating this plant is usually not worthwhile. Then it is advisable to remove them.
Powdery mildew Powdery mildew appears
as a white coating on the leaves that spreads relatively quickly over the entire plant. The cause is usually too high humidity. Affected plants should be removed and disposed of as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading.
Gray mold
case of an infestation with gray mold forms on weakened or dying plant parts such as leaves, flowers or stems, a covering of dense, gray mold, which is partly dusty. This is the harmful fungus Botrytis cinera. Here, too, the cause of an infestation is mostly too high humidity in connection with low temperatures. The forget-me-not is only susceptible to this as long as it is growing.
First of all, all affected parts of the plant must be removed and disposed of with household waste. Then a treatment with effective fungicides especially against gray mold is recommended.
The forget-me-not is a very robust and undemanding plant, despite everything there are a few things to consider. For example, neither too much nor too little should be poured and attention should also be paid to the correct location. All of this not only ensures good, healthy growth and abundant flowering, it can also protect against pests and fungal attack. Should a fungal infestation occur, affected plants or parts of plants should always be disposed of with household waste and in no case on the compost, in order to avoid transmission to other plants.