You either like cilantro or you don’t. It is valued for its strong aroma, especially in Asian cuisine. But you should think carefully about which herbs you plant as neighbors for the coriander.
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This is what makes coriander stand out
The garden coriander belongs to the umbelliferae family. It is used both as a spice and as a medicinal plant. The smell of the dizzy corn, as the plant is also known, is rather unpleasant when it is fresh. In addition, it is characterized by the following additional properties:
- Mediterranean plant grows as an annual and herbaceous
- reaches growth heights between 30 and 90 cm
- flowers and bears fruit in the year of sowing
- Flowering time between June and July
- needs sufficient distance to neighboring plants
- about five to twenty centimeters recommended
- prefers sunny, nutrient-rich and not too dry soil
Good neighbors in the herb bed from A to I
Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
- known for its particularly intense taste
- annual herb, not very robust, demanding
- grows 10-60 cm high
- complete plant strongly aromatic
- white umbels of flowers from July
- Seeds (anise grains) slightly curved, about five millimeters in size, covered with fine down
- consistently mild to warm locations
- very permeable, humic soils
- never more than three years at the same location
- Season for anise from May to September
Dill (Anethum graveolens)
- popular name ‘cucumber herb’
- belongs, like coriander, to the umbelliferae
- grows as an annual and herbaceous
- Growth heights between 30 and 75 cm
- erect stems branched at the top
- loose, well-structured and humus-rich soil
- likes it moderately dry to moderately moist
- self-replicating under good conditions
- exudes a fresh aromatic scent
- Harvest time June to September/October
However Kerbel (Anthriscus cerefolium
- often confused with coriander
- distinguishable by smell
- grows as an annual and herbaceous
- Growth heights of 20-70 cm
- all parts of the plant exude aniseed smell
- warm, bright to partially shaded place
- Soil loose, humic and slightly moist
- blooms from May to August
- Harvest six to eight weeks after sowing until flowering
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
- Ginger and coriander are good neighbors in the herb bed
- Versatile, perennial and herbaceous spice plant
- Height of growth 50 to over 150 cm
- Cultivation mainly in pots
- in warm, bright, shady locations
- in nutrient-rich potting soil
- the branched rhizome that is yellow on the inside is used
- Odor extremely aromatic
- Taste burning hot and spicy
Good neighbors in the herb bed from K to I
Kamille (Matricaria chamomilla)
- the queen of medicinal plants
- annual herbaceous plant
- Growth heights between 15 and 50 cm
- warm, bright, like full sun locations
- exudes its characteristic chamomile aroma on sunny days
- sandy to loamy, slightly moist, humic and nutrient-rich soil
- chamomile blossoms are harvested
- three to five days after flowers have fully opened
Lovage (Levisticum officinale)
- Lovage , better known as maggi herb
- The smell and taste are strongly reminiscent of Maggi seasoning
- reaches heights of 100 to 200 cm
- 100 cm minimum distance to other plants due to size
- otherwise inhibit each other’s growth
- Location bright and warm
- Subsoil deep, permeable and calcareous
- Harvest in spring before flowering
Mint (Mentha)
- good neighbor for coriander in the herb bed
- counts 20-30 different species
- grows persistent, herbaceous and suckers
- Depending on the variety, up to 100 cm high
- loves sunny to partially shaded locations
- humus-rich and nutrient-rich soil
- smells refreshing and has a healing effect
- Harvest all summer into November
- Harvest fresh leaves regularly
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
- biennial plant from the umbelliferae family
- grows upright and dense with growth heights of up to 60 cm
- upright stems and inflorescences only in the second year
- Flowering time June to July
- loves sunny to partially shaded locations
- fresh to moist, deep, well-drained and humus-rich soils, likes lime
- Harvest from late spring
- can be harvested all year round with correct crop rotation
- only grow every four to five years in the same location
Good neighbors in the herb bed from R to Z
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
- Mediterranean, perennial, evergreen and woody perennial
- Grows dense and bushy
- Shoot tips herbaceous and soft
- Growth height maximum 150-200 cm
- characteristic scent of camphor, resin and pine when the leaves are crushed
- warm, full sun and sheltered locations
- extremely heat tolerant plant
- Soil permeable and rocky
- Leaves and flowers edible
Sage (Salvia)
- Mediterranean herb with good seasoning and medicinal properties
- Annual, biennial or perennial depending on the variety
- usually very long flowering period
- depending on the variety from May to September
- loves warm and sunny locations
- permeable, nutrient-rich, not too nitrogen-rich substrates
- camphoraceous odor when the leaves are crushed
Thymian (Thymus vulgaris)
- all Mediterranean herbs, good neighbors for coriander
- perennial subshrub or shrub, occasionally herbaceous
- reaches heights of 10-40 cm
- Grows bushy, flat and clump-forming
- prefers bright and rather dry locations in the herb bed
- Loose soil, very well drained, dry to moderately dry, likes chalk
- harvest fresh from April to October
- Aroma most intense in the morning
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
- from the mint family
- perennial, herbaceous, with a strong rootstock, fast-growing
- spreads via runners
- Growth height 40-90 cm
- Flowers only after the second year
- Flowering time between June and August
- Location sunny to semi-shady sheltered
- well drained, not too dry soil with sufficient nutrients
- Harvest fresh leaves throughout the summer
frequently asked Questions
On the one hand, this is due to the different requirements in terms of location and nutrient supply, and on the other hand, to substances that some plants release through their roots. Good neighbors can encourage the growth of other species. Unfavorable ones can stunt their growth.
Soft bugs can occasionally occur as animal pests. Among the diseases, powdery mildew and cone wilt should be mentioned in particular.