Perennials are popular in local gardens because they can be used in many ways. The easy-care plants are usually hardy and perennial and, once planted, can beautify the garden for many years. Because even if the upper shoots die off in autumn, the roots are hardy and the perennials will shine again next spring with fresh green and decorative flowers. Even for hobby gardeners with little time, the diverse perennials are the alternative to let the garden shine in bright colors from spring to autumn.
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Perennials – definition
Perennial and hardy perennials include all plants in which only the roots remain in the ground over the winter. On the other hand, the above-ground parts of the tall perennials die off by themselves in autumn and are then cut off close to the ground before winter. Many groundcover perennials, on the other hand, are evergreen and wintergreen. In the spring, the perennials will soon sprout again with fresh greenery. In addition, even if the hardy perennials have a shorter flowering period than is known from annual flowers, they also tolerate a shady place or temporary drought. The nutrient requirement is also a lot lower and therefore most perennials are considered easy to care for. In the following, the presented perennials were divided into two categories:
- perennial, low flowering perennials
- perennial, tall flowering perennials
The low perennials do not reach a height of more than one meter, everything above that has been listed under the tall perennials. It is particularly decorative when high perennials are planted in the background and low perennials in the foreground in a flower bed. It becomes particularly colorful when annual summer flowers are also placed in the bed, which further underline the colorful variety.
Low perennial flowering perennials
The low perennials include all ground cover and perennials that are no higher than 80 centimeters to one meter. These are well suited as underplanting for tall shrubs and trees, as they usually accept a partially shaded location. But the low, hardy perennials are also very popular in rock gardens or front gardens due to the low maintenance. For clarity, the following list of low perennial flowering perennials has been made:
Anemone (Anemone japonica)
- different varieties and different flowering times
- from June to October, depending on the variety
- Flowers in all colors possible
- prefers a shady location
- grew bushy
- Growth height up to one meter
- humic soil
- hardy perennial
Blaukissen (Aubrieta)
- Flower colors blue or violet, depending on variety
- Flowering time from April to June
- forms a dense carpet
- Leaves interspersed with flowers
- well suited as ground cover or in the rock garden
- hardy perennial
- Growth height between five and ten centimeters
- Plant neighbor cushion phlox
Filziges Hornkraut (Cerastium tomentosum)
- year-round overhanging silver upholstery
- reminiscent of a silver carpet
- flower color white
- Flowering period from May to June
- sunny location
- wintergreen
- for beds, rock gardens or balcony boxes
- Growth height ten to fifteen centimeters
Gänsekresse (Arabis caucasica)
- Flower color pink
- Flowering time between April and May
- sunny to partially shaded location
- groundcover
- Growth height between ten and fifteen centimeters
- ideal for rock garden
- dry, calcareous soil
- hardy perennial
- easy-care
- evergreen
Grasnelke (Armeria maritima)
- Flower color pink
- Flowering period from May to June
- Leaves resemble blades of grass
- sunny location
- as a bed border or in the rock garden
- groundcover
- hardy perennial
- undemanding on soil and care
Großblumige Kokardenblume (Gaillardia grandiflora)
- deep red flowers
- radiating flowers
- Flowering period from July to September
- upright flower stalks
- Growth height 60 to 70 centimeters
- slightly hairy leaves
- fresh, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil
- sunny location
- popular in cottage gardens
Autumn Aster (Aster novi-belgii)
- different flower colors depending on the variety
- white, pink, lavender, red or purple
- Flowering time in September and October
- belongs to the perpetual bloomers
- sunny location
- Growth height between 35 and 60 centimeters
- suitable for tubs on the balcony or terrace
- hardy low perennial
- Nevertheless, protect the tubs in winter
Kriechender Günsel (Ajuga reptans)
- Flower color blue
- Flowering period from May to July
- rich flowering
- pleasant shade of brown in the foliage
- strong ground cover
- sunny to partially shaded location
- very moist to wet soil
- easy-care
Maideneye (Coreopsis grandiflora)
- deep yellow flowers with a red crown
- Petals frayed at the edges
- Flowering period from July to September
- pinnate, dense foliage
- sunny location
- is well suited as a foreground plant
- hemispherical and cushion-like growth
- Growth height between thirty and forty centimeters
- can be cultivated well with asters
- popular cut flower because of its long flowering period
Moossteinbrech (Saxifraga arendsii)
- white bloom
- Flowering time between March and May
- evergreen groundcover
- Growth height between five and twenty centimeters
- partially shaded location
- with sufficient watering also sunny
- requires little space
- very easy to care for
Polsterglockenblume (Campanula poscharskyana)
- Flower shines in blue
- Flowering period from June to September
- popular bee pasture
- Growth height between fifteen and twenty centimeters
- hanging in a jar
- sunny to partially shaded location
- Pot planting possible
- protect buckets in winter
- hardy in the bed
Polsterphlox (Phlox subulata)
- different colors depending on the variety
- violet, white, pink, blue or pink
- open, star-shaped flowers
- Flowering time from April to May
- sunny location
- low perennial, ground covering
- Growth height ten to fifteen centimeters
- evergreen
- lies like a carpet over the bed
- weed suppressing
Storchschnabel (Geranium wallichianum)
- Flower colors vary depending on the variety
- white, red, pink, violet
- long flowering period from June to November
- vigorous, bushy growth
- Growth height forty to fifty centimeters
- groundcover
- but is also able to climb
- hardy
- Leaves change color in autumn
- sunny location
Tall perennial flowering perennials
Tall, perennial, hardy, flowering perennials are very versatile in the garden. They can find a place in front of a demarcation fence, be cultivated as an alternative hedge or visually enhance a plain corner. The easy-care perennials are particularly popular in cottage gardens, because they attract numerous other insects in addition to bumblebees and bees. So the following list of the most popular tall perennials in our local gardens was created to help you decide:
Blue poppy (Meconopsis betonicifolia)
- originally native to the Himalayas
- very large, light blue, bright flowers
- yellow dust center
- Flowering period: June and July
- Leaves small, oblong, jagged
- Growth height up to 1.50 meters
- Location sunny to semi-shade
- sheltered place
- Soil texture slightly acidic
- absolutely hardy perennial
Buschknöterich (Persicaria polymorpha/Polygonum polymorphum)
- impressive and striking perennial
- long, feathery, white flower spikes
- grow steeply upwards
- Flowering period from June to October
- slightly unpleasant smell
- Growth height between 1.50 and two meters
- Location partially shaded to sunny
- Soil conditions moist to dry
Buschmalve (Lavatera olbia)
- flower color white
- Hybrid is crimson
- have pink eye
- Flowering time between July and October
- sunny location
- well-drained, slightly moist soil
- bushy growing
- Growth height between one and two meters
- conditionally hardy
China-Wiesenraute (Thalictrum delavayi)
- Country of origin: Western China
- filigree, pyramidal flower panicles
- Flower color purple-pink
- finely divided foliage
- delicate, fragrant accents
- Growth height between 1.20 and 1.80 meters
- sunny to partially shaded location
- hardy
However Alant (Inula helenium)
- originally native to southern Europe
- yellow bloom
- Flower head as a loose corymb
- Flowering period from July to September
- herbaceous growing
- Growth height up to two meters
- sunny location
- nutrient-rich soil
- multiplies rapidly from seeds
Fackellilie (Kniphofia)
- different breeds available
- Flower color mostly salmon pink and cream
- tubular single flowers
- sit on piston-like inflorescences
- subtle aromatic scent
- Growth height up to 1.60 meters
- sunny location
- hardy perennial
- well-drained, humus-rich soil
Flammenblume (Phlox maculata)
- many different varieties
- Flower colors: white, crimson, red, pink, violet
- Flowering period from June to August
- Growth height up to 1.50 meters
- humic and moist soil
- suitable plant neighbors roses
- sunny to partially shaded location
- hardy perennial
Tall Larkspur (Delphinium elatum)
- Flower colors white, red or blue
- Flowering period from June to September
- candle-like upright growth
- depending on the variety up to two meters high
- sunny location
- Cottage garden, also terrace or balcony
- good cut flower
- humus garden soil
- very frost hardy
Great goat’s beard (Aruncus dioicus)
- creamy white flower spikes
- Flowering period from June to July
- sprawling, upright growth
- large multipinnate leaves
- Growth height up to two meters
- semi-shady to shady location
- fresh, sandy and loamy soil
- Soil rich in nutrients and lime
- hardy perennial
- can be cultivated along streams
Mullein (Verbascum chaixii)
- flower color white
- spike-like dense inflorescences
- thick flower spikes up to 60 cm thick
- Flowering period June to August
- candle-shaped, upright, tall growth
- Growth height up to one meter
- sunny location
- also considered a graceful cut flower
- preferably in cottage gardens
- popular insect plant
Lupinen (Lupinus polyphyllus)
- flowers in many colors depending on the variety
- white, purple, blue, yellow, pink, red or brown
- tight, upright flower clusters
- Flowering between June and August
- large, umbrella-like leaves
- Growth height up to 1.50 meters
- promotes soil fertility
- ideal for the neighboring plants
- well suited for cottage gardens
Perennial Foxglove (Digitalis mertonensis)
- different flower colors
- red, yellow, white, pink
- thimble-shaped flowers
- Flowering time from April to May
- Growth height up to two meters
- Location semi-shady to shady
- hardy perennial
- toxic to children and pets
- popular in cottage gardens
Pfingstrose (Paeonia officinalis)
- varying colors depending on the variety
- the shape of the flowers is also variable
- double flowers
- different shades of red, white and pink
- Flowering time between May and June
- long-lived hardy perennials
- Growth height up to two meters
- sunny location
- strongly scented
- also suitable as a cut flower
Sunflower (Echinacea purpurea)
- red or crimson coneflowers
- Varieties also in yellow, orange, purple, white or pink
- sunny location
- humus garden soil
- Flowering period from July to September
- also suitable as a cut flower
- needs a lot of care
- Growth height up to two meters
- for cottage gardens or tubs
- hardy perennial
Spotted water daffodil (Eupatorium maculatum)
- umbrella-shaped daisy flowers
- upright and loosely growing
- Flower color soft pink to crimson
- large flower balls (20 cm)
- late flowering from July to December
- sunny to partially shaded location
- Growth height up to two meters
- very bushy growing
- well suited as a summer hedge
- easy-care