Perennial plants can both flower beautifully and survive the cold months hardy. The following article is about hardy plants that also tolerate a sunny location.
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8 hardy perennials
The following perennials are not just short-lived for a summer in your garden. In a sunny location, the specimens grow quickly and bloom profusely. The hardy plants survive the cold season and bring joy again next spring.
Blaukissen (Aubrieta worshipers)
- up to 10 cm tall
- suitable for the garden bed
- Location sunny at best
- permeable soil
- Cut back after flowers
- creeping perennial
- grows and thrives quickly
- Flower colors blue, white and purple
Chrysantheme (Chrysanthemum x hortorum)
- diverse varieties
- bloom until the beginning of winter
- Plant loves it sunny
- up to 80 cm tall
- bushy shape and radiating flowers
- permeable soil preferred
- Cut back after flowering
- Foliage should act as winter protection
Noble peony (Paeonia hybrida)
- Peonies love the sun
- Garden plants up to 80 cm tall
- spherical flowers
- Flowering time between April and June
- prefers neutral pH
- permeable soil recommended,
- Cut back in late autumn, then hardy
- robust and long-lived garden plants
Heartleaf Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia)
- up to 40 cm tall
- compact shape
- small and bell-shaped flowers
- blooms from March to early June
- prefers well drained soils
- pink, red, white and pink flowers
- easy-care plant
- prefers a sunny spot, but also grows in semi-shade
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- known for its unique fragrance
- between 40 and 80 cm tall
- bushy perennials
- violet, blue, pink and white flowers
- Garden plants bloom from June to September
- prefers dry soil and place in the sun
- Pruning required in spring
- serves as bee pasture in the garden
Schafgarbe (Achillea millefolium)
- different colors available
- thrives in the sun
- easy care plant that is hardy
- 30-50 centimeters tall
- Flowers mostly white, pink, yellow and red
- fresh and well-drained soil
- nutrient-rich soil conditions preferred
- easy-care plant
- frost-hardy plant with far-reaching runners
Sonnenbraut (Helenium x cultivators)
- radiant colors
- needs a lot of water
- must be sunny
- yellow and red flowers
- blooms from late May to late August
- permeable soil recommended
- easy-care garden plant
- popular with bees and insects
Perennial Sunflower (Helianthus atrorubens)
- Sunflowers mostly annual, perennial sunflower hardy exception
- up to 1.8 meters tall
- Plant with far-reaching runners
- yellow and showy flowers
- flowers in August/September
- prefers nutrient-rich soil
- dry location with lots of sun
- Cut back after flowering
7 hardy tub plants
But not only beautiful perennials survive the winter and prefer sunny locations. The following seven potted plants are also real sun worshipers and bloom perennial.
Alpine edelweiss (Leontopodium nivale)
- is one of the most famous alpine flowers
- herbaceous plant
- up to 20 cm tall
- blooms from July to September
- white-yellow cane flowers
- grow in mountainous regions
- a highly endangered plant in Germany
Diamantgras (Calamagrostis brachytricha)
- Flowers in soft pink
- comes from moist deciduous forests
- in Europe since the mid-20th century
- upright growth
- up to 120 cm tall
- broad leaves that look dark green and elegant
- The plant flowers in August/September
- Flowers in silver-red
- Flowers turn yellow-brown over time
- sheltered and sunny place in the garden
- Plant in spring, half a meter away from other specimens
- very easy to care for, no special cut required
Goldkörbchen (Chrysogonum virginianum)
- sunny yellow flowers from spring to autumn
- comes from North America
- perennial and herbaceous plant
- up to 25 centimeters high
- Width up to 40 centimeters
- slight spurs
- Bees like to pollinate the flowers
- sunny and semi-shady locations popular
- loose and permeable soil
- nutrient-rich conditions preferred
- Plant 20-30 cm apart
- Cut back old shoots in spring
Steppen-Wolfsmilch (Euphorbia seguieriana ssp. Niciciana)
- belongs to the genus Spurge
- widespread in Europe and Asia
- up to 40 centimeters tall
- blue-green colored plant
- leathery leaves of steppe spurge
- grows on dry grass
- prefers nutrient-poor soils
- loves the sun
Stork’s beak (Geranium)
- decorative leaves and flowers
- suitable for every garden
- various varieties available
- Genus with over 400 species
- Flowers of different colors
- up to a meter high
- prefers moist sites with lots of nutrients
- Due to the diversity of species, it is the right species for every garden
- a maximum of 10 plants per square meter
- adequate irrigation required
- Care differs depending on the species, basically easy to care for
Zistrose (Cistus)
- heavily branched shrubs and dwarf shrubs
- bushy growth
- 50 to 200 sheets in several rows
- widespread in the Mediterranean region
- prefers dry areas
- nutrient-poor soils recommended
- over 20 species of the cistus genus
Dwarf lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- loves a place in the sun
- suitable for small pots
- needs less space than other lavender species
- slow growth
- Danger of waterlogging for growth
- Planting in the foreground recommended