Hemp palm – care & overwintering of Trachycarpus

The Chinese hemp palm proves that palm trees not only tolerate tropical climates and can also thrive here outside of the winter garden. Since hemp palms can grow to a height of over 10 meters, this fact saves the question of the right winter quarters.


Hemp palms love a bright, sheltered location. However, some varieties do not tolerate direct sunlight, as is the case, for example, with the Trachycarpus wagnerianus. Other hemp palm species, on the other hand, do very well in a sunny place and all Trachycarpus varieties thrive in a partially shaded place. Plants that have overwintered in the house have to be slowly accustomed to the UV rays of the sun in the spring.

Representatives of the Trachycarpus family can reach a considerable height of up to 10 meters in the wild. The height of plants in pots should not be underestimated either. When choosing the right location, the space requirement also plays a not insignificant role. If you want to give the hemp palm a permanent place in the garden, you should consider the distance to larger structures, such as house walls and garden fences. Approximately 4 – 6 square meters should be planned as space for the trachycarpus.

Soil conditions

The Asian plant is very picky about the choice of its substrate: pure peat and humus, for example, are out of the question for them. A coarse-grained, loamy soil interspersed with sand or gravel, on the other hand, is preferred by her. Broken clay, quartz gravel and lava gravel have also proven their worth and are well suited to avoid waterlogging.

A small amount of peat in the soil, on the other hand, is gratefully accepted by the plant due to the acidic pH value.

Watering and fertilizing

The watering amount in summer must be sufficient so that the dense roots of the palm are well penetrated with water. Only when the earth is completely dry is pouring again for a long time and a lot. The watering quantity and the rhythm are not only dependent on the temperature, but also on the size of the plant. Trachycarpus planted in pots dry out faster and often have to be supplied with water every two to three days during dry periods.

Hemp palms can grow to a new height of 40 centimeters in a year. For this reason, the plants need a regular supply of fertilizer in the growth phase from April to September. The palm is regularly supplied with complete fertilizer every two weeks. It does not matter how the nutrients are administered. Water-soluble powders, for example, have proven just as useful as sticks.

Even in winter, water is poured and the alternation between drying and humidification is observed. The time interval between the individual casting processes is much longer than in summer.

Note: Chinese hemp palms do not tolerate waterlogging, this can lead to root rot.
Planting hemp palms outdoors

Planting hemp palms outdoors

In regions with mild winter conditions, Trachycarpus can be planted in the garden as early as 3 – 4 years of age. The following applies: the older the plant, the more likely it is to tolerate prolonged periods of frost. Exposing the palm tree is relatively easy and apart from choosing the right location and the consistency of the soil, nothing else needs to be considered.

  • The planting hole must be about three times as deep as the longest palm root.
  • Sandy, loamy soil is well suited for Trachycarpus.
  • In addition, a small amount of compost should be added.
  • Place the palm in the planting hole and carefully press the soil into place.
  • Immediately after planting, water the plant sufficiently.
  • In order to accelerate the rooting of the plant, it must be watered regularly over the next few days.


Hemp palms are deep-rooted, which is why the planter should be much higher than it is wide. As soon as the first roots show on the bottom of the pot, you have to move. But due to the slow growth of the trachycarpus, repotting is only required about every 3 – 5 years.

  • Carefully lift the palm out of the old planter.
  • Carefully remove old earth residues from the roots.
  • Fill the new plant pot with a similar soil substrate.
  • Gently press the soil down and water the plant sufficiently.

Trachycarpus planted outdoors can only be relocated to a limited extent due to their height. It is therefore advisable to choose the right location when moving to the garden.

When it comes to keeping them in pots, the following applies: Because of their deep roots, the palms need large, high pots. When choosing the size of the flower pot, however, it should not be overdone, because the plant needs a certain grip in order to divert the nutrients into the growth of the leaves. With an oversized planter, there is a risk that the roots will be strengthened first.

To cut

The pruning of palm trees must be done gently and carefully. Only dry leaves are removed, leaving a few centimeters of the petiole. If it is unavoidable that fresh palm leaves have to be trimmed, proceed as follows:

  • With sharp scissors, the palm leaves are cut to about 15 centimeters from the end.
  • After the rest of the leaf has dried up, it is removed to within 3 – 4 centimeters.

Hemp Palm owerwinter


Trachycarpus is only partially hardy. Of course, nobody has to swing the spade and dig up the hemp palms before winter comes. With the right tips, the plant survives the domestic winters even when planted outdoors in mild regions:

  • Up to the age of 3 years, the hemp palm should spend the winter in a frost-free room.
  • The palm heart is very sensitive to penetrating moisture. That is why the inside of the hemp palm needs special protection.
  • Before the first frost, the soil and the trunk of the palm are covered with a 30 centimeter layer of bark mulch or compost.
  • The leaves are loosely tied upwards.
  • Straw is filled into the resulting upper funnel.
  • A clear plastic wrap is wrapped around the palm leaves and straw.
  • So that any condensation can drain away, a few holes must be cut in the film.

The trunk needs additional protection during frosty winter periods. This is done using bubble wrap, which is carefully wrapped in several layers around the lower end of the plant. Hemp palms in pots need a sheltered place, in addition, the plant pot is wrapped with special winter protection or straw mats.

Note: It is not the cold in our regions that troubles the plant, but the moisture it contains.


The Asiatic palm reproduces via seeds, which can be a lengthy process and requires a lot of patience.

  • A light place on the windowsill at home is recommended for germination.
  • The ideal germination temperature is between 18-23 ° C.
  • The soil substrate in the planter must consist of a coarse-grained clay-soil mixture.
  • The seeds are – if not already done – freed from the pulp.
  • Press the seeds into the soil at a depth of 1 – 2 centimeters.
  • If several seeds are to be germinated, keep a distance of about 4 centimeters between them. This prevents the young palms from being pricked out prematurely.
  • To increase the germination time, a transparent film can be stretched over the vessel.
  • Cut a few holes in the foil to allow the condensation to drain off.
  • Keep the soil constantly moist, but always watch out for mold infestation.

After the first germs have formed, the film must be removed immediately. From a height of around 4 – 5 centimeters, each individual palm can be planted separately. In the first few years after germination, the hemp palm does not even have to withstand the slightest sub-zero temperatures. That is why it should only be relocated to the garden after about 3 years. Before that, we recommend staying in a cool room or in the winter garden at temperatures below 5 ° C.

Note: Palms love acidic pH levels. If possible, water with stale rainwater as often as possible.

Possible mistakes in maintenance

Not every brown leaf on the trachycarpus is due to a disease. Often other reasons, such as insufficient water or iron deficiency, can be considered as causes.

  • Yellow leaves can indicate a lack of moisture, too much water, or a lack of iron. If necessary, the pH of the soil must also be checked.
  • If the leaf fronds dry out in one piece, this is an indication of a lack of water.
  • On the other hand, dried up leaf tips are a sign of insufficient humidity.
  • Yellowish spots that turn brown after a while indicate sunburn. The leaves must not be pruned as the plant often regenerates.

Hemp palm Diseases and pests

Diseases and pests

  • A black, slightly sticky coating on the palm leaves indicates an infestation with sooty dew. This fungus prefers to settle in the excretions of lice. To get rid of the soot, all you have to do is successfully control the lice and thoroughly spray the leaves or fronds of the plant with water.
  • Fine webs on the underside of the leaf and a yellowish to white discoloration of the fronds is a sign of the red spider. An infestation of this type of mite can lead to the death of the trachycarpus if left untreated. The plant is treated with chemical insecticides over a long period of time. To prevent renewed infestation, the humidity should be increased. This is done, for example, by regularly moistening with a gentle jet of water.
  • Orange- colored and reddish spots on the leaves and a powdery substance of the same color indicate the rust fungus. The infestation is promoted by long-lasting moisture and must be combated immediately, as the fungal spores sow and multiply themselves. Affected leaves of the plant are removed and immediately destroyed. Fungicides available from specialist retailers help to get rid of the fungus effectively.
  • Mealybugs and scale insects feast on the sap and damage them considerably if they are overpopulated. Mealybugs are most likely to be recognized by their woolly, white coverings. The fronds of the trachycarpus turn into a yellowish-white hue. In the case of scale insects, on the other hand, the leaves are lighter. With both types of parasites, it helps to dab off the infected host plant with mineral oil and then spray it off thoroughly with water or nettle liquid. The most effective treatment is with systemic sprays, which penetrate directly into the sap of the plant and thereby poison the lice.

Hemp palms are popular houseplants that can also be put outdoors permanently in mild winter regions. If the right precautions are taken, the hemp palm can withstand frost and temperatures down to -18 ° C. Lovers of exotic plants get their money’s worth with the trachycarpus, the sturdy palm forgives some care mistakes and regenerates quickly.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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