Martens tend to roost near people in the house and garden. Various home remedies can be used to get rid of the annoying subtenants. More on that below.
Table of Contents
recognize martens correctly
The small predators like to stay near human settlements. They are very common in gardens, barns and attics. They also love cars as quarters. Here they can cause considerable damage. As a rule, martens are solitary animals, except during the mating season. The animals are nocturnal, agile, very shy and also avoid contact with people. During the day they are hardly visible. However, various signs can indicate the presence of a marten:
- Five toe paw prints
- Feces 1 to 2 cm thick and 8 to 10 cm long
- twisted slightly like a sausage
- Solution contains pips, feathers and hairs
- intense, unpleasant odor of the faeces
- secreted foul-smelling glandular secretion
- seasonal loud noises
- mainly during the mating season and during nocturnal territorial fights
- shrill hissing and screaming
- Rumbling noises in garden houses and attics
- then females are with young ones
Home remedies to expel martens
Once a marten has made itself at home, it is not always so easy to get rid of it. The animals usually stay true to their territory. Since private individuals cannot simply catch the martens, tried-and-tested home remedies are increasingly being used to drive them away. Home remedies that influence the animals’ sense of smell and taste are mainly used. Martens have very sensitive noses and a keen sense of taste. In addition, very good and at the same time sensitive ears. The use of special scents and bitter substances promises good success in driving them away. Especially sharp smells are very unpleasant. In addition, loud noises can also be extremely helpful. Below is a small list of promising home remedies for martens.
Repel martens mechanically
It is very easy to carry out and not very expensive either to drive away the animals mechanically:
Motion detector with water spray
- thereby locating the animal
- simultaneous delivery of a jet of water
- aims in the direction of the marten
- this avoids the area in the future
Loud noises
The small predators love their peace and quiet. They have excellent ears and do not like loud and prolonged noises at all. However, if these always start at the same time, the animals can quickly get used to it. It is therefore advisable to always let the sounds sound at different times. are particularly suitable
- ultrasonic devices
- Windspiele
- loud music
- Recordings of cat and dog noises
- regular gardening such as chopping, mowing the lawn
light sources
The animals are nocturnal and very rarely visible during the day. They avoid all bright places if possible. Therefore, it is very helpful:
- motion detector
- Timers for evening lighting in the yard and garden
- to brightly illuminate empty rooms
live traps
- Use only by hunters
- Exposing the animals to suitable places
- Installation only outside the closed season
water bottles
Many swear by the use of water bottles. Now there are different theories as to why the animals run away, on the one hand perhaps because of the light reflections of the water or they are afraid of their distorted reflection. It is also possible that the animal is only frightened when it runs into the bottle, since it is almost transparent.
- Use of 1.5 l PET bottles
- without sticker
- Fill three quarters with tap water
- set up on paths, at sleeping places
- on car wheels or under the car
Expel with fragrances
Very popular home remedies against martens are herbs and spices, as well as other substances with very strong scents such as
Chili powder
- hottest spice
- attacks sense of smell
- harmless
- Scatter the powder where excrement has been found, sleeping places and walkways
- Odor dissipates quickly
- so use it more often
- alternatively use chili spray
- ensures longer durability
- strong, unpleasant odor and taste
- however, dissipates quickly
- so use it more often
- either wet the corresponding surfaces with spray bottles
- alternatively laying out soaked cloths or
- Setting up filled bowls
- good placement under the car possible
- further spreading on walkways and sleeping places
When the animals walk towards the shelter over soaked surfaces, the acetic acid gets on their paws and burns. These are licked off to clean and so the marten finally comes into contact with the unpleasant taste. He doesn’t like that at all.
camphor leaves
- Leaves and bark give off a strong odor
- Lay out whole shoots or leaves in a spacious way
- Martens avoid this area
- masks other odors
- unpleasant for martens
- Use of garlic cloves
- lay them out
- alternatively squeeze toes
- spray juice
- very unpleasant smell
- give off an even scent
- Effect lasts a long time
- Lay balls out tightly or hang them up
- renew regularly
- has a very bitter taste
- extremely unpleasant smell of onions, sulfur and garlic
- Mix 100 ml of water with 200 drops of neem oil
- spray on walkways, sleeping places
- also suitable for rubber and plastic parts in the engine compartment of cars
- repeat regularly
- Sable nose is very sensitive
- nose becomes irritated
- animal begins to sneeze
- Scatter generously on paths, sleeping places
- also distribution in the engine compartment of cars
- must not get into ventilation
- use regularly
- alternatively use pepper spray
tea tree oil
- smells very strong and intense
- Smell lasts a long time
- either soak rags with it
- then lay out on paths, sleeping places etc
- alternatively set up filled bowls or
- spray with spray bottle
- Application once a week
- Use of human urine, cat or dog urine
- alternatively use cat litter
- very effective fox urine or bear urine
- available in online shops
- after drying of urine formation of urine stone
- Marten very sensitive to smell
- either soak rags with urine
- then lay out or
- set up filled bowls
- renew daily
toilet blocks
- Effect similar to mothballs
- Leave stones in place
- Hanging from sleeping places, paths
- stones can also be rubbed into surfaces or cables
- put on gloves
use of natural enemies
Dogs and cats are natural enemies of martens. They are automatically avoided by this when they roam the premises or house. They automatically give off their smell to the environment. However, the four-legged friends should also be on the move regularly. Alternatively, cat and dog hair can also be used:
- put them in small bags
- hang in appropriate places
- alternatively use nylon stockings for filling
- renew regularly
Prevent marten plague
Of course, it is always better not to give martens any opportunity to set themselves up comfortably in the house and garden. This can be done with just a few actions
- Close loopholes with a diameter of 5 cm
- for this use of wire mesh, concrete or plaster
- provided near trees at the house with marten defense belts
- fence garden
- Height at least 250 cm and 80 cm deep in the ground
- Enclosure with mixed hedges of barberry, dog rose, hawthorn and holly
- Plant deterrent plants such as the piss-off plant (Plectranthus ornatus).
- Lock up farm animals such as chickens, ducks, pigeons at night
- Stables must be sealed