How tall does pampas grass get? | size & height

Pampas grass comes from South America and impresses with its fronds that gently bend back and forth in the wind. However, this effect requires a certain height and size of the plant.

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The American pampas grass, also called silver pampas grass or pampas grass for short, belongs to the sweet grasses (Poaceae). The eyrie of Cortaderia selloana , as it is called botanically, consists of overhanging leaves that are densely packed and can be 100 to 200 centimeters long. The long, egg-shaped panicle flowers are dense or loose, later becoming feathery and, depending on the variety, silver-white, yellowish or pink (pink). The height of the panicles is between 30 and 100 centimeters. If the stem is included, the flower height can be up to 250 centimetres.

Varieties in a table

NameGrowth height in cmFlower height in cmGrowth width in cmFlower color in cmleaf color
Andes Silverup to 200 (including Wedel)up to 150cremeweißgreen
Argenteaup to 80 (sheets)200up to 120Whitebluish medium green
Aureolineataup to 80 (sheets)180100 to 150silvery whitelight yellow-green striped
Citaro150 to 200 (sheets)200 to 250100 to 120white-yellowishdark green
Comet80 to 150 (including fronds)50 to 150cremeweißgrey-green, green-white
compact100 to 150 (including fronds)40creamy white to silverygreen
Esperanto70 to 90 (including fronds)100 to 120cream yellow to light browngreen with golden yellow leaf margin
Avoid70 to 150 (including fronds)60 to 80light yellow, whitegrey-green
Golden Comet80 to 150 (including fronds)50 to 150cremeweißstriped golden yellow and green
Junior80 to 100 (including fronds)until 50cremegreen
Liliput80 to 120 (including fronds)100 to 120silvery whitegrey-green
Mini Silver75 to 100 (sheets)18070 to 100rosablaugrün
Patagoniaup to 150 (including Wedel)until 100reddishgreen
Pink Featherup to 90 (sheets)180100 to 120silbrig rosagrey-green
Line up50 (sheets)120100 to 120silver/whitedark green to grey-green
Rendalteri200 to 250 (including fronds)until 100pink to violetgreen
Roseaup to 90 (sheets)200until 100brownish pinkgrey-green
Rose Plum110 to 130 (including fronds)until 80soft pinkgreen
Seniorup to 80 (sheets)200until 40cremeweißdark green to grey-green
Silver Comet50 to 150 (including fronds)60 to 80shimmering whitegrey-green with white leaf margins
Splendid Star100 to 150 (including fronds)70 to 100cream to beigevariegated green-cream white
Sunningdale Silverup to 90 (sheets)200 to 250100 to 120silver whitegrey-green
White feather90 to 250 (including fronds)50 to 80silvery whitegrey-green

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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