After the winter break, many a hobby gardener throws up his hands and thinks about how to repair winter damage to his beloved lawn. This works particularly well if proper care is taken in autumn and the onset of winter. This is the best way to avoid winter damage. A final cut of the lawn before the onset of hibernation is essential for this.

Last cut of the lawn – this is important to note

Anticipated, there is not a universal point in time when a last lawn cut is to be implemented – certainly not with a specific date. Instead, the right time is determined by various framework conditions. On the one hand, these ensure that the lawn no longer grows after the last cut. Because otherwise the hoped-for effect for the hibernation is gone. On the other hand, from a technical point of view, the conditions must be such that mowing does not damage more than the positive effects achieved.

The temperature

Since lawn growth is primarily based on temperatures, from this perspective the temperature development is an indicator of the right time:

  • Falling daytime temperatures in the single digits
  • Night temperatures dropping to the frost line
  • No regular night or even permafrost yet
Tip: A last lawn cut can be a good sign when the first night frost has set in. Even a long lawn will not be harmed by one or even a few frosty nights. On the other hand, it is easy to read, even without a thermometer, that the time for growth to stop has come.

The floor

So that the lawn mower does not damage the turf, it should be mowed when it is sufficiently dry. The soil may be damp but not wet. Cool and heavily soaked soils in particular tend to compact under load. The result would be poorer ventilation and poorer supply to the lawn roots.

The weather

The weather should also play along so that your last mowing operation is a success:

  • No rain due to the blades of grass sticking together and lying down due to wetness
  • No intense sun, otherwise severe drying of the cut surfaces and higher susceptibility to diseases, fungi, etc.
  • No frost, otherwise regeneration of the interfaces is not possible

Tips for a successful final cut

In addition to the right time, you should also pay attention to a few things. The last lawn cut is done particularly gently and the desired effect actually occurs over the winter months:

The tool

  • High speed of the lawnmower
  • Use sharp knives, otherwise you won’t get a clean cut
  • Cutting height 40 to a maximum of 50 millimeters, so that stalks stand upright and are not pressed down by snow etc. (lying increased susceptibility to diseases such as fungi etc.)
Tip: Use the winter break after the last cut to service your lawn mower and sharpen the blades. So you can get started in the spring immediately and without time-consuming repair work.

The clippings

Dispose of the clippings immediately after cutting the lawn. If left on the lawn, ventilation will be impaired. As a result, fungi, putrefactive bacteria and pathogens can nest here and multiply rapidly. The lawn has little to counteract this infestation during the winter dormancy.

Note: In addition to the clippings, you should also regularly remove leaves and other biomass from your dormant lawn. Because in the shelter and the damp environment under fallen leaves, sources of infection can easily develop that make your lawn suffer.


Although the lawn temporarily stops growing in autumn and the onset of winter, you should give it an extra portion of nutrients at the end of the year. So he can gather strength before the rest phase and go into the winter rest optimally strengthened:

  • Well suited: universal lawn fertilizer
  • Attention: No long-term fertilizers, since entry into the soil before winter is no longer guaranteed
  • Fertilizer application around 4 weeks before the last lawn cut is optimal, so the end of September is a good time
  • Suspend lawn clippings immediately after fertilizer application until fertilizer granules are dissolved
Note: If you forgot to scarify your lawn in spring, you can do so at the end of September with the last application of fertilizer. The lawn then has time to recover from these hardships and is very well ventilated during the winter. In addition, the fertilizer reaches its target faster – the roots.

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