Magic snow, Snow magic, Diamond Frost – care instructions

This plant is one of my favorite plants for balconies and patios. It’s not been available in our nurseries too long, if I’m not mistaken, since 2005. I can still remember the first time I saw it. I was immediately fascinated. Since then there has hardly been a year in which I did not have these permanent bloomers in the box or in the hanging basket. Every year they get bigger because they can be hibernated well. Anyone who has been infected by the “magic snow virus” will never let go.

Interesting facts about the plant

Snow Magic ‘Diamond Frost’ is a euphorbie, a milkweed plant. You notice this at the latest when you accidentally break off a shoot and then white juice escapes there. If you are a little sensitive, you should wash your hands immediately after contact with the skin, otherwise allergic reactions may result. Chamaesyce hypericifolia, the technical term, comes from South America and is a permanent bloomer with hundreds of graceful, white flowers, which looks great both as a solitary plant, but also in combination with other plants. This plant is almost always given as annual, but as already mentioned, I overwinter it and have had it for a few years.

I especially like the round structure of the plant. I like to put them in the middle of round or square vessels and hanging plants around the outside. No matter which one you use there, it always works great. With its height of 35 to 50 cm it towers over the other plants and due to its graceful appearance it does not take center stage.

The only disadvantage for me is their often quite high price. This is certainly also due to the fact that one company, namely Kientzler, has protected the take. That just costs. But I get around this by overwintering the plants so I don’t have to buy new ones. Last year I combined magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ with Superbells ‘Lemon Slice’, it looks fresh and somehow cool, I really liked it.

Warning: Magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ is poisonous for pets in all parts! You should also be careful with children!

The care of magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’

Care is easy, it is the ideal plant for balconies and patios. It tolerates heat and drought, does not need to be cleaned, is easy to care for and robust, there is no trouble with diseases and pests (I have not yet had a sick plant or one that has been damaged by pests), so for me it is the ideal plant. It looks good, blooms from May to frost, sometimes still in winter quarters, and can cope with almost all conditions.

Magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ is not only a good balcony and container plant, it also looks great when planted out. However, it must be taken out of the ground before the frost.


Schneezauber is very flexible in terms of its location. Although the plant blooms best in the sun, it can also handle partial shade. Shaded places are possible, but the development will be slowed down considerably. These plants need warmth, and preferably also heat, there isn’t enough of it in the shade. I had a hanging light under our carport last year. It is always particularly warm there and the heat builds up. All other balcony flowers up to the hanging strawberry didn’t find it optimal, the magic snow couldn’t be disturbed at all.

  • Sun to partial shade
  • Very warmth-loving
  • Can handle shade as long as it’s warm enough, but blooms a little less
  • Absolutely heat tolerant, this plant does not mind the hottest location
  • Not susceptible to wind, even if a very tender shoot breaks off every now and then.

Plant substrate

When it comes to the substrate, Snow Magic is not at all demanding. Commercially available potting soil is absolutely sufficient. The more shady the plant is, the coarser the soil has to be so that the water can drain off. The substrate dries much more slowly in the shade. The soil wets quite quickly and that’s not good at all.

  • Commercially available potting soil
  • Can be made more permeable with sand or expanded clay
  • If the location is less sunny, the soil must be very permeable. Wet feet are the only thing that cannot be tolerated
  • Drainage in the pot makes sense. Excess water must be able to drain away.


There is nothing special to consider when planting. You have to be careful with the delicate plant, because the very fine shoots break off quickly. It is advisable to immerse the root ball in water before planting so that it can soak up properly. That makes the start easier.

  • It is advisable to give the plants space, so not to plant them too densely. The effect is just better.
  • Magic snow shushes with almost all other balcony and tub plants.
  • This graceful plant also looks good in the beds, something in the foreground.
  • Repot after overwintering. The old earth is used up.

Water and fertilize

Watering and fertilizing are important again. Nutrients are needed to be able to develop the innumerable flowers. Regular watering is useful. The plant substrate should neither be too dry nor too wet, although dryness is easier to get over than constantly wet feet.

  • Water well after planting
  • Water regularly
  • If possible, do not allow the pads to dry out
  • Brief drought is well tolerated
  • In the case of balcony boxes with water storage, use this only from July. Keep the plant a little drier beforehand
  • Dryness is tolerated much better than wetness.
  • Fertilizer is important, nutrients are needed.
  • Fertilize weekly from late spring to late summer
  • Do not over-fertilize, the plants cannot tolerate too much salt

To cut

The magic snow does not have to be cut. But if it has gotten too big, you can cut it. I do this every year, in the autumn before setting and often again in spring, even though the plant will bloom later. If it shoots up due to a lack of light in the winter quarters and the shoots are rather weak, they are cut off. Otherwise, cutting in autumn is sufficient, then the euphorbie will bloom earlier.

There is no need to clean up. Wilted shoots are thrown away and simply fall off.


Magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ does not tolerate frost. The plant dies and becomes downright mushy. It should therefore be given before the first frosts. You can overwinter this plant warm, cool and quite cold, depending on the possibility. For me, the vessels are on the floor, directly under the skylight, at 10 to 14 ° C and that’s good for them. But I’ve also read that it is possible in the warm living room, on the windowsill. You just have to be careful with the watering.

  • Winter bright
  • Temperatures do not matter as long as frost-free
  • Favorably not below 8 ° C
  • The colder the plant is, the less it has to be watered.
  • However, the plant ball should not dry out completely.
  • Avoid high temperature fluctuations – leaf fall
  • Avoid drafts!


The magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ is very easy to multiply by cuttings. You just stick the shoots in the ground. If one of the tender shoots breaks off, you don’t have to throw it away. Simply stick it in the ground and water it. Offshoots are also easily possible. Simply bend a longer shoot to the earth, put some earth on it and wait for roots to form.

Diseases and pests

Although such a delicate and delicate plant, the magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ is very robust and not at all susceptible to disease. If you drown the root, however, this plant will also fail. Otherwise it is almost indestructible. Personally, I have not come across any pests and even during my research I only found that spider mites can appear. That probably happens during the winter. Botrytis infestation is also possible, these are molds. I think that also mainly happens in rooms or in a shady location and too much moisture.

Nobody who has read this text should have missed the fact that I like this plant very much. It’s not just because of their looks. It is also this unpretentiousness and robustness, with all delicacy. I love magic snow ‘Diamond Frost’ alone and in combination with other plants. I cannot imagine a garden year without this blooming miracle. I’ve only just noticed it myself, it seems to be my favorite balcony box flower 😉 I can only recommend it to everyone.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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