Because of their color and size, maple flowers are not as showy as those of other trees. Still, they’re worth a look if you take a closer look.
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Appearance and Features
Maple flowers are instantly recognizable by their appearance when you look for them among the foliage. Depending on the species, they are easier to spot because of their color. While the Japanese maple has red flowers, the field maple has yellow-green ones. But these are not the only characteristics that make up the flowers of the soap tree family (Sapindaceae):
- fivefold, more rarely four or sixfold
- radial symmetric
- have a double perianth
- inflorescence: umbel-like, racemose, umbrella racemes, in panicles
- initially upright, later often hanging
- Number of stamens: 8, less often 4, 5, 10, 12
- Number of petals: 5, more rarely 4 or 6
- ovary: superior
- stylus: 2
- unisexual or hermaphrodite
- One ovule is formed per carpel, less often 2
- Color (depending on species): yellowish, yellow-green, green, red
- gender-specific color differences possible
- produce lots of pollen
- many maple species have a pleasant scent
One of the most important aspects in determining the different species of maple is flowering time. The flowering period for the trees of the genus extends from February to June in Central Europe. However, the individual species do not all bloom at the same time, which you should bear in mind. It also happens that some taxa already flower before the new leaves appear, which draws attention to the flowers. You can get an overview of the dates of different taxa from the following list:
- Silver maple (Acer saccharinum): February to March
- Eschenahorn (Acer negundo): March
- Red maple (Acer rubrum): March to April
- Spitzahorn (Acer platanoides): April
- Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus): April to May
- Japanese maple (Acer palmatum): April to May
- Japanese Maple ( Acer japonicum ): April to June
- Feldahorn (Country Steel ): Never
- Persischer Bergahorn (Acer velutinum): May
- Fire maple (Acer ginnala): May to June