With their summer blossoms, daisy trees have become an indispensable part of many gardens. The classic ornamental plants with their white and yellow flowers frame terraces and beds in a picturesque way, lending their location a touch of romance. The plants can be festively decorated on special occasions. A summer wedding in the garden without daisies is almost unimaginable. So that hobby gardeners can enjoy the robust plants for a long time, the location and care should be optimally coordinated with the composites. It takes little effort to trim the daisy tree into shape and bring it through the cold season undamaged.
Table of Contents
- Family: composites
- Height: 50 to 100 cm
- Leaves: roughly toothed or lobed, alternate
- Flowering period: May to October
- Flowers: composed of ray and tubular flowers; Depending on the variety, the flowers shine in white, red, yellow or pink with a bright yellow center.
- Distribution area: Europe to North America
- Other names: Wiesenwucherblume, Großes Maßliebchen
- Special feature: medicinal herb
Location and substrate
The popular and robust plants are classics in home gardens. You can also cultivate the perennial shrubs indoors. Provided the location is right. The composites need a sunny, warm place. Light partial shade is tolerated, a few hours of sunshine in the morning or afternoon should fall for the plant. Drafts and dark locations have a negative effect on growth and flower formation. When cultivating indoors, the daisy tree should be placed in the immediate vicinity of a window. A winter garden meets all the requirements of the popular ornamental plant.
In addition to the location, the right substrate promotes the resilience of the plants. If the care requirements for the daisies are met, the plants tend to grow strongly. Passionate hobby gardeners should take this into account when choosing where to plant.
- Use conventional potting soil.
- Small amounts of peat favor the development of the plants.
- Mix humus into the substrate in the ornamental bed.
- A high lime content in the soil is tolerated.
The ornamental plants, which are widespread in Europe, can cope with heavy soil in the garden. To counteract waterlogging and promote aeration of the soil, you should mulch the soil regularly. In this work step, the soil is loosened and at the same time disturbing weeds are removed. Proceed carefully so as not to damage the root ball of the ornamental plants.
Tip : Make your work easier and loosen up the substrate permanently with fine pebbles. These do not interfere with gardening, but work against soil compaction in the long term.
Watering and fertilizing
A sunny location is ideal for the daisy tree, but it has a few disadvantages for the gardener. The substrate dries out quickly when exposed to direct sunlight. If the plants are exposed to drought over a longer period of time, this can lead to the death of the distinctive plants. In summer it is advisable to regularly check the moisture in the soil. As soon as the top substrate layer feels dry and crumbly, it should be watered again.
- Water in the morning or afternoon.
- Create drainage in the bottom of potted plants.
- Calcareous water does not harm the daisy trees.
In the garden, you can reduce evaporation in summer with a simple measure: apply a layer of bark mulch about 3 to 4 cm thick. The material keeps the soil moist, at the same time it prevents weeds from growing too quickly. Standing water must be prevented when watering. This applies to plants in the bed as well as in the tub. This prevents root rot.
Tip : If a pungent smell emerges from the ground, this can be an indication of rotting roots. Immediately transfer the plant to fresh substrate.
The development of the blossoms is exhausting for the daisy tree. In order to maintain the distinctive beauty for a long time, you should also provide the plant with nutrients during the main growing season. Plants in the bucket are fertilized with a liquid agent from the trade. The product is administered via the irrigation water to ensure even distribution. In the bed, you can use compost, which is worked evenly into the soil in spring and late summer. The supply of liquid fertilizer should be discontinued from the end of August. At this point the daisy tree is preparing for winter. Superfluous nutrients stimulate the plant to develop new shoots that can develop into water shoots.
Tip : Pale yellow, slightly drooping leaves can be an indication of nutrient deficiency or drought. Check the substrate and take effective countermeasures.
There are two different methods that you can use to propagate these popular plants. The cultivation of seeds is just as possible as the rooting of cuttings.
Seeds : If necessary, you can harvest seeds from your own daisy tree. However, you have to decide which is more important to you: the long-lasting bloom or the formation of seed pods. Trimming or removing wilted parts of the plant promotes the formation of new flowers. If this is not done, seed maturity takes up a lot of energy and the distinctive flower suffers as a result. Use commercially available seeds to work around this problem.
- Stratify the seeds in the refrigerator.
- Use lean potting soil.
- The jar should be flat.
- Avoid direct sunlight and heat.
- The substrate must not dry out.
- Prevent waterlogging.
The ideal time for sowing is from January. The robust daisy trees like it cold. You can choose to set up the cultivation vessel in a cool room or directly on the terrace. When the young seedlings have developed at least two pairs of leaves, they should be pricked out.
Cuttings : In late summer, propagation by cuttings is due. To increase the chances of success, you should prepare as many shoots as possible.
- Shorten the plant parts to 10 to 12 cm.
- Remove the lower foliage except for two upper pairs of leaves.
- Put in humus-rich soil.
- Location should be in partial shade.
- Keep evenly moist.
Whether the root formation was successful can be seen from the new leaves and shoots. Give the young plants their own tub. This is kept in a frost-free, bright room over the winter. As soon as there is no more frost in the following year, the cuttings can be moved to the garden. Gradually get the plants used to the weather. If the leaves are exposed to the sun without protection, burns can form here. These are no longer regenerated and weaken the plant. In this case, place the plant in partial shade and wait for new leaves to form.
Planting and repotting
When cultivating the popular ornamental plants, one thing must be taken into account: Marguerite trees are sensitive to frost and should move to winter quarters in autumn before the temperatures drop. For planting in the bed, this means that you should dig up the plants in mid to late September and transfer them to a large container. It is easier to keep the “big size lovers” right in the bucket.
- The pot must have a circumference of 5 cm more than the root ball.
- Place a drain on the bottom of the vessel.
- Use freshly prepared potting soil.
- Insert the daisy tree up to the upper root neck.
- Fill cavities with substrate.
- Press the earth firmly and pour it in vigorously.
Repotting takes place approximately every 2 to 3 years. Treat the daisy tree to a larger bucket and free the roots of old earth.
To cut
The regular removal of wilted and dead plant parts is part of maintaining the representative daisy tree. In this way, enough new flowers will develop. Cross-growing branches can be completely removed or severely shortened in March or September. The topiary of the plant raised to the half-trunk is also made during this period. A strong pruning in early summer cannot harm the daisy tree. As long as there is enough light, nutrients and water available, the plant will recover quickly from this measure and can show itself again in full bloom in autumn.
Before the first frost breaks, the daisy tree should leave its place in the garden. The requirements with regard to wintering are low:
- Avoid direct sunlight.
- Active heating sources can damage the plant.
- The root ball must not dry out.
- Do not fertilize.
- Avoid drafts.
In spring you should slowly accustom the plants to the conditions in the open air. The amount of water is increased and the daisy trees receive their first reduced supply of nutrients.
Diseases and pests
Aphids and mealybugs as well as various fungal pathogens can often be found on weakened marguerite trees in summer. Control is advisable to prevent the pests and diseases from spreading to other plants. Aphids can be kept at bay with sticky boards and the spraying of nettle stock. Wiping the leaves with water every day is one of the most effective control measures. It looks similar with mealybugs. Here it is advisable to collect the insects by hand. Chemical agents are ineffective and the pests can quickly develop resistance to them. Fungicides from specialist dealers have proven their worth for diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Use it only according to the package insert.
The daisy tree is one of the classic summer bloomers. Its low demands and the long-lasting bloom make the plant a popular ornamental plant with hobby gardeners. The fast-growing tree quickly forgives care mistakes, with the right technique the daisy tree can be stimulated to flower again in the following year.