Suitable plant neighbors can promote plant health and increase the yield of peppers. Here you will find some plants that harmonize very well with Capsicum and support each other. These 12 plants fit well in a pepper mixed culture.


Borage (Borago officinalis) only has an indirect advantage in mixed paprika cultivation. In the vicinity of the pepper, it attracts pollinators, which can also increase the yield.

In the garden, borage is an easy culture. Once planted, it reproduces well by self-seeding. You can place the young plants, which spring up every year, directly next to the pepper plants.


Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) is an ideal follow-up culture if you have used fast-growing vegetables in the mixed culture. The Chinese cabbage is planted at the end of July at the earliest. It keeps various pests, such as whitefly, away from the pepper.

However, Chinese cabbage is more suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Note: in the greenhouse there is a risk of shooting if planted early.


Dill (Anethum graveolens) and peppers go well together because the dill drives away aphids that weaken the pepper plants. You can simply sow the dill around the plants. It also promotes the health of the pepper plants.

If you don’t harvest the dill, it will start blooming and in turn attract pollinators to the pepper flowers.


An ideal plant partner for pepper plants in the greenhouse are cucumbers (Cucumis sativa).

  • Pull cucumbers on plant sticks
  • enough space and light for peppers
  • adjust the humidity in the greenhouse
  • Peppers drier, cucumbers higher humidity


Garlic (Allium sativum) and peppers also get along very well. Garlic has fungicidal properties that protect peppers from fungal infections.

Use only summer garlic for planting, which will be harvested in autumn at the latest . The summer garlic is actually planted in March. This is much earlier than the peppers are planted. You can plant the garlic with the peppers, but the harvest will be slightly smaller. You can also prefer the garlic and already have larger plants that you can plant directly with the peppers.


Almost all types of cabbage go well with paprika. Only kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) or tall leaf cabbage species are not suitable in the pepper mixed culture. However, they are an ideal pre-culture in the previous year, which follows in the next paprika.

Selection of suitable types of cabbage:

  • Weißkohl (Brassica oleracea convar. Capitata var. Alba)
  • Rotkohl (Brassica oleracea convar. Capitata var. Rubra)
  • Spitzkohl (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba)
  • Blumenkohl (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
  • Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica)
  • Wirsing (Brassica oleracea convar. Capitata var. Sabauda)

If you plant cabbage species in the mixed culture, make sure that all plants have enough space. Peppers do not grow as fast as cabbage and quickly become overgrown if planting distances are not maintained.


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an ideal partner in the mixed pepper culture both outdoors and in the greenhouse. Lettuce is a weak feeder that hardly needs any nutrients. They do not compete with the pepper plants.

Tip: Lettuce develops better in partial shade. It also fills the space between the perennials very well. Once you have harvested the lettuce, you should replant regularly so that there are no gaps.


Leeks (Allium porrum) are also among the plant neighbors that have a positive effect on the peppers.

  • repels Whitefly
  • promotes development of pepper plants
  • faster fruit formation

Be careful when planting from a sufficient distance. The leek has a slender growth, but has a high nutrient requirement.

You should also regularly pile up leeks so that they form long white stalks. The pepper also benefits from this, because it can develop lateral roots. These provide it with water and nutrients, making it more productive.

Note: The leek is susceptible to various pests that are not repelled by the pepper. Therefore, combine the leek and the pepper plants with carrots (Daucus carota), which also get along well with the pepper and keep pests away from the leek.


Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) is classified differently in the mixed paprika culture. Occasionally, like the beetroot (Beta vulgaris), it is cited as a bad neighbor. However, this is only true to a limited extent, because it is only unsuitable for mixed cultivation if the planting distance is not observed.

Swiss chard often forms tall and spreading leaves that can shade the pepper plants. As a result, they form fewer flowers. If you plant the chard with sufficient distance and harvest the leaves regularly, it is a good neighbor for peppers.


Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a good neighbor outdoors that does not compete for nutrients. In the pepper mixed culture, you can use plants as underplanting or sow the parsley.

These types of parsley are suitable for mixed cultivation:

  • cut parsley
  • Root parsley (Petroselinum crispum subsp. Tuberosum)

The parsley also keeps away aphids, to which the peppers are susceptible.


In the paprika mixed culture, all cruciferous plants, including radish (Raphanus), are an ideal partner. Radish is a rather short culture that you can grow in several batches. However, radish is not suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse. Due to the high temperatures, he tends to shoot there in the summer.

Tip: Instead of sowing radishes, you can also plant radishes (Raphanus sativus var. sativus) in the mixed culture with peppers. They must also be sown in several sets.


Vegetables that belong to the same plant family should not be combined in the mixed culture. They favor the transmission of diseases and pests. This is an exception for tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), because compared to other nightshade plants , which also include pepper plants, these types of vegetables get along very well.

Benefits of tomatoes:

  • keep aphids away
  • have similar location requirements
  • are similar in fertilization
  • have the same planting time

With tomatoes in the mixed culture, make sure to keep the planting distances. Pepper plants don’t grow as tall as tomatoes, but until they are pinched or defoliated at the bottom, tomatoes cast quite a bit of shade, causing pepper plants to develop a lot of height growth. As a result, they later begin to form flowers and fruits.

frequently asked Questions

Suitable for attracting pollinators for the peppers are, for example, unfilled marigolds or marigolds. Lavender is also suitable to a limited extent. Here, however, you should use the annual tufted lavender, as perennial plants are rather unsuitable in the vegetable bed.

Potatoes or aubergines are unsuitable in the pepper mixed culture. Fennel is also not suitable because it slows down the development of the plants.

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