Mixed tomato culture: 27 bad and good neighbors

Tomatoes should not be missing in your own garden. Here, however, the question arises as to which other plants the tomatoes can enter into a mixed culture with, because not all of them get along as neighbors.

Advantages of tomato mixed culture

If different plant species are grown next to each other in a mixed culture, this can definitely have advantages, provided the plants get along with each other. Incompatibilities can arise due to different demands on the soil or the location. However, if everything fits together, the tomatoes can be cultivated with various other plant species in a bed. This can have the following advantages in a tomato mixed culture:

  • Tomatoes are protected from pests
  • these do not like the smell of neighboring plants
  • Growth can be improved
  • some flowers attract more insects
  • Tomato flowers are better pollinated
  • Harvest can be increased
  • Tomatoes take on flavors from neighboring plants
Note: When planting a mixed culture, always make sure that the cultivated plants not only get along with the tomatoes, but also with each other. It is also very important to never put plants together that attract the same diseases or pests. Because then this effect is amplified.

Good plant neighbors

The good neighbors for the tomato plants are those who not only get along with the tomato plants and can therefore be cultivated together. The good plant neighbors also offer the tomatoes other advantages, such as a strong scent that drives away the pests or a well-nourished soil through root exudates.

Basilikum (Ocimum basilicum)

  • Effect intensified by growing it together with parsley
  • protects against whitefly
  • also against powdery mildew
Tip: If you want to create a Mediterranean garden, you should always plant basil and tomatoes together, as they are often used together in dishes in Mediterranean cuisine and are served together.


  • Kapuzinerkresse (Tropaeolum)
  • Protection against aphids
  • also the garden cress (Lepidium sativum)

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

  • exudes odor through essential oils
  • protects against aphids
  • Parsley is a weak feeder
  • hardly needs any nutrients
  • therefore also a good plant neighbor for tomatoes

Ringelblumen (Calendula officinalis)

  • are also considered medicinal plants
  • attract bees and bumblebees
  • also fly to the tomato blossoms
  • for rich harvest of tomatoes
  • can be planted as a wall between bad neighbors


  • many types of lettuce fit well as neighbors of tomatoes
  • Kopfsalat (Lactuca sativa var. Capitata)
  • grows very large
  • Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
  • Feldsalat (Valerianella)
  • Rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia)
  • grow smaller
  • all three can also be used as gap fillers when there is a lack of space

Sellerie (Apium graveolens)

  • Aroma of celery gives way to tomato fruits
  • taste more aromatic

Asparagus (Asparagus)

  • helps against tomato wilt (Fusarium wilt)
  • drives the fungus out of the ground
  • especially in an already infested bed
  • Plant tomatoes after the asparagus are cut

Studentenblumen (Tagetes)

  • work against all kinds of diseases
  • Fungal infestation, viruses, bacteria
  • also against whitefly
  • give off a very strong scent
  • don’t like many insects
  • also make the bed colorful

Zucchini (Cucurbita pine var. Giromontiina)

  • both require sufficient fertilizer
  • good for heavy-duty tomatoes
  • helps to grow healthy tomato plants
  • also to a rich tomato harvest
  • Zucchini need enough sun
  • pay attention to this when planting

Bad plant neighbors

Plants that belong to the poor plant neighbors of tomatoes should under no circumstances be planted in the immediate vicinity and in the same bed. Because then the tomato mixed culture will not have a positive effect on living together. In such a case, the harvest can be very sparse, both for the tomatoes and for the bad neighbors. The reason for this is usually the different demands on a location of the different plants.

Peas (Pisum sativum)

  • Big need of space
  • also at the roots
  • Peas and tomatoes stunt each other’s growth
  • both plant species wither

Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus)

  • Tomatoes and cucumbers need different locations
  • therefore absolutely bad plant neighbors

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)

  • both so-called heavy feeders
  • both need a lot of nutrients
  • take them away from each other
  • both plants respond with stunted growth
  • Fruits and tubers too small and not enough
  • Tomato can get sick with the fungus Phytophthora

Conditionally suitable neighbors

In addition to the plants that are considered good or bad neighbors for the tomato plants, there are also some that can be grown together in a tomato mixed culture, but then also have certain requirements for care and are therefore not as easy to care for as neighbors of the Tomatoes are and need a little more time.

Garden strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)

  • Tomatoes need a lot of water
  • Garden strawberries don’t
  • garden strawberries lose their aroma if they are given a lot of water
  • too much shade for low garden strawberry under tomato plant
Note: Garden strawberries and wild strawberries have different requirements in terms of location and care. Therefore, you should not plant garden strawberries in the immediate vicinity of the tomatoes, whereas wild strawberries (Fragaria vesca) can tolerate more water and shade and are therefore good neighbors.

Paprika (Capsicum)

  • make sure there is enough light
  • Pepper plants are smaller than tomatoes
  • leave enough space between the plants
  • always give enough fertilizer
  • Tomatoes are heavy feeders
  • could peppers steal the nutrients
Tip: The pepper plants can, however, benefit from the warmth of the tomato plants, which they radiate due to the many leaves.

Neutral plant neighbors

There are many plants that can find a place in a bed together with tomatoes, but they do not have a negative or really positive effect on each other. Nevertheless, due to a lack of space in the garden, it is often important to put some plants in a common bed in a tomato mixed culture. The following plants get along well with tomatoes and sometimes with each other:

  • Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus)
  • Chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
  • Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. Gongylodes L.)
  • Knoblauch (Allium sativum)
  • Lauch (Allium ampeloprasum)
  • More (Zea mays)
  • Carrots (Daucus)
  • Radish (Raphanus sativus var. sativus)
  • Rettich (Raphanus sativus)
  • Spinat (Spinacia oleracea)

Mint (Mentha), parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium) are also among the plants that can find a place in a tomato bed.

Idea: If strongly scented plants such as garlic, radish or leeks are planted next to the tomato plants, the tomato fruits often absorb the aroma of these plants and thus exude a pleasant and spicy aroma even when ripe, which makes the tomatoes even tastier.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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