As a rule, three types of mint are referred to as nano mint, the actual Moroccan mint from the Middle East, the Moroccan mint from North Africa and the peppermint ‘Nana’, a hybrid of peppermint, whereby the latter can only be propagated vegetatively. The Moroccan mint ‘Mentha spicata Morocco’ is a curly mint and, unlike other types of mint, does not contain menthol. The growth of this perennial, hardy plant is upright and bushy. Their taste is slightly smoky with a particularly strong spearmint aroma. The light pink to purple-colored panicles of flowers appear from summer to autumn.

Location and soil

Sunny to partially shaded locations are suitable for growing the nano mint. This plant grows very slowly in places that are too shady. The soil should be as loose as possible, fresh to moist, rich in nutrients and humus with a pH value that can be slightly acidic to neutral. So sandy-humic to sandy-loamy soils are particularly suitable.

Particularly heavy and loamy soils can be made more permeable by adding coarse sand. As a rule, however, this mint thrives in almost any normal garden soil, provided it is sufficiently fertilized and watered regularly.

Compliance with the crop rotation

Compliance with crop rotation also plays an important role in the nano mint. So you should plant them in a different location every 2-5 years. In a location where the mint has already grown, no mint or other mint should be grown for at least 4 years.

In addition, you should avoid being in direct proximity to chamomile, as these two plant species do not get along so well. In contrast, being close to cabbage, kale, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and carrots has a positive effect on Moroccan mint. Planted next to or under vines, it can even protect against powdery mildew. Proximity to nettles can have beneficial effects on the aroma of the nano mint.


  • In early summer, the nano mint can be planted outside.
  • A planting distance of 25 and 40 cm should be maintained.
  • Mint tends to form or overgrown underground runners.
  • Therefore, the installation of a root barrier can be useful.
  • But you can also plant them in a large pot or, better still, in a bucket.
  • As soon as it has grown well, carefully remove the soil and plant the pot along with it.
  • This way it cannot spread as much.
  • However, the pot should not be too small.

Cultivation in pots or tubs

In contrast to other types of mint, Moroccan mint only reaches heights of between 30 and 60 cm and therefore remains relatively low. The roots of this plant grow mainly in width and less in depth. Accordingly, cultivation in the bucket makes sense. However, this should offer enough space so that the roots can spread out in all directions.

To protect potted plants from waterlogging, you should add a drainage layer to the pail so that excess water can run off. When cultivating the nano mint in the bucket, the soil should be renewed or repotted in fresh soil about every 2-3 years.

Watering and fertilizing

  • The soil should be kept as moist as possible.
  • However, waterlogging should be avoided.
  • The plant cannot tolerate drought any more than waterlogging.
  • In nutrient-rich soils, it does not necessarily have to be fertilized.
  • An excess of fertilizers is harmful to the plant.
  • It would also affect the aroma of the mint.
  • If it is necessary to fertilize, organic fertilizer should be used.
  • Nettle manure or horn shavings, for example, are suitable for this.

To cut

Moroccan or nano mint does not necessarily have to be cut back. In order to curb the growth, however, pruning is possible at any time and is also recommended. In the event of a pest infestation, it can even tolerate radical pruning.

If you do not cut it completely, it grows like wild mint, which means that the leaves receive too little sunlight, grow more sparsely and the aroma also suffers. It makes most sense to cut the Moroccan mint several times a year. Spring and autumn are best for this.

The cut in spring can be a bit stronger, so the plants grow back all the more luxuriantly. The shoots are cut off near the ground. The mint can be cut back for the last time in September. The tips of younger plants should be cut several times so that they can branch out better.


The nano mint is relatively hardy, so it can overwinter outside. However, since it comes from warmer areas, it can also freeze to death in particularly cold winters. It is therefore important to provide them with appropriate winter protection in winter.

A cover made of leaves or fir branches is suitable for this. A thick layer of mulch can also protect against frost damage. On frost-free days, the mint should also be watered in winter, and only so much that the soil does not dry out completely.
Plants kept in pots should overwinter in a dark room at temperatures between 8 and 10 degrees, which is definitely the safest option. You can protect potted plants on the balcony in winter by covering or wrapping them with gauze or fleece and additionally with bubble wrap and placing them on a thick styrofoam plate.

Propagate by sowing

In order to propagate the Moroccan mint, you can sow it, cut off runners and replant them in another place or propagate them using cuttings. When buying seeds, it is advisable to look for high-quality seeds, as these are often much more resistant to disease and more abundant in growth than cheap seeds. Nano mint should be preferred indoors if possible. But it can also be sown directly. However, a preculture in the house is usually more promising.

This can be done from March to June, whereby the seeds should not be covered with substrate and should only be pressed on, so that these are light germs. A cover with foil or glass makes sense. It can then take about 1-3 weeks for germination.
Direct sowing outdoors is also possible in spring, as soon as the soil is frost-free and night frosts are no longer to be expected. Before doing this, however, the soil should be well loosened and weeds and stones should be removed.

Moroccan mint can also be grown in a pot, but then should be put outside if possible after germination. The window sill is unsuitable because it is usually too warm there. From spring onwards, specialist gardeners also usually offer corresponding young plants that can then be planted out directly in the garden.

Propagation by cuttings

The cuttings or shoot tips are cut in early summer and should be around 10-15 cm long. Only the top four leaves should then remain on the cutting, all others are removed in order to keep water evaporation as low as possible.
Then you put it in a moist substrate made of earth and sand and keep the whole thing evenly moist until the cutting is well rooted. For optimal humidity, it is advantageous to cover with cling film.

You can do this, for example, by making small arches out of flexible wire, which you place over the cuttings, cover with foil and fasten it all around so that it can be ventilated from time to time. Once the cutting is rooted, the film is removed. Rooting in the water glass is also possible. Once enough roots have formed, the cutting can be planted on the spot.


This type of mint can be harvested all year round, provided it has been cut back repeatedly. The leaves and young shoots can be harvested. In order to dry or preserve the leaves of the nano mint, it is best to harvest them before they bloom, because this is where their aroma is most intense.

Diseases and pests

Mint rust
The most common disease with other types of mint is mint rust. It is caused by a fungus that leaves brownish-orange spores on the underside of the leaves. If an infestation has been found, the affected parts of the plant should be removed and disposed of with household waste, under no circumstances on top of the compost. It is best to cut back the entire plant.

To prevent this disease, the plant can be poured or sprayed, for example, with self-made horseradish or garlic liquid in a ratio of 1:50 (1 part liquid manure / 50 parts water). It is best to start doing this in spring when the mint sprouts.

Leaf spot disease
This disease is also caused by fungi and causes brown to black spots on the leaves. Leaf spot disease in mint often occurs when the crop rotation has not been adhered to or the plants are already weakened.
They can be combated by removing all infected parts of the plant or leaves and throwing them away with household waste. The secateurs used for this should be disinfected afterwards, for example with alcohol, in order not to pass this disease on to other plants. If everything is cut off, treatment with an appropriate broad spectrum fungicide is required. Unfortunately, there are no biological means of combating it.

Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew appears as a whitish coating on leaves, stems and flowers. In the event of an initial infestation, affected parts should be removed. To combat this fungus, you can use home remedies such as milk, which you mix 1: 9 with water and spray the plants in question with it, or you can use appropriate sulfur-containing sprays from specialist shops.

In order to strengthen the plants and make them more resistant to such diseases, it is advisable to spray them repeatedly with plant-strengthening broths made from, for example, field horsetail. Sufficient space between the individual plants and regular pruning are also helpful. You should also avoid pouring over the leaves when watering.

Mint leaf beetle
An infestation by this beetle can first be recognized by damage caused by eating on the leaves of the nano mint. Mostly you can also see the metallic colored beetles that can appear from May to September with different types of mint, such as the Moroccan mint. Home-made manure made from nettle or dandelion can help here.

The Moroccan mint or nano mint is one of the most popular and most aromatic mints of all. It is relatively robust and easy to care for. You should only protect them from waterlogging and excessive frosts and, if necessary, prevent excessive spreading by means of a root barrier. In order to protect this plant from diseases and pests as far as possible, you should absolutely keep to the crop rotation. And after regular pruning, nothing stands in the way of enjoying aromatic peppermint teas.

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