Plants and herbs against ants: which ones drive them away?

Ants can be annoying, for example when they are on the terrace and crawl up to the laid table. But first and foremost, the ants are useful and not dangerous to humans. This is how they get rid of dead insects and dead plant material in the garden and distribute seeds. On the other hand, they can become very unpleasant once they have penetrated the house. But ants can be easily driven away with various plants and herbs.

Gentle fight

Of course, chemical or household remedies can be used to combat the ants if they get the upper hand. But actually the useful animals shouldn’t have to be fought in the first place. If they have settled in a meadow or a bed in the garden, then they should also be able to do as much as they can here. Barriers made of different plants and herbs can then help to protect certain areas such as a terrace from the ants and prevent the ants from the garden from getting here. Because the animals react to certain scents that are emitted primarily by many herbs, and prevention is always better than control. Should Formicidae therefore move to another place on their own,

Potent Herbs

The ants avoid strong-smelling herbs as much as possible. So gardeners will not find any ants in a herb snail planted in the garden. The strong odor deters them, so herbs are always the first choice to keep Formicidae out of places you don’t want them to go. In addition, it looks very decorative and smells pleasant when a seat or barbecue area in the corner of the garden is closed off by a narrow bed of herbs. Likewise, many herbs can be distributed on the terrace to protect against ants.

However Kerbel (Anthriscus cerefolium)

  • also garden chervil , kirbele soup herb or kitchen herb
  • Family of apiaceae
  • Wild form native to the Caucasus and southern Europe
  • Odor aromatically sweet like aniseed or fennel
  • white umbelliferous flowers in May to August
  • partially shaded location
  • sandy, loamy, moist humic soil
  • needs a lot of nutrients
  • lime tolerant
  • annual

However Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • Mint family (Lamiaceae)
  • subshrub
  • originally from the Mediterranean region
  • 25 known species
  • Flowering period June to August
  • purple, long inflorescences
  • lanceolate, silver-grey leaves
  • sunny, warm location
  • well-drained, nutrient-poor soil
  • fertilize and water little
Tip: If you want to permanently cultivate lavender in your garden, you should choose the hardy Lavandula angustifolia variety. All other varieties need good winter protection in order to be cultivated for several years in the local latitudes.

Lovage (Levisticum officinale)

  • also known as maggi herb
  • Family of apiaceae
  • originally located in the Near East
  • yellow and green flowers
  • Flowering time from July to August
  • sunny location
  • sandy, loamy, slightly moist soil
  • kalkliebend
  • needs a lot of fertilizer
  • water sufficiently
Note: Even if the essential oils of lovage in the fragrance are reminiscent of the ‘Maggi spice’, it does not contain any lovage. Nevertheless, the plant is often called maggi herb because of its characteristic smell.

Majoran (Origanum majorana)

  • Mint family (Lamiaceae)
  • Native to West Asia, North Africa and the Mediterranean
  • related to oregano (also called wild marjoram)
  • pink and white small flowers
  • Flowering time between June and August
  • sunny location
  • gritty, loamy, slightly dry soil
  • kalkliebend
  • needs a lot of fertilizer
  • pour little

Mint (Mentha)

  • originally Near East and Mediterranean area
  • Mint family (Lamiaceae)
  • Genus includes many different species
  • low to bushy growing
  • perennial, usually hardy
  • light pink to purple flowers
  • Rhizomenbildung
  • sunny to partially shaded location
  • nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil
  • water and fertilize regularly
Idea: Ideally, you should cultivate the mint in a bucket so that it does not degenerate. If you want to mix the herb with other herbs in the bed, cut off the bottom of the pot and place the mint in the ground like this. This way you can prevent the mint from spreading too much and interfering with or crowding out other plants.

Sage (Salvia)

  • Mint family (Lamiaceae)
  • already cultivated in the monastery gardens in the Middle Ages
  • 900 different types
  • perennial and annual varieties
  • lance-like leaves give off a smell of camphor
  • violet flowers in racemes
  • Flowering period from May to September
  • sunny and warm location
  • humus rich soil
  • Keep soil slightly moist

Thymian (Thymus vulgaris)

  • Mint family (Lamiaceae)
  • original homeland Mediterranean countries
  • perennial perennial
  • strong, spicy smell
  • different flower colors depending on the species
  • moderately dry and nutrient-poor soil
  • full sun and warm location
  • kalkliebend
  • hardly any fertilization required
  • water little, better keep dry
Tip: Thyme is not just an herb to repel ants, it has also been used in cooking and medicine for centuries.

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

  • also weedmouth
  • daisy family (Asteraceae)
  • Genus of the mugwort family (Artemisia)
  • originally from North Africa, Asia and Southern Europe
  • Distribution via the monastery gardens of the countries
  • subshrub
  • tart-spicy fragrance, taste bitter
  • inconspicuous flowers
  • dry, sandy, barren soil
  • full sun to semi-shady location
Tip: If the vermouth looks somehow familiar to you. It is used in the alcoholic beverages absinthe and martini, and has also become known simply as vermouth (beverage).

Effective Plants

The list of effective plants to repel ants is not as long as that of herbs. But here too there are some that can keep the ants away in the garden bed or around a seat or on the terrace. In this way, kitchen and vegetable gardens , flower beds and other places can be well protected from an ant nest.

Rainfarn (Tanacetum vulgare)

  • Aster family (Asteraceae)
  • also milkweed, rain fern, druze or power herb
  • is considered biological crop protection
  • also well suited to drive away other insects
  • yellow, strongly fragrant flowers from June to September
  • toxic in all parts
  • hardy
  • deciduous
  • moist, fresh, well-drained soil
  • sunny location
Idea: You can also use tansy to make a decoction that can protect other plants from being attacked by pests.

Nelken (Dianthus caryophyllus)

  • also carnation or country carnation
  • originally from Italy and Greece
  • Flowering period between June and September
  • double and single flowers
  • different colors
  • all pleasantly fragrant
  • reliably drive away ants
  • choose a hardy variety
  • sunny, warm location
  • evenly moist, humus-rich, nutrient-poor soil
Tip: The carnation is a very easy-care plant that only needs regular watering. Therefore, it is also well suited for you as a hobby gardener with little time to gently drive away Formicidae.

Studentenblumen (Tagetes)

  • daisy family (Asteraceae)
  • originally from southern and central Europe
  • also known as marigolds
  • colorful flowers from June to October
  • yellow, red, orange or multicolored
  • filled or individually
  • are cultivated as an annual because they are not frost hardy
  • sow themselves again
  • sunny location
  • nutrient-rich and well-drained moist soil

Tomaten (Solanum lycopersicum)

  • Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
  • Native to South and Central America
  • annual crops
  • can drive away ants in the vegetable patch
  • red, tasty and sweet fruits
  • different sorts
  • loose, nutrient-rich and humic soil
  • fertilize with compost
  • sunny, warm, sheltered location
  • Protect tomato fruits from rain and moisture
Tip: If it is very rainy in summer one year, you should protect the plants from the wet. Because these do not tolerate the wet and the fruits get yellow spots and rot more easily directly on the bush.

Weinraute (Ruta graveolens)

  • Rue family (Rutaceae)
  • from the southern European monastery gardens
  • ornamental and aromatic plant
  • Smell reminiscent of wine
  • sunny location
  • rocky to gravelly, dry soil
  • pour little
  • fertilize little
  • kalkliebend
  • yellow flowers from June to September

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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