Plant mango yourself – plant and care for mango kernels

The sweet fruits from the tropics enrich desserts, sauces and smoothies with their pulp. The healthy exotic comes from India, where it can look back on a history rich in tradition. The commercial cultivation of mangoes in our latitudes is not possible because of the local climate. With little effort, however, you can cultivate the tropical plants in the winter garden and on the window sill at home. With the right method, you can get the kernels of the exotic fruits to germinate. The plants are extremely robust and easy to care for.


  • Mangoes can weigh up to 2 kg.
  • The peel of the mango fruit can cause allergies and symptoms of poisoning.
  • Over 1000 types of mango are known worldwide, which differ in taste and shape.
  • The soap tree-like form small, white to pink flowers.
  • Mango trees are evergreen and have leathery leaves.
  • The sumac family are often cultivated as a medicinal plant and for oil production.

Selection of seeds

The pulp of the tasty mango is by no means all that the mango has to offer. With a little preparation and patience, the flat core can be persuaded to germinate. Mangifera indica is a formidable plant. The tree can live for several hundred years and can reach a height of up to 30 m. In the local climate, the plant will not produce any fruit. The sumac plant presents itself with lanceolate, very shiny leaves. Under ideal care and location conditions, the plant develops white to pink-colored flowers, the smell of which is reminiscent of orchids. If you want to be successful in growing the seeds, you have to pay attention to a few things. The first obstacle begins with the search for suitable seeds. Not every mango on the market can be germinated without any problems.

Only the seeds of ripe fruits sprout reliably. For the layman it is difficult to see at a glance the degree of ripeness of the mangoes offered in supermarkets. Soft spots on the fruit can be caused by improper storage or massive pressure. The color of the skin says little about the maturity of the exotic. Some species stay green permanently, other mangoes have bright red spots. Indian mangoes turn an intense yellow when ripe. In the rarest of cases, however, the retailer can give you precise details about “his” fruits. The following tips will make it easier for you to find the right mangoes:

  • The peel of ripe fruit gives way, apply light pressure to test.
  • The entire mango must smell intense.
  • Avoid specimens with rotten spots.

The tropical fruit ripens afterwards. If you choose an immature piece, let this home ripen completely. However, in many cases the seeds of these fruits do not have the potential to germinate.

Tip : Store mangoes away from other types of fruit. The fruits emit a gas that causes other fruits to spoil more quickly.


Before getting to work, the fun part comes first. The aromatic and sweet pulp must be eaten. First remove the skin of the mango, it is inedible and can lead to digestive problems or slight symptoms of intoxication. Use caution when cutting the fruit with a sharp knife. Do not violate the core in doing this. This is surrounded by a hard shell, but has nothing to oppose pressure and sharp tools.
To protect against mold and rot, the remains of the pulp must be removed from the seed before planting. The easiest way to remove this is under running water with a rough brush. Alternatively, there is the option of removing the woody seed coat with a sharp knife. Do this carefully. The slightest damage to the core ensures that it does not sprout. Follow the other steps to get the core to germinate:

  • Wrap the mango kernel in a damp handkerchief.
  • Store the seeds in a tightly closed freezer bag for 1 to 3 weeks.
  • The location for storing the bag should be dry.
  • A temperature of 25 ° C accelerates germination.

Seeds with a germ cover take longer to sprout. You can place these mango kernels flat in lean substrate and cover 2 to 3 cm high with soil. At this stage you do not need a bright location. Warmth is a critical factor in germination. The ambient temperature should be between 25 ° C and 30 ° C. The substrate is kept slightly moist with a water sprayer. To simulate tropical conditions, you can cover the entire planter with a transparent cover or foil. Take this off daily for a short time to prevent mold growth on the substrate.

Tip : Mango plants and seeds quickly get cold “feet” in winter. Place the vessel on a thick, insulating layer of styrofoam.


Once you have found the “right” mango seed, germination will start in a short time. It takes between 7 and 21 days for the first leaves to form. Prepare a planter. You can also use the substrate in it for growing seeds with a germinating cover. The ph value of the potting soil should be below 7. Peat or coconut fibers have proven themselves. Special potting soil from the specialist gardening trade has also proven itself for this task. Conventional garden soil is unsuitable and can cause the seeds to rot.

  • Place a drainage made of porous, non-rotting material at the bottom of the vessel.
  • Insert the germinating mango kernel 2 to 3 cm deep into the substrate.
  • The young leaves must not be covered with soil.
  • Pour lukewarm water carefully.

In the first two months you can completely do without the supply of nutrients. The plant draws all the necessary minerals from the core. When these in the planter are used up, fertilization is carried out.


The slow-growing Mangifera indica is a sun-kissed and warmth-loving plant. The mango has no objection to high humidity, but it also tolerates dry locations. Whatever the season, make sure the exotic plant has enough sunlight. In summer, the plant has nothing against moving into the garden. Try to avoid drafts and temperatures below 15 ° C. These are harmful to tropical plants. Mangoes from the winter garden or from the window sill at home have to slowly get used to the direct and unfiltered sunlight. For example, you can shade the mango with an umbrella during the midday heat. Alternatively, choose a location where large plant neighbors provide shade for the young exotic species during this time. Brown or faded spots on the shiny leaves are a sign of sunburn. This damage does not regenerate. A fully shaded location is completely unsuitable for the plant.

Tip : A rule of thumb for mango care is: the warmer the location, the more light and water is required.

Watering and fertilizing

Growing a mango tree can be a challenge for the avid hobby gardener. When the lanceolate leaves show, proper care measures should be taken. In the first years of life of the exotic, the trunk grows quickly – however, the plant forms only a few leaves. Ideally, the root ball should never dry out completely all year round. The supply of nutrients is important to prevent deficiency symptoms and caring growth.

  • It is poured as soon as the top substrate layer has dried.
  • Calcareous water damages the plant.
  • Waterlogging must not arise.
  • It is fertilized from March to the end of August with an organic or mineral fertilizer.
  • Water moderately in winter and avoid the supply of nutrients.


It can take a few years before the mango plants you have grown yourself have to move into a new container. When the tub is completely covered with braided roots, it is repotted. The new pot should be sturdy and about two inches taller than the old one. Drainage made of expanded clay or lava chippings is worth mentioning so that excess irrigation water can drain off more quickly. The substrate must be permeable, rich in humus, and contain clay and peat. Before moving, free the plant sufficiently from the old soil and move the plant into the new container.

To cut

The evergreen plants do not need regular and time-consuming pruning. However, you can encourage the plants to grow bushy when they are young. To do this, cut back too long and unbranched shoots with scissors. Two new shoots almost always form at the interface. The ideal time for this measure is between February and March. During this time, the plant has reduced its metabolism. Injuries, however, regenerate faster than in the other winter months.


Mangifera indica are plants that prefer temperatures between 25 ° C to 28 ° C in their main vegetation phase. Larger specimens can withstand temperatures of around 5 ° C for a short time. To avoid damage from freezing, there are a few important tips to keep in mind:

  • Bring the plants indoors as soon as the temperatures drop permanently below 10 ° C.
  • Mango plants do not survive the winter outdoors even if they are covered.
  • The room temperature should be 10 ° C to 15 ° C in winter.
  • More frequent watering is required in a warm environment.
  • Avoid being in close proximity to radiators.
  • Ensure high humidity – this prevents spider mites.
  • Water moderately, avoid waterlogging.

With a few simple tricks and twists, mango seeds can be persuaded to germinate. The exotics are fascinating and resilient plants. A harvest of the tasty fruits cannot be expected in our latitudes. The tropical plants impress with their evergreen foliage and orchid-scented flowers.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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