Invite your plants for a cup of coffee every now and then! Because if the green plants could speak human words, their answer to their favorite brown drink would be a resounding yes. Likewise when it comes to tea. you look incredulous? Well, the two drinks must not be served hot. But cooled down, they quench their thirst for water and are also an excellent source of nutrients.

Nutrients in the coffee mug

The brown liquid not only tastes good to us and makes us awake. It can also keep plants hydrated and also provide them with some substances that are essential for healthy plant growth. The three most important elements are:

  • nitrogen
  • Potassium
  • Phosphor

But other useful elements such as magnesium and sulfur are also contained in the brown liquid. On the other hand, it does not contain any substances that damage the plants or soil health. Coffee is therefore a good biological fertilizer, which is often incidental and free of charge.

Indoor plants and outdoor specimens

The minerals contained in the coffee drink are used by all green and flowering plants, even if the individual requirements may vary. There is no difference whether a plant grows in a pot or stretches out its roots in the garden bed. For indoor plants, the brewed drink is even more suitable as a fertilizer than coffee grounds, which are difficult to decompose in the pot and therefore quickly become moldy. However, it is important that the drink cools down completely beforehand. The contents of the cup should also not contain any additives such as milk and sugar.

pH lowering

Coffee is only slightly acidic, so what’s in a cup in a larger flower pot doesn’t have a significant effect on the pH of the soil. But if the plant is regularly watered with it, this statement can no longer be maintained. As is well known, the dose determines the effect. For example, soil that is regularly fertilized with coffee drinks becomes increasingly acidic and the pH value drops. This makes it a hostile environment for some plants. Therefore, before watering with this household fertilizer, it is necessary to find out what pH value the cultivated plant species require.

Ideal Dose

The effect of a quantity of coffee always depends on the ratio of the quantity to the soil in the pot. To prevent acidification in indoor plants, for medium-sized pots, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • first dilute 1:1 with water
  • water it no more than once a week
  • no more than half a cup per plant

These plants like coffee

In view of the diversity of plants on this planet, the following list can never claim to be complete. If your favorite plant is not listed, cold coffee does not have to end up in the sink. Find out more about your floor requirements, also on our website. Here are the plants that like to “drink” coffee:

Tip: If you water your indoor plants with diluted coffee, you can effectively kill the larvae of annoying fungus gnats.

test compatibility

If you are not quite sure whether a plant tolerates the coffee residue, you can test it carefully. Start with a small dose and gradually increase it. Of course, as long as the plant does not show any adverse changes such as leaf wilt or discoloration. Otherwise, stop using this drug immediately.

Tip: Do your plants have aphids? Then expand the scope of this drink and additionally spray the leaves of the plant. Because diluted coffee liquid is a proven home remedy against these pests.

Pour with black tea

Black tea is used in a similar way to coffee beverages, because it also tends to benefit plants that prefer acidic soil. When using it, the focus is on nutrient supply or leftovers can be used sensibly. The theine is also said to have a disinfecting effect. Some users report an extended flowering time of the flowers watered with it. The tea should not be steeped or diluted. Additives such as sugar, milk or lemon are also undesirable here.

other types of tea

A variety consisting of herbs can also be suitable for watering plants. The active ingredients in some herbal teas can even do a lot more than just provide nutrients. Most of these teas have a strengthening effect, some of which are even suitable as biological pesticides.

  • Chamomile tea has antibacterial effects
  • can be used in the pot in case of fungal infestation
  • Nettle tea is effective against lice
  • Let nettle leaves steep for a long time
  • Water and spray the plant with it

If you like to drink different types of tea and want to spoil your plants with leftovers for no particular reason, there is nothing wrong with that. Start with a small dose to find out which of the strains used will be tolerated by the plants.

Tea bags in the water

Instead of specifically brewing tea or waiting for leftovers, you can hang a few tea bags in the watering can. It doesn’t matter that the water is cold. The tea bags are allowed to stay in it for a long time. Over time, more and more ingredients are released into the water.

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