The poinsettia is a decorative plant that is particularly popular in the winter months. When the leaves curl, something is seriously wrong. With these tips you can help the plant to look attractive.

The christmas star

The plant with the scientific name Euphorbia pulcherrima is an indoor plant whose foliage is arranged in a kind of star. The evergreen shrub blooms during the dry winter season. The plant shines in all its glory between November and February. However, the red bracts that characterize the look are particularly beautiful.

The sensitivity

The poinsettia is a plant that forgives small and short-term mistakes. If something goes wrong during maintenance, various problems can arise. The Euphorbia pulcherrima conserves its energy so that the main shoot remains intact. Externally, this is noticeable by various symptoms, for which you need to immediately provide first aid:

  • Leaves curl up
  • Bractoles (bracteoles on a lateral axis) change colour
  • Leaves are getting weaker

Tips for care

When the leaves of the poinsettia curl up, the optics suffer. It is therefore advisable for you to protect the Euphorbia pulcherrima with certain care measures.

Choose the right location

The choice of location determines the success of keeping a Euphorbia pulcherrima. The poinsettia prefers a bright location. So you should never put the pot in dark corners of the apartment or the basement. Keeping it indoors is not a problem for the poinsettia.

Avoid waterlogging

Waterlogging is one of the most common reasons why the plant rolls up its beautiful bracts. The moisture-sensitive plants do not tolerate any excess moisture. Waterlogging is a problem that comes with a variety of symptoms:

  • yellowish leaves
  • leaves fall off
  • stem soft
  • rolled in brakteolen

prevent root rot

If the trunk is too soft, no more care will help. Fortunately, the leaves on the poinsettia often curl up as a warning sign. This allows you to take appropriate measures to prevent major damage. With the following measures you prevent root rot and ensure that the plant recovers and the bracteoles roll out.

  • Check the substrate and repot the plant if necessary
  • Shorten affected roots and shoots by a third
Note: In a new substrate, the Euphorbia pulcherrima has a good chance of recovering in the long term. You should initially avoid watering until the first two centimeters of the substrate are dry. The check succeeds with the finger test.

reduce drafts

If Euphorbia pulcherrima’s bracteole curls, the draft can be a cause. Poinsettias are sensitive plants when it comes to wind and drafts. It doesn’t matter whether the wind is warm or cold – the bracteoli curl up. Close the windows and doors in the apartment if you want the Euphorbia pulcherrima to survive the winter period. If necessary, you should change the location so that the plant can fully recover.

Water regularly

Too little or too much water is equally bad for the poinsettia. Moderate watering is recommended to prevent waterlogging. Nevertheless, a dry substrate can also ensure that the leaves on the poinsettia curl. To ensure that the plant is not damaged by a lack of water, you should ensure that it is supplied with sufficient water. You can support watering with a humidifier. First check the existing substrate for dryness. If the soil is too dry, you should carefully moisten it with lukewarm water.

Optimum temperatures

Cold and freezing temperatures can cause irreversible damage to the plant. Pay attention to a suitable temperature so as not to risk damage to the plants. The ideal temperature is between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. In principle, however, the Euphorbia pulcherrima can survive at temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Note: The poinsettia originally comes from Central America. So it is understandable that the plant does not like cold temperatures.

Sufficient light and clean air

When there is a lack of light, the magnificent bracteoles quickly curl up. The poinsettia prefers sunny locations. In terms of lighting, the location should meet the following requirements:

  • weakened midday sun
  • no north window
  • South window only with protection
  • East and west windows optimal

Polluted air is also an enemy of the magnificent plant from Central America. In the home, it is the following types of pollution that are harmful to the quality of plants:

  • cigarette smoke
  • kitchen scent
  • exhaust
  • log fire
Tip: Ventilate the premises regularly so that there is always enough fresh air available.

substrate and fertilizing

When buying a new poinsettia, the substrate is often of inferior quality. You should therefore repot the plant at the latest after the first flowering . Cactus soil is a good substrate that hardly stores moisture. Thus, the ideal living conditions for the Euphorbia pulcherrima exist.

With a suitable flower fertilizer you supply your plant with nutrients. It is advisable to fertilize every two weeks so that the plant has all the important nutrients and can defend itself against adverse conditions.

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