Popular creepers – annual and perennial flowering species

Creepers have many advantages. They can be used for natural and decorative protection from unwanted looks, provide shade, beautify unsightly walls or hide tree stumps that cannot be easily removed. Flowering climbing plants in particular are a special feast for the eyes. When choosing and deciding between annual and perennial species, however, there are a few points to pay attention to. The climbing plants only offer numerous advantages if they are placed in the right location, attached appropriately and appropriately cultivated. Otherwise the plants will turn into chaotic undergrowth all too quickly.

Annual or perennial climbing plants – advantages and disadvantages

Creepers can serve as a privacy screen, provide shade and even shield against wind and draft. So the general advantages are obvious.
Due to their different lifespans, the climbing plants also have other advantages, which can also be a disadvantage in the wrong location.

Annual creepers are ideal for balconies and terraces, which – as is often the case in rental apartments – must not be permanently changed or overgrown. The annuals do not adhere to walls, can simply be removed again and do not need any space for wintering. In addition, they are a little easier to care for, do not require any waste and offer the possibility of an annual change.

Perennial flowering creepers, on the other hand, are always ideal when an area is to be permanently covered or overgrown. So mostly in your own garden, for example to plant an archway, a wall or a dead tree in an unusual way. Above all, evergreen species, which are densely leafed even in winter, are ideal for these locations. It is often more difficult to remove the tendrils again. And, depending on the type, maintenance can be a bit more demanding.
Whether the choice falls on the annual new planting or a permanent solution should not only be a question of taste, but should also be made dependent on the respective circumstances.

Annual flowering climbing plants

Flowering creepers that only have a lifespan of one year or are simply not winter hardy can be found in large numbers on the market. These include species such as bougainvillea and nasturtiums, which are already very well known and popular. But also unusual plants, such as night jasmine and lotus tree, which impress with their unusual flowers and intense scent. The most suitable types are:

  • Bougainvillea
  • Sweet peas
  • Gloxinienwinde
  • Goldtrumpet
  • Sky flowers
  • Japanese hops
  • Kapuzinerkresse
  • Claw winch
  • Losbaum
  • Maurandie
  • nightjasmin
  • Passionsblume
  • Pipe flower
  • Prunkbohne
  • Splendid wind
  • Zierkürbis

The richly blooming bougainvillea or triple flower, as it is also called, needs a particularly sunny location. South balconies or heat-storing house walls are ideal. A climbing aid can be offered to her right from the start, but if it is one year old she does not necessarily need it.

Tip: If properly wintered in the house, the bougainvillea can easily be perennial.

Scented pea
The annual scented petch impresses with filigree flowers and a heavenly scent. If it is offered a sunny location protected from drafts and if it stands in fresh, loose and continuously moist substrate every year, it will reward the effort with rapid growth and bloom. A climbing aid is compulsory right from the start with the sweet peas.

winch The gloxinia winch is filigree and densely growing at the same time. It reaches a height of up to three meters and requires a climbing aid with thin sticks. The location must be as sunny as possible and protected from the wind. The gloxinia bindweed is undemanding in the substrate.

Gold trumpet
The gold trumpet can reach a height of three meters and is only annual outdoors. If it is moved indoors when flowering begins in late summer or early autumn, it becomes a perennial plant. The location should be in full sun or light shade, the substrate must be loose. Those who regularly allow the gold trumpet a blend can enjoy the particularly dense growth.

Sky flowers
The sky flowers or Thunbergia are annual when grown alone outdoors, but have a significantly longer lifespan when wintered appropriately. They need a warm, light and sheltered location, plenty of water and nutrients. With a height of up to three meters, with proper care and appropriate climbing aid, they provide a wonderful privacy screen.

Japanese hops
Japanese hops grow particularly quickly and can reach an astonishing height of up to four meters. In contrast to most other annual creepers, Japanese hops thrive even in the shade without any problems, but they need regular watering and plenty of fertilizer.

The nasturtium is one of the most popular and best known annual and flowering creepers. They can stay very low at around 40 cm or even tend to a height of three meters. A moderately nutrient-rich soil and a location with light shade are optimal. In addition, the nasturtium is edible and even has immense effects as a medicinal plant.

Clawed bindweed
The clawed bindweed can reach a length of eight meters and needs a warm, bright location. It can be wrapped around even unusually shaped climbing aids particularly quickly and easily, because as soon as the shoots are touched, they slowly bend together.

The Losbaum is a particularly diverse plant with striking flowers. It needs a bright but slightly shady location. Loose substrate and constant moisture as well as regular fertilization additionally drive the strong growth.

The Maurandie is two to three meters tall, is grateful for moderate amounts of water and fertilizer and blooms from June to October. The Maurandie is therefore a very easy to care for and undemanding plant that can be cut well, used as a creeper or placed in a high hanging traffic light.

Night jasmine
The night jasmine grows quite slowly, but can extend over many meters in the long run. To do this, however, it needs a location protected from the blazing midday sun, evenly moist and nutrient-rich substrate and warm wintering. Because grown as an annual creeper outdoors, it tends to stay low.

Passion flower
The passion flower wants plenty of everything. A lot of sun and warmth, a lot of water and a loamy, nutrient-rich soil should be made available to it. Then it grows quickly and offers a breathtaking display of flowers.

Pipe flower
The pipe flower or ghost plant is very frugal. It thrives with little light, grows quickly and extremely densely. It can also be cultivated indoors and outdoors. And only needs a little climbing aid. However, the air should be kept as humid as possible.

Runner bean
The runner bean can reach a height of about one and a half meters with the appropriate climbing aid and has an extremely persistent flower. In addition, their fruits are edible. However, only when cooked, raw, the beans are poisonous.

Morning glory
The morning glory likes to be warm and bright and also needs protection from cold wind and drafts. If these requirements are met, they will quickly grow over everyone’s head, even from seeds.

Ornamental gourd
The ornamental gourd probably achieves the most impressive growth performance. In one year the creeper can reach a height of five meters and is very dense due to the large leaves. In autumn, the failed fruiting bodies are added. The location and substrate should be chosen depending on the variety.

Perennial flowering creepers

There is also a large selection of flowering, climbing plants for permanent planting. Huge or inconspicuous flowers, rapid growth for rapid coverage or a few centimeters per year – there are suitable climbing plants for almost every situation and every wish. The most popular types include:

  • Akeba
  • Wisteria
  • Blackberries
  • Chinabeere
  • Clematis
  • Goat leaf
  • Kiwi
  • Climbing cucumber
  • Climbing hydrangea
  • Climbing rose
  • Climbing spindle
  • Knotweed
  • Herbaceous vetch
  • Trompetenblume
  • Wax flower
  • Wild hops
  • Wild Wine
  • Winterjasmin

Akebie, also known as chocolate wine, easily climbs impressive heights. Assuming the right climbing aid, the Akebie can reach a length of ten meters. It grows between 30 and 120 centimeters per year, and it grows with age. Normal garden soil is sufficient, the chocolate wine tolerates shade, but only shows its real bloom in the sun.

The Wisteria or Wisteria is particularly elegant flowers that are available in blue and white. He is a real climbing artist and can form shoots up to 30 meters long, which like to override the climbing aid. The wisteria thrives best in full sun and shows abundant flowering. Light shade is also tolerated.

Climbing blackberries are evergreen, show delicate blooms and also offer delicious fruits. In addition, they are undemanding, thrive in both sun and shade and, if necessary, find a base for themselves to climb and tendrils.

Chinese berries
The Chinese berries show flowers and bright berries that not only taste good, but are also extremely healthy and nutritious. They can be easily and easily pulled on a climbing aid. A socialization with blackberries is possible. The location of the Chinese berries should be in the light shade, organic fertilizer and moist substrate, by the way, drive growth.

The clematis is one of the best-known perennial creepers. Also known under the name clematis, the clematis is one of the low climbers. It rarely reaches a height of three meters. To do this, the lower section should be well shaded, while the head gets plenty of sun.

The honeysuckle is a rather low and slow growing perennial creeper. It enchants with its splendor of flowers and variety, but should in any case be in the light of shade. High humidity is an advantage, but dryness and waterlogging should be avoided with the honeysuckle as a matter of urgency.

The kiwi is an exotic perennial creeper, which in addition to flowers and delicious fruits also has an impressive canopy to offer. Frost protection is only required in the first year of standing, after which the plant, which is up to 18 meters high, can withstand harsh winters without any problems. A location in the south or southwest and nutrient-rich soil as well as a stable climbing aid are prerequisites for this.

Climbing hydrangea
The climbing hydrangea has huge flowers, but grows very slowly. As one of the few perennial climbing plants, the climbing hydrangea also thrives surprisingly well in shady locations, but for this purpose it requires a certain tact with care.

Climbing rose
The climbing rose is a variegated flowering creeper that is suitable for walls, archways and much more. Fragrant, fast-growing or with particularly rich flowers – here the cultivated form decides on properties and requirements.

Climbing spindle
The climbing spindle is undemanding and evergreen and does not even need a climbing aid. It thrives almost everywhere and is ideal for greening facades. The flower is inconspicuous, but the climbing spindle even grows in joints.

Full sun to shade – the knotweed thrives everywhere. It can grow eight meters per year and does not stop at rain gutters or lightning rods. A stable climbing frame and regular pruning are therefore particularly important.

vetch Some varieties of vetch are hardy, which is why the creeper can also be found among the perennial plants. Splendor of colors and flowers in filigree form can be found on the vetch, which is why it also looks particularly noble.

Trumpet flower
The trumpet flower first impresses with colorful flowers and then with bright autumn leaves. The climbing aid offered to her also serves as a form-giver. The trumpet flower should be protected from the wind; sunny locations and locations in light shade are ideal.

Wax flower
The wax flower or Hoya is offered in many varieties and only grows slowly. It needs a warm and preferably sunny location to develop its exotic flowers. Some varieties survive mild winters, but the majority require heated winter quarters.

Wild hops
Wild hops are a very special perennial creeper. A gain of one meter per week is not uncommon under ideal conditions. Damage to the subsurface of the vine or uncontrolled spreading are not to be feared, because in autumn the wild hops completely retreat into the ground and only sprout again in spring.

Wild wine
Wild wine is quite undemanding and versatile, so it can thrive in sun and partial shade and even dry, sandy soils are sufficient. However, a moist substrate rich in nutrients is an advantage. A climbing aid can be used, but is basically not necessary.

jasmine Winter jasmine is a creeping plant that stays low, but it quickly becomes a highlight in the garden and in pots. Because, as the name suggests, winter jasmine blooms in winter. And that extremely impressive over many weeks. The culture in the bucket is recommended for quick, additional protection in the event of severe temperature drops.

Appropriately selected and properly cared for, the annual and perennial creepers can beautify almost any area. And also perform very practical tasks at the same time. With the climbing plants, however, nobody can avoid the appropriate selection, climbing aids and one or the other maintenance measure.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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