Watering aloe vera: 6 important rules

Aloe vera is a popular houseplant and is also used as a medicinal plant. Maintaining them successfully is not difficult. You can find out how to water the aloe vera correctly here.

Not too much

Since the aloe comes from dry areas of the earth, it does not have a great need for water. It is so adapted to dry locations that it cannot do anything with a lot of water. For caring for it as a house or balcony plant, this means on the one hand that it needs a location that is as sunny as possible and on the other hand that it should only be watered very sparingly. This is especially true during the winter dormant phase, when it is only moderately watered every four to six weeks.

Use the right water

In principle, water from the tap can also be used. But rainwater is better. Depending on the place of origin, there may be undesirable substances in tap water. Aloe vera prefers soft water, rainwater contains less lime compared to tap water.

Water from below

In its homeland, aloe vera relies on the water reserves in its leaf rosette. The situation is different in our latitudes, where there is always enough water available. Watering them from above directly into the center of the plant can lead to rot over time. It is therefore best to pour the aloe vera over the coaster from below. However, it does not do any harm if you water them directly over the soil in the flower pot near the roots.

Note: If the aloe vera is outside, make sure that the plant can dry off well later when it rains a lot.

Remove excess water

To control the water level, do not use a planter, but a simple saucer. Because even with moderate watering, it can happen that excess water accumulates. Throw this away and let the substrate and plant dry out a bit before you water them again.

Note: Different rules apply to young plants. Since they cannot store as much water, they need to be watered more frequently.

Avoid waterlogging

Waterlogging is not just a sign of water in the planter or saucer. It also occurs with compacted, unsuitable substrate or if there is not a sufficiently large drainage hole in the flower pot. Waterlogging should be avoided in any case, as this will damage the roots of the aloe. What you can do:

  • remove excess water
  • loosen the soil around the plant from time to time
  • use cactus soil or potting soil mixed with sand
  • enlarge the drainage hole and keep it free of stones or potsherds

Repot in case of root damage

If the aloe shows signs that it is too dry, such as softening leaves, be sure to check the substrate before watering. If it is damp, the plant may have root damage that prevents it from absorbing water. In this case, try to save the plant by repotting it.

  • older aloes are not repotted every year
  • keep dry before repotting
  • repotting possible at any time because of too much moisture
  • prepare new pot
  • Cover the drain hole with potsherds
  • fill in dry, suitable substrate
  • Take the plant out of the old pot
  • Remove as much wet soil as possible
  • cut off rotten roots
  • Put the plant in the new pot
  • fill up the substrate
  • Possibly support the plant with sticks so that it does not fall over
  • Do not water immediately!

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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