The selection of rhododendron plants is almost inexhaustible. But not all plants always bloom at the same time, there are (sometimes large) differences.
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Flowering time of the most common rhododendrons
1. Early rhododendron blooms from April
- Rh. ‘Andrea’, attractive new Williamsianum hybrid, pink-white inside and pink outside, late April to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Baden-Baden’, old Repens hybrid and (winter) hardest Repens, strikingly twisted leaves + bright scarlet flowers from late April to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Bengal’, well-known Repens hybrid, compact, round habit, red flowers from late April to mid-May
- Rh. ‘PJM Elite’, small-flowered hybrid, bright, deep purple-pink flowers with white stamens that bloom in mid to late April
- Rh. ‘Princess Anne’, tried and tested small-flowered hybrid with bronze-colored winter foliage, light yellow flowers from late April to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Scarlet Wonder’, best-known Repens hybrid with brown-red flower buds + scarlet-red flowers from late April to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Stadt Essen’, historic Williamsianum hybrid with two-tone flowers (intensely dark pink on the outside, white on the inside with a pink border) from the end of April to mid-May
2. Rhododendron blooms from May
- Rh. ‘Anastasia’, large-flowered hybrid, carmine-pink and light pink inside from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Astrid’, Yakushimanum hybrid with long-range effect, pure red flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘August Lamken’, robust Williamsianum hybrid with a long tradition, purple-pink flowers from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Azurika’, small-flowered hybrid with strong violet-blue flowers from the beginning of May to the end of May
- Rh. ‘Azurro’, large-flowered hybrid, dark purple, reddish inside with velvet black spots from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Berliner Liebe’, large-flowered hybrid with dark green glossy foliage, bright red flowers in early to late May
- Rh. ‘Blue Peter’, ancient, large-flowered hybrid, light blue-violet flower with a blackberry-colored spot from late May to early June
- Rh. ‘Bohlken’s Lupinenberg’, new Yakushimanum hybrid, purple-violet flowers with green-yellow markings in mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Busuki’, large-flowered, new hybrid with bright red flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Calsap’, large-flowered hybrid, pale lilac buds, white flowers, blackberry-colored flowers, late May to early June
- Rh. Camtschaticum, wild species of subarctic tundra, (light) purple flowers from early May to late July
- Rh. ‘Coccinea Speciosa’, deciduous hybrid, layer-like habit, orange flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Colibri’, Yakushimanum hybrid, buds reddish, open to light pink with a rosy white interior, mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Corneille’, deciduous hybrid with light pink flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Dora Amateis’, small-flowered hybrid, white to cream-colored flowers, pinkish purple on the outside, early to late May
- Rh. ‘Edelweiss’, Yakushimanum hybrid, felt-like leaves, light pink flowers, pure white blooming, mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Eisprinzessin’, Japanese azalea with later white double flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Fantastica’, Yakushimanum hybrid, light pink inside and pinkish red flowers from late May to early June
- Rh. ‘Fireworks’, deciduous hybrid with large, bright orange-red flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Fridoline’, Japanese azalea with bright, pure red, non-fading flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. Fortunei, wild species imported from China, fragrant light pink flowers, white blooming, end of May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Furnivall’s Daughter’, large-flowered hybrid, distinctive light pink flowers from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Gartendirektor Glocker’, Williamsianum hybrid, pink-red flower that fades to light pink, early to late May
- Rh., Garden director Rieger, Williamsianum hybrid with white to cream-colored flowers from the beginning to the end of May
- Rh. ‘Germania’, large-flowered hybrid, bright pink frilled flowers with a light center from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Gibraltar’, deciduous hybrid, bright orange to red-orange flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Gold bouquet’, large-flowered hybrid with light yellow, pink-tinged flowers from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Golden Melodie’, Yakushimanum hybrid, light creamy-yellow pink-tinged flower from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Gold splendor’, deciduous hybrids, reddish autumn leaves, golden yellow flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Goldprinz’, Yakushimanum hybrid with reddish orange to golden yellow flowers from the beginning to the end of May
- Rh. ‘Gomer Waterer’, well-tried, large-flowered hybrid, white delicate purple powdered flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Graziella’, hybrid with bright, light pink flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Hachmann’s Charmant’, large-flowered hybrid, white flowers with a light pink border, late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Homebush’, deciduous hybrid with ball-shaped, bright pink flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Inkarho Dufthecke’, large-flowered hybrid, the lime-tolerant new breed of the Institute for Ornamental Plant Breeding blooms from the beginning to the end of May
- Rh. ‘Kermesina Rosé’, Japanese azalea, light ruby pink at the edge, pure white flowers from late May to early June
- Rh. ‘Klondyke’, deciduous hybrid with orange-yellow, reddish flamed flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Koichiro Wada’, Yakushimanum hybrid, pale pink to white flowers in mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Kokardia’, large-flowered hybrid, black-red markings in ruby-pink blooms from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Königstein’, Japanese azalea with purple-violet flowers from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Lampion’, Yakushimanum hybrid, brownish-red buds, salmon-red flowers that later fade from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Ledikanense’, Japanese azalea with extraordinary light purple blooms from early to late May
- Rh. ‘Madame Albert van Hecke’, Japanese azalea, pink in the center, darker flower from early to late May
- Rh. ‘Marcel Menard’, large-flowered hybrid, deep dark purple flowers with white anthers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Marianne von Weizsäcker’, large-flowered insignia hybrid, bright, light red flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Maruschka’, Japanese azalea, bronze winter foliage, light, crimson-red, non-fading flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Nicoletta’, Yakushimanum hybrid, light pink to white flowers with blackberry-colored markings in mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Nefertiti’, large-flowered hybrid, dark pink bloom, white inside with black and red markings, mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Percy Wiseman’, Yakushimanum hybrid, light yellow to salmon pink flowers from mid to late May
- Rh. ‘Persil’, deciduous hybrid with pure white flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Petticoat’, Japanese azalea, pink to the throat lighter, double bloom from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Ramapo’, small-flowered hybrid also for unfavorable soils, pastel purple flowers from the beginning of May to the end of May
- Rh. ‘Rasputin’, large-flowered hybrid, light purple-blue flower with dark purple blotch, late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Roland’, large-flowered hybrid, plum-colored to deep reddish-purple flowers from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Satschiko’ or ‘Geisha orange-red’, Japanese azalea, orange blossom with a reddish tint from late May to early June
- Rh. ‘Snow pillow’, Yakushimanum hybrid, pale pink buds, white when blooming, late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Snow crown’, Yakushimanum hybrid, flowers pale pink and then becomes pure white, from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Snow Pearl’, Japanese azalea with double, pure white flowers from late May to mid-June
- Rh. ‘Scintillation’, large-flowered hybrid, light pink flower with greenish to golden yellow markings, mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Soir de Paris’, deciduous hybrid, fragrant light pink flowers with dark pink stripes, mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Stadt Westerstede’, large-flowered hybrid with light yellow blooms from mid-May to early June
- Rh. ‘Tina Heinje’, Yakushimanum hybrid, flowers in various shades of red and pink from the end of May to the beginning of June
- Rh. Vaseyi, a wild species imported from the USA, flowers pale pink, purple-pink, white before leaves shoot, beginning to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Vater Böhlje’, proven Williamsianum hybrid with a light purple flower tinted pink on the outside from early to mid-May
- Rh. ‘Viscy’, large-flowered hybrid, orange to coppery yellow flowers with pink ribs from early to late May
3. Rhododendron blooms from June
- Rh. ‘Balalaika’, large-flowered hybrid, orange-pink flowers with deep orange-yellow in the center from the beginning to the end of June
- Rh. ‘Hachmann’s Feuerschein’, large-flowered hybrid, clear, pure red to cherry-red flowers from the beginning to the end of June
- Rh. ‘Junifeuer’, large-flowered hybrid, dark red inside lighter blossom with a dark border beginning to end of June
- Rh. ‘Purpurkissen’, Japanese azalea, keeps winter foliage well, carmine-red flowers from early to late June
4. Rhododendron blooms from July
- Viscosum azaleas, hybrid of American Rh. Viscosum x div. Azaleas introduced in 1998, with leaves appearing, sweet-smelling white to pale pink-tinged flowers from early to mid-July
- Rh. Viscosum from the USA in numerous varieties, e.g. B. ‘Summer Fragrance’ shows its fragrant, pinkish-white flowers in July
5. Rhododendron bloom in autumn
Extension of the rhododendron bloom time has long been an important breeding goal that with some evergreen rhododendrons like Rh. ‘Cunningham’s White’ and Rh show some flowers again.
Other rhododendrons (cultivars) could also be persuaded to open their flowers shortly after the induction of flowers (80-90% in autumn, in spring only residual flowering). B. the following:
- Rh. Haematodes ‘Sardana’, Chinese species, ruby-red flowers with a wavy edge from September to October, second flowering in May, June
- Rh. ‘Herbstfreude’, large-flowered hybrid, pale pink flowers with blackberry-colored markings from September to October, second flowering in May, June
- Rh. ‘Humboldt Superior’, large-flowered hybrid, pink-purple flowers with blackberry-colored spots from September to October, second flowering in May, June
- Rh. ‘Pfauenauge’, large-flowered hybrid, lilac-colored bloom with a burgundy-red blotch September, October, second bloom May June
- Rh. Smirnowii ‘grape harvest’, dark pink to purple flowers, depending on the weather from August or September
- Rh.yakushimanum ‘Herbstzauber’, pink to yellow-orange flowers with green-yellow points, September to October and again in May
The rarer a rhododendron is sold, the less it can be found in the range of large retail chains; High sales figures do not necessarily have to be a sign of quality, individualists are looking for something completely different anyway:
Flowering time of native rhododendrons
You don’t have to travel to Kamchatka or China to find rhododendrons – we have them too (although more in smaller owner-operated nurseries or rhododendron specialists than in large garden centers). With the mega-trend “back to nature” and the discovery that local plants need less gardening work, the local rhododendrons are becoming more and more popular, here their flowering times:
- Rhododendron caucasicum, Caucasian wild species with a maximum height of 1 m, flowers white / creamy white to yellow and often pink overflowing April to May
- Rhododendron ferrugineum, pleasantly graceful native species with deep pink (pale pink / white) flowers in June and July
- Rhododendron hirsutum, local specialist for calcareous (to neutral) garden soils, max. 1.50 m high, pale to deep pink flowers in June and July
- Rhododendron lapponicum, a frost-hard dwarf shrub of max. 15 cm, which reliably develops purple-violet carpets of flowers every year, blooms from June to early July
- Rhododendron luteum, parent of numerous large-flowered hybrids, but the wild species is also a pretty shrub with fragrant, light yellow flowers from May to June
- Rhododendron myrtifolium, native to Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, 1 m high, pink flowers with a touch of pink in May
- Rhododendron ponticum, is fought as an invasive weed in Ireland, so it is only recommended to a limited extent from May to July despite the abundance of pink-purple flowers
- Rhododendron smirnowii, very frost-hardy rhododendron from the “cold east”, max. 1.7 m, bright dark pink to purple flowers in April and May
- Rhododendron tomentosum, swamp porst, beautiful small uncomplicated rhododendron with white blooms May, July
- Rhododendron ungernii, medium-high rhododendron from the Caucasus, flowers white in June and July, usually with a beautiful pale pink color
Rhododendron species and varieties are available with such variable flowering times that the garden can show rhododendron blossoms from spring to autumn if properly planted. Also the natural garden, because there are numerous native rhododendron species with a harmonious, natural appearance; also the garden “lazy gardener with pleasure”, because many native rhododendrons grow and bloom almost by themselves.