A flourishing and green variety in the garden all year round is offered when various ornamental shrubs are cultivated distributed in the various corners. The following article briefly presents representative early to late bloomers and evergreen or winter-blooming shrubs.
Table of Contents
early bloomers
As early as spring, when the cold days come to an end, the early flowering shrubs begin to show their full splendor and bring a little color to the garden, which is otherwise often drab from the winter:
Bridal muscle (Spiraea arguta)
- Flowering April to May
- white veil of flowers
- Doldentrauben
- sunny location
- can be cultivated in a bucket
- deciduous
- subtle yellow autumn colour
- Height between 1.50 and two meters
Goldglöckchen (Forsythia x intermedia)
- better known as forsythia
- bright yellow flowers
- appear before the leaves emerge
- bell shaped
- Flowering time April to May
- Height two to three meters
- deciduous
- yellow autumn colour
- sunny location
- sunny location
- many different types
- Flowering from May to June
- many different flower colors
- white, violet, pink, red
- big flowers
- Growth height between 70 cm and three meters
- deciduous species
- evergreen species
- hardy hybrids
Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
- very hardy
- suitable for beds and tubs
- bright white flowers
- 10 cm star flowers
- can live up to 40 years
- sunny location
- Flowering time from February to April
- before leaf emergence
- deciduous
- between 1.50 and 3 meters high
late bloomers
Also in summer and autumn there are many flowering shrubs that look very representative. Once the early bloomers have faded, the following late bloomers can take center stage:
Ball-Hortensie (Hydrangea macrophylla)
- blooms in autumn
- from June to October
- Flowering until the first frost
- very hardy
- deciduous
- only up to a meter high
- also suitable for tub cultivation
- very large balls of flowers
- red-purple with a blue center
- partially shaded location
Herbstflieder (Syringa microphylla)
- 20 cm long flower panicles
- pink to purple flowers
- Flowering time between May and June
- second flowering in October
- grows up to 1.20 meters high
- slow growth
- deciduous
- sunny location
- hardy
Mönchspfeffer (Vitex agnus-castus)
- sunny location
- particularly wet soil
- found in nature on river banks
- blue-violet lip flowers
- red-black fruits
- grey-green leaves
- Flowering from August to October
- fruit in winter
- grows between one and three meters high
Rispenhortensie (Hydrangea paniculata)
- sunny to partially shaded location
- hardy
- impressive flower spikes
- fading from white to pink
- Flowering time from July to October
- grows two to three meters high
- can also be cultivated in tubs
- deciduous
Schmetterlingsflieder (Buddleja davidii)
- large panicles of flowers
- purple flowers
- sunny to partially shaded location
- hardy
- Flowering time from July to October
- Growth height between two and three meters
- deciduous
Seven Sons of Heaven (Heptacodium miconioides)
originally from Asia
- white flowers
- first flowering June
- second flowering period August to November
- then purple red fruits
- dark green leaves
- sunny location
- very hardy
- Growth height up to four meters
star bush (Deutzia scabra)
- long spikes of flowers
- richly filled
- monumental stature
- 2.50 to 3.50 meters high
- Flowering period June and July
- ideal for cottage garden
- very extensive growth
- deciduous
- hardy
Waldrebe (Clematis)
- not just a climbing plant
- can also be cultivated as a dense shrub
- Well suited for tubs and beds
- violet flowers
- two heydays
- July August
- September October
- up to a meter high
- good hardy
Weigelie (Weigelia)
- very hardy shrub
- hardy
- colorful foliage in autumn
- Flowering period from May to July
- Height of growth two to three meters
- Flower color ruby red
- Flowers in clusters
- sunny location
winter bloomers
Even for the winter there are various shrubs that now make the garden look decorative when everything around is already dreary and barren:
Winterjasmin (Jasminum nudiflorum)
- decorative yellow winter flowers
- star shaped
- as an overhanging solitaire
- Growth height up to two meters
- as a climbing plant on a wall
- as a climbing plant up to 3.5 meters
- can also be cultivated in tubs
- Flowering time from December to March
- hardy
- sunny location
Winterschneeball (Viburnum bodnantense)
- Flowers after leaf drop
- Flowering time from November to April
- Height from two to 2.5 meters
- pink white flowers
- intense fragrance
- red to dark violet autumn colour
- umbrella panicles
- sunny location
- Plant neighbors crocuses or snowdrops
Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia)
- sheltered sunny location
- ruffled flowers
- burgundy flowers
- Flowering period from January to February
- before the new shoot
- Growth height between two and three meters
- can also be cultivated in tubs
- broad bushy
- hardy
- deciduous
Many of the featured flowering shrub species are deciduous. If a little green is to prevail in winter, then the following evergreen trees are suitable, which are a decorative eye-catcher both in a hedge as a privacy screen and as a solitaire in the wintry garden:
Berberitze (Berberis)
- Flowering time between May and June
- yellow flowers
- leaves leathery
- rich green color
- sunny location
- as a specimen or hedge plant
- up to three meters high
- hardy
Kirschlorbeer (Prunus laurocerasus)
- Flowering time between May and June
- forms dark berry panicles
- leaves narrow
- glittering
- dark green
- sunny to partially shaded location
- Pot cultivation possible
- valued as a hedge plant
- grows up to 3.50 meters high
Tree of Life (Thuja occidentalis)
- also known as conifer species
- no bloom
- no fruit
- evergreen
- popular as a hedge plant
- grows between two and five meters high
- Width up to two meters
- sunny location
- hardy
Bay viburnum (Viburnum tinus)
- evergreen shrub
- white to pink flowers
- Flowering time November to April
- red-brown buds in late autumn
- hardy
- grows up to 1.5 meters high
- slow growth
- sunny to partially shaded location
Winterblühende Heide (Erica darleyensis)
- very small shrub species
- Height between 30 and 40 centimeters
- Flowering time from December to April/May
- also for tub cultivation
- sunny to partially shaded location
- Avoid summer sun
- white flowers
- prefers sandy, lean soil
- evergreen