Prachtscharte, Liatris spicata – care, cutting and wintering

As an easy-care bloomer that has few demands, the splendid gap is ideal for all relaxed gardeners – who do not make any effort but still want to enjoy beauty. In order for the unusual plant to really thrive, it still needs coordinated care measures and a suitable location. Otherwise, even the sturdy splendor will quickly bless the time.

The right location for the splendid gap

The Prachtscharte is originally native to North America and is shown here on open meadows. In local areas it needs a similar location.

The place where Liatris spicata is planted has to be sunny and warm, then the splendid gap will flourish and show an impressive display of flowers. To do this, it needs sufficient space upwards, because the plant can reach a height of 60 cm to 100 cm.

Tip: As the closest neighbors, conifers are to be avoided as a matter of urgency, because they would render the soil unusable for the splendid gap. On the other hand, it goes well with grasses, roses, lavender and mint.


The optimal soil for Liatris spicata is calcareous, loose and moderately permeable. The substrate should be able to store water, but should neither be prone to compaction nor waterlogging. In addition, the splendid notch needs a large amount of nutrients. These should also already be contained in the substrate.

Fresh garden soil mixed with lime and compost meets these requirements. Mixing in mulch is also an advantage.

Tip: If the groundwater is high, a drainage layer should be added to facilitate the drainage of the water.


The Liatris spicata can be planted in the garden from around May. Small groups of odd numbers are particularly appealing. As a guide, there should be a distance of at least 20 cm between the individual plants. As a rule, up to five splendid slits fit on one square meter.
There is nothing to consider when inserting it. For this, however, a thick layer of mulch should then be applied to the planting disc and the splendid notch should be poured on.


If the splendor is in the right place and already receives sufficient nutrients from the substrate, its other requirements are very low.

Watering, fertilizing and occasionally blending – basically nothing more is necessary to care for the Liatris spicata. And this already low effort can be reduced even further with a few tricks.


The Prachtscharte does not tolerate persistent waterlogging or drought. The water balance should therefore be balanced. Pouring the splendid notch is always useful when the top layer of the substrate has dried and rain is not expected soon.

Normal, fresh tap water is sufficient for watering the splendid notch. It is even recommended. Because Liatris spicata loves lime, so that, unlike most plants, even hard tap water is good for it. The additional watering should be slowly reduced as the temperature drops. Because especially in winter, too much moisture can be fatal for the plant.

Tip: Mulch in the substrate itself and as a protective layer around the splendid notch reduces evaporation. Moisture is stored longer – watering the Liatris spicata is much less necessary.


Compost and lime cover the Prachtscharte’s needs well if they are freshly added every four to six weeks, especially during flowering. A liquid or long-term fertilizer for flowering plants can also cover the need.
In September, however, the fertilization should be stopped so that the splendor gap can adjust to the resting phase in winter.

Tip: Mulch in turn helps to minimize the effort – because it also has a fertilizing effect. If this is present in and on the substrate, a slight additional fertilization only needs to be carried out during the flowering period in summer.

To cut

When the flowers of the splendid sip dry up in autumn, they can be cut off at the height of the leaves. If you want to gain seeds, you can collect them directly from the cuts.

In addition to this, another cut is necessary. This can be done either in autumn or spring. It is somewhat more recommendable to cut in spring, between February and March, before the first budding. The Liatris spicata is cut off to a hand’s breadth above the ground. All withered and dried up parts of the plant are sufficiently removed and provide space and energy for new shoots. There are no special features to consider when it comes to the waste. A clean, sharp pair of scissors or hedge trimmers will do just fine. Here, too, you do not have to be careful when it comes to skin contact with the sap.

Liatris spicata can also serve as a cut flower. Cutting off during the flowering period is also possible without any problems and is well tolerated by the Prachtscharte.


If properly cared for and in a suitable location, the Prachtscharte is robust and does not require any special protection in winter. At least if it was planted freely in the garden.

It is different with the culture in the bucket. Here the roots do not receive sufficient protection, which can make frost dangerous. Even then, however, it is not necessary to bring Liatris spicata inward. Wrapping it with garden fleece so that the container and soil are covered is sufficient. The bucket can also be placed in a cold but frost-free room.

As long as the substrate is not completely dried out, additional watering is also not necessary. Waterlogging must be avoided urgently in winter. But also extreme drought. In winter quarters it is therefore easy to water if necessary. On frost-free days, the splendid slit in the garden can also be watered if necessary. But really only very easily and by no means floating.


The splendor gap can be multiplied in two ways. On the one hand by seeds, on the other hand by dividing the tubers. Both variants are easy and have a good chance of success.

Propagation by seeds
The blooms of the splendid gap bloom from top to bottom, i.e. in the opposite direction to other plants. After flowering, small fruiting bodies containing the seeds form on the ears. As soon as the fruits have also dried, they can be shaken out or opened with light pressure.

In the following spring, between April and May, the seeds can be sown directly in the bed. A light covering with soil and pouring on is sufficient. The seeds germinate quite quickly, depending on the weather. They just have to be separated. To do this, the weakest shoots are simply removed when the young plants have reached an average height of ten to fifteen centimeters.

Propagation by division
If you want to multiply the Liatris spicata a little faster and do not want to dwell on pricking, you should prefer propagation by division. In this variant, the splendid gap is first excavated, whereby as many roots as possible must be preserved. So it is important to dig generously and only then gently knock off the substrate.

The root is then divided in the middle. A sharp knife or a clean spade can be used for this. As soon as the mother plant has been cut in half in this way, the resulting parts are used again in the desired locations.

Spring is also the ideal time for this, after the last frost. Fresh substrate and adequate watering accelerate growth and increase success.

Moving and repotting

Relocating or repotting the splendor gap is basically only necessary if the first location proves to be unsuitable or the available space is no longer sufficient. After a few years, especially in pot culture, depleted, used substrate can occur. Even then, a change is necessary.
On the other hand, regular surgery without a specific need is neither necessary nor recommended.

When repotting, moving or changing substrates, the following should be observed:

  • If possible, take the measure in spring, after the last frost
  • Root-conserving, so dig generously
  • Thoroughly remove old substrate
  • Use appropriately fertilized or mixed soil
  • When repotting, only choose a slightly larger container

The golden mean can also be found in the subsequent pouring. The earth should be well moist but not soaked.

Typical diseases and pests

The Prachtscharte is a real magnet for butterflies, bees and bumblebees. At least in the prime. Allergy sufferers should therefore think twice about planting Liatris spicata. Or at least keep a large distance from windows, doors and dining areas.

In contrast, pests and diseases largely stay away from Liatris spicata. The Prachtscharte is therefore a robust plant that is extremely resistant.

For this reason, it is usually mistakes in care that lead to damage to the plant.

Such as a location that is too shady. This not only results in an underdeveloped flower. The plant can even die gradually if there is too little sun.

The same applies to a permanently too moist soil, nutrient deficiency or too low a lime content. Few flowers, withered, dry or discolored areas are signs of insufficient minerals and nutrients. While missing nutrients can be easily compensated by fertilization, waterlogging, especially at low temperatures, can quickly lead to rot.

The plant becomes withered, greasy, and turns dark from bottom to top. It may still be possible to save the Liatris spicata if the affected areas are removed and the substrate is dried. If, on the other hand, the roots are already affected by rot, the splendor should be destroyed. And not on the compost, because the rot fungi would only find a new breeding ground here. A balanced moisture balance, good ventilation and adequate fertilization are essential preventive measures.

Is the splendor fissure poisonous?
The Liatris spicata is not poisonous in small quantities, but can even be used as a medicinal plant. Therefore, it does not pose a threat to humans or animals in the garden or in the bucket.

However, it should also not be used as a forage plant for reptiles, rabbits and guinea pigs, as larger quantities can lead to intolerance.

Popular varieties of Liatris spicata

The splendid notch blooms originally pink-violet and reaches a considerable height of up to 100 cm. In the meantime, however, there are also varieties that differ from these properties.

  • Such as Liatris spicata Alba, Snow White and Floristan White – which, as their names suggest, bloom in white.
  • Silver Tips, on the other hand, grows significantly higher at 1.5 meters and has an abundant, lavender-colored flower.
  • The Liatris spicata Kobold is exactly at the other end of the spectrum, reaching a height of just 40 cm. In addition, the flowers are light pink or mauve in color, which sets them apart from the other varieties.

The Prachtscharte is an extremely undemanding and easy to care for plant, which is equally suitable for garden and pots. Decorative and attractive for butterflies, bees and bumblebees, it requires little effort. This makes it ideal for everyone who wants to spend their time in the garden relaxing rather than working.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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