Thickleaf, Crassula ovata – care instructions

The somewhat ungallant trivial name Dickblatt does little justice to the popular houseplant. Because the richly branched, evergreen shrub Crassula ovata sets stylish accents on the windowsill and in sun-drenched niches. At the same time, the small, thick, oval-shaped leaves convey a visual fullness that only succulents can. If the unusual flower in the form of filigree white stars presents itself during the barren winter time, the hobby gardener knows that the cultivation of the magnificent ornamental foliage plant was a good decision. Maybe it really turns out to be a good luck charm, as a Chinese myth says. In any case, the easy-to-follow care instructions do not put any obstacles in the way of ambitious hobby gardeners.


  • Plant family of the succulent plants (Crassulaceae).
  • Scientific name: Crassula ovata.
  • Name of the species: money tree.
  • Succulent shrub native to South Africa.
  • Growth height in room culture up to 150 cm.
  • White or pink flowers in old age.
  • Trivialnamen: Dickblatt, Pfennigbaum, Speckeiche, Jadestrauch.

In Europe, the thick leaf is not only found as a house and balcony plant, but also delights friends of exotic plants in tropical gardens, where it reaches heights of 2.50 meters and more.

The feel-good location

The closer the climatic conditions are to South African conditions, the more magnificently the succulent thrives.

  • Sunny, warm location without cold drafts.
  • Shade with a curtain in view of the blazing midday sun.

If the outside temperature permanently exceeds the 15° mark, there is nothing wrong with placing the Crassula ovata on the balcony or terrace. It is also conceivable to plant the thick leaf together with the pot in the bed during the summer months and to move it inside the house in autumn. However, protection from the pelting rain might prove to be a bit awkward unless a canopy is available. Of course, the succulent has nothing against a mild summer rain.

Note: Provided that the thick leaf is gradually accustomed to direct sunlight for the outdoor season, after a few days there is no need for midday shading.

Proven floor conditions

Cultivated since the 18th century, generations of gardeners have incorporated their experience into the optimal composition of the substrate for a money tree. The top premise is the permeability of the soil, while the nutrient content takes a back seat.

  • Commercial potting soil, enriched with sharp sand.
  • Optionally, a cactus soil tailored to the needs of succulents.

Knowledgeable hobby gardeners who don’t want to leave anything to chance mix the substrate themselves from two thirds of compost and one third of sand and a handful of perlite.

watering and fertilizing

In terms of water and nutrient requirements, the Pfennigbaum turns out to be quite modest. A little bit of everything, but not in excess; that’s the motto.

  • Only water the thick leaf moderately during growth.
  • The substrate surface should dry regularly.
  • Give a dose of diluted liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks from March to October.

Crassula ovata cope better with drought than with waterlogging. Permanently ‘wet feet’ inevitably lead to root rot and ultimately to the death of the ornamental foliage plant. As a result, careful hobby gardeners keep an eye on the saucer after each watering process. If excess water collects in it, it is removed after 20 minutes at the latest.

Note: liquid fertilizer is not applied to dry substrate, but only after it has been moistened with a little water.

Cut and shape

Although the thick leaf is native to South Africa, it reacts to too much heat in connection with excessive water and nutrient supply with vergelung. Instead of presenting an aesthetically compact habit, long, thin shoots are formed that grow in all directions. Sooner or later, gravity will do the rest, so that the succulent, heavy leaves press all weak branches to the ground. Now at the latest, hobby gardeners reach for the plant scissors if they still want to save their money tree.

  • Cut off all shoots that grow out of the mould.
  • Form the main stem and branches into a common crown.
  • Also remove any unnecessary branches in favor of the desired habit.

Experience has shown that after a courageous pruning, the money tree starts to sprout more quickly in order to quickly catch up with the lost biomass. Knowledgeable plant lovers use this growth spurt to show their Crassula ovata the way to the perfect growth habit. Following the example of Asian bonsai artists, they tie the young, strong branches to sticks until they have assumed the desired silhouette. If you dare, you can influence the contour with wires, also copied from bonsai gardeners. The aluminum wire should not be wrapped around the branches for longer than 6 to 8 weeks because there is a risk that it will grow into the bark. All wires should be removed by May at the latest, when the growth in thickness begins.

Incidentally, the effort involved in cutting and shaping is only worthwhile if the causes of the smearing have been identified and eliminated.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with pruning and modeling a healthy money tree that hasn’t fallen off in the same way. Ideally, a regular pruning and topiary should take place immediately after flowering during the winter dormancy. At this time, the succulent is not fully succulent, so the effort required by the procedure is minimal.


In the period from November to February, the thick leaf takes a winter break. During this phase, the houseplant adapts to the lower amount of light, after which the hobby gardener adjusts the scope of care accordingly.

  • From August, the amount of irrigation water is gradually reduced.
  • During the hibernation, water only enough to keep the root area from drying out.
  • In October, the Crassula ovata receives the last dose of liquid fertilizer for the time being.
  • The temperature is no higher than 15° and lower than 7° Celsius.

If the penny tree spent the summer outdoors, it will move to its winter quarters at the latest when the temperatures hover around 10° Celsius. It is the fluctuations in temperature that subsequently stimulate the jade bush to flower. Experience has shown that specimens that are cultivated indoors under constant conditions all year round cannot be encouraged to flower.


At intervals of 2 to 3 years, the thick leaf in the tub has spread so far that it is too narrow for the root ball. The optimal time for this care measure is early spring, just before the fresh shoots begin.

  • A ceramic or clay flower pot will better withstand a heavy crown.
  • An opening in the bottom of the pot as a drain for excess irrigation water is essential.
  • Spread some potsherds over it to make a handy drainage.
  • Repot the money tree, clean from the old substrate, plant and water.

Crassula ovata do prefer a permeable, airy soil; However, there should not be any larger cavities during potting. In the worst case, such air bubbles prevent the roots from spreading quickly. As a result, experienced hobby gardeners repeatedly press the substrate lightly with their fists.

Note: Since commercially available potting soil is usually pre-fertilized, no additional nutrient supply is required in the year of repotting.


Succulents, such as the thick leaf, are excellent for propagation using leaf cuttings. Alternatively, head cuttings and offshoots promise good prospects of success if other specimens of this decorative houseplant are grown.

leaf cuttings

  • Fill small pots with cactus soil and sand mixture.
  • Cut the leaves off the mother plant with a razor blade.
  • Plant a leaf cutting about 1 cm deep in each pot.
  • If necessary, a toothpick or match will serve as a support.

In the days and weeks that follow, the leaves will root while being kept slightly moist. Once they have reached a size of 2 cm, they are cut off and then thrive in their own pot in the bright, warm window seat.

head cuttings

  • Cut off approx. 7 cm long, non-woody shoot tips in the spring.
  • Defoliate the lower half and plant in potting soil.
  • Put a plastic bag over it and seal it with a rubber band.

Depending on site conditions, the top cuttings will take a few weeks to root. The hood is aired for a few minutes every day to prevent mold from forming. A new shoot signals that the propagation is successful. Experienced hobby gardeners decide by eye when the young plants are strong enough to move into their final tub.


  • Cut off the kindel with your own leaves from the main or side shoot.
  • Then plant in the seed pot and provide a support.
  • Water a little at 19° to 23° Celsius until rooting.

Since offshoots are already mini thick leaves, which with a bit of luck will have their own leaves and roots, propagation is particularly rapid.

diseases and pests

If the leaves turn yellow or fall off, the thick leaf is not feeling well. Now it is important to quickly investigate the cause if damage to the pretty ornamental leaf plant is to be averted. Negligence in caregiving is often the cause of the problems. Sometimes fungal infections or pests are responsible for a health disorder of the money tree.

care mistakes

  • Waterlogging in the root area.
  • Unsuitable lighting conditions.
  • Too high or too low temperatures.

Location problems are solved in no time, while waterlogged substrate calls for an immediate repot. As long as not all roots have rotted or more than half of all shoots and leaves have softened, there is hope that consistent action will overcome the crisis.


  • scale insects
  • mealybugs
  • aphids

Unfortunately, succulents, like the money tree, are predestined for an infestation by plant lice. Stunted shoots, sticky excretions on the leaves, tiny brown or green bumps are unmistakable indications of the presence of the pests. Since the use of chemical pesticides is undesirable indoors, hobby gardeners take the following environmentally friendly measures:

  • Isolate infected thickleaf immediately.
  • The quarantine room is light and cool.
  • Cut off affected parts of the plant with a knife.
  • Rinse heavy specimens overhead with a jet of water.
  • Wipe off plant lice with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab or cloth.

Combi-sticks made of fertilizer and insecticide are just about acceptable for use in living spaces. Incorporated into the substrate, they release active ingredients into the penny tree that are deadly for sucking plant lice.

Beautiful thickleaf species

In addition to the money tree (Crassula ovata), the plant genus Dickblatt offers a wealth of other species, some of which have also been able to establish it as indoor plants:

Dickblatt ‚Hottentot‘ (Crassula rupestris ssp. marnierana)

  • Small, green leaves, like a string of pearls.
  • Thanks to its creeping habit, it is ideally suited for traffic lights.

Dickblatt ‚Silberdollar‘ (Crassula arborescens)

  • Silver-grey leaves with a reddish edge.
  • Growth height 60 cm to 120 cm.

Rosetten-Dickblatt (Crassula arboreum)

  • Small tree with rosette-like leaves.
  • Growth height up to 100 cm.

Rock Thickleaf (Crassula rupestris)

  • Pretty shrub with reddish shoots.
  • Round growth habit up to 150 cm high.

One of the most popular indoor plants, the money tree, comes from the South African plant genus Thickleaf. Uncomplicated to care for, very easy to propagate and resistant to diseases, even beginners can master cultivation in no time at all. If the Crassula ovata is allowed to spend the summer on the balcony or in the bed, it will say thank you in the course of the winter with an enchanting blossom of dainty, white stars.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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