Hardly any other hedge offers as much privacy as the thuja. But at some point it often becomes too high for the hobby gardener. With increasing age, the plant grows – without countermeasures – over ten meters. As a rule, of course, that is too much of a good thing. But how can the thuja hedge be stopped, especially if it has not been cut for a long time? Is a radical cut conceivable? Yes, definitely. However, the hobby gardener must be aware that there are enormous risks associated with the extreme method.
Table of Contents
Thuja hedge radical cut – the problem
In order not to avoid the bush for a long time: When cutting the thuja hedge radically, there is usually no avoiding cutting into the old wood. But the plant usually does not tolerate this very well. In the worst case, it will never drive out after the act and from then on it will be more of a thorn in the side than a beautiful eye-catcher in the garden.
Try makes you smart
Despite the very understandable warnings, hobby gardeners keep trying to rejuvenate their aging tree by radical pruning. If you look at the testimonials from these people, a controversial picture emerges. Some regret the step – their hedge never recovered from the measure and just looked horrible afterwards. Others, however, say that their thuja surprisingly sprouted again after a few years. Sometimes they had to wait up to ten years for this moment.
Even if it is not the best solution, you can try radical pruning on an old and fully grown thuja hedge – but only if you can cope with the loss of the plant (which is unfortunately possible). You also need a lot of patience afterwards. If it occurs at all, the new growth takes a lot of time.
The ideal approach is to prune the tree of life regularly from the start. This is the only way to prevent the development from becoming too massive.
Cut regularly as a preventive measure
When it comes to pruning, the thuja hedge is not exactly straightforward. Also with regard to the work that has to be carried out on a regular basis, there are a few things to consider in order not to damage the tree of life more severely. This is followed by a comprehensive “instruction” on how to cut the thuja hedge.
Basic framework
First a note: If you use the thuja as a solitary plant and have enough space in the garden, it does not have to be shortened at all. Then the conifer can develop completely freely and can reach a height of up to 20 meters, depending on the species.
How often?
If, on the other hand, the tree of life is used as a privacy hedge, it is even mandatory to cut the plant from a certain point. After a few years it will reach the maximum in terms of the permitted height in the property boundary area. In and of itself, it is enough to prune the thuja hedge once a year. Nevertheless, it is advisable to make two to three cuts a year – from early spring to late summer / early autumn.
A) Season (s)
Basically: Except in winter, when the temperature is below zero, the thuja hedge can be cut all year round. Nevertheless, there are “dates” or times that are particularly suitable:
- 1st cut: early spring
- 2nd cut: mid / end of June
- 3rd cut: end of August
In early spring, after the last frost, the young shoots of the thuja hedge are not yet growing properly. That’s why you can go to work a little more “radically” here. The period from mid to late June is recommended for the second pruning because the tree of life is already growing a little slower this season.
The third cut is best done at the end of August. You shouldn’t get started much later. After all, the regrowing shoots of the thuja hedge need enough time to mature. This also prevents them from falling victim to high sub-zero temperatures in the cold months.The reduced growth after the third incision ensures that the wounds that occurred during the act of cutting are evenly closed. By winter, the shoots that sprout after cutting are already strong enough to survive the cold unscathed.
B) Weather conditions
In addition to the season or the seasons, the weather always plays an important role. You can act as carefully as you want (of course you should do that anyway …) – every cut represents an injury and thus an open wound. Now it is the case that corresponding wounds provide excellent entry points for the cold on frosty days. This can result in severe frost damage, although the thuja hedge is in principle a very frost-resistant plant.
Never cut the thuja hedge in freezing temperatures, otherwise there is a risk of frost damage! During the growing season (spring to summer) wound healing takes place faster. The other extreme is strong sunshine. Cutting in weather like this should also be avoided. The reason for this is the fact that the pruning reveals foliage that was previously covered.
These areas are not used to intense light – they are correspondingly sensitive. Leaves that were hidden from the cut can quickly burn in bright sunlight. It is best to always choose a day for the cutting work on which the sun is relatively constantly covered by clouds.
C) Watch out for birds!
Birds are clever animals. They know very well that they will find optimal opportunities to hide in a densely growing thuja. They are ideal places for bird nests near the trunk, where there are often brown spots (more on this below). For the hobby gardener, this means: BEFORE each cut, check carefully whether a pair of birds has chosen the thuja hedge as a nursery for their offspring. If you discover one or even more nests, the pruning must be postponed for better or worse until autumn or spring.
By which?
The following devices are suitable for pruning the tree of life:
- each branch must be edited individually
- therefore a very complex variant
- rather unsuitable for cutting the thuja hedge
Manual hedge trimmer:
- Select model for two-handed use
- Force is transmitted by means of leverage
- useful especially for subsequent corrections
Cordless shrub shears:
- wireless, handy and light (practical)
- also very manoeuvrable, which is advantageous
- perfect for young thuja hedge
Electric hedge trimmer:
- need neither battery nor tank
- speed up the process considerably
- Caution: do not cut the cable
Petrol hedge trimmer:
- is basically ready for use anywhere
- has a wide range of services
- leads to very good results
It is important to operate with a well-sharpened cutting tool. This makes pruning easier. In addition, the thuja hedge is protected in this way. Injuries are limited. This allows the plant to recover very quickly. In addition, pathogens have fewer areas to attack after a cut with sharp knives.In contrast, tools with unsharpened knives cause far more cuts. With blunt utensils, the branches and twigs become frayed and squashed. In the following period, an above-average number of wounds have to heal, which logically damages the plant (it costs significantly more strength).
This is how the thuja hedge is cut correctly
To conclude the guide, a few tips on how the thuja hedge is best cut. Experienced hobby gardeners can cut their tree of life by eye. However, there is always a risk of irregularities. Often, when you cut it, you notice that it is not that easy to prune the hedge without a guide. Therefore, it is better to use an aid in order to be satisfied with the result in the end.
When cutting, it is best to proceed in stages. You start at the bottom, then work your way up until the desired level is reached. To make a vertical cut, move the cutting device horizontally in a line.It is advisable to create a slightly conical shape (trapezoid). That means the hedge should be a little wider at the bottom than at the top. This gives the lower branches more light, which prevents scaling on the foot. Furthermore, with such a shape, the snow slides off well in winter. In this way, no heavy loads are formed and the thuja hedge does not buckle.
It is also advisable to consistently thin out branches that run across the tree. On the one hand, this prevents unfavorable light influences and, on the other hand, ensures better air circulation.
Thuja twigs often turn brown towards the trunk. The reason for this change in color is the lack of light – the areas are covered by the leaves and do not get anything from the sun or daylight. However, the green outer areas of the plant hide these unseen areas very well so that they are not noticeable. Now it is essential not to cut into these brown areas when pruning. If you do, an open hole results.If at all, fresh green will only form very slowly in the brown areas. Thus, the gap would remain for a long time or not close at all, which unfortunately happens again and again.
In short: Except for radical pruning, in which one consciously takes the risk, when pruning the thuja hedge, care should always be taken to ensure that fresh green remains on the branches that can grow and gradually close the gap.