Water lilies, pond roses – planting, care and wintering

The biodiversity is varied, as is the color of the flowers, which bloom either white, yellow or in different shades of pink. The floating leaves of the water lilies are also very nice to look at, which, like the flowers, can reach a considerable size and are dark green in color. The tropical and strongly scented water lilies are unfortunately very sensitive to frost and have to overwinter in a warm place, while the native species survive the cold temperatures of winter unscathed. In contrast to the pond roses, water lilies have larger flowers and leaves with a more diverse range of colors. The flowers of the pond roses are small, spherical and yellow in color.

Optimal location, planting and transplanting, breeding ground

The water lilies are true survivors and thrive in all climates on earth, except in the icy regions. They are either planted directly in the ground at the bottom of the pond or in a special planter. As these pond plants tend to overgrow, the tub conveniently restricts root growth. If pruning, division or wintering is necessary, the water lilies and pond roses can be removed more easily in this way. The roots are also called rhizomes in gardening jargon, with these bulbous root balls the native aquatic plants can survive the cold spell. When growing freely, the water lily anchors itself firmly to the rhizome in the bottom of the pond and forms strong roots in the subsoil. The stronger and thicker the roots of the plant, the better their chances of surviving violent currents. The plants are very easy to care for, but the prerequisites for healthy growth are ideal conditions.

  • Well proportioned garden pond, the bigger the better
  • Always outside in the warm months
  • Depending on the type, location flooded with or with little sun
  • As low-lime and nutrient-rich soil as possible
  • Frost-hard water lilies can overwinter in the pond
  • Light and warm winter quarters for the tropical varieties that are sensitive to frost
  • Still waters with a good supply of oxygen
  • Equal oxygen supply to the water through appropriate devices and devices, this also prevents excessive algae growth
  • Regular supply of nutrients through a special fertilizer for aquatic plants
  • Avoid over-fertilization as this can very easily lead to excessive algae growth
  • Dividing and transplanting becomes necessary when the rhizomes get out of hand and the plant takes up too much space in the pond
  • If the water is flowing easily and the water level fluctuates, the pond rose is preferable to the water lily

Fertilizing and watering

Water lilies are aquatic plants and therefore do not need to be watered separately. However, the water level in the pond must not drop too much, otherwise the plants will dry out. That is why the water level must always be checked in the warm summer months with little rainfall and the pond must be topped up if necessary. These plants are heavy eaters and need a lot of nutrients in the water and in the soil, otherwise they will not flower and the leaves will turn yellow and rot. For this reason, depending on the nature of the water and soil, fertilizers for garden ponds must be used regularly.

  • Root ball or rhizome must always be in the water and must never dry out
  • The water level must never drop extremely, the leaves and flowers must float on the water at a suitable distance from the rhizomes
  • Top up with water on days with very hot temperatures and little rainfall
  • Fertilize as needed, more often in nutrient-poor water and soil
  • A special fertilizer for aquatic plants and garden ponds is ideal, for example as a fertilizer cone to be stuck into the ground

Properly cut and winterize carefully

Water lilies tend to grow sprawling and can quickly take up all the space in the garden pond. Lake roses grow smaller and are therefore better suited for small-sized ponds. Strong outgrowths and the resulting lack of space lead to the water lily becoming lazy to flower. Furthermore, due to the large-format leaves, water lilies take away the sun from other pond plants and must be pruned if necessary. The strong vigor and the thick roots of these pond plants can also lead to a plague, but the growths should be avoided with slow-growing varieties. If the water lilies are kept in pots, the plant can be easily and quickly removed and pruned.

  • The correct cutting time is in the spring months by mid-August at the latest
  • Do not prune in autumn, otherwise the plants will not be able to take root again until winter
  • If the leaves are not evenly distributed on the water, but protrude steeply or even push one another, they must be pruned and thinned out heavily
  • With strong growths and a large spread, the water lilies no longer bloom
  • Rotten and yellow leaves must always be cut off

Native species can spend the winter unscathed in the pond, while exotic varieties have to be brought to wintering quarters. In regions with particularly harsh winters with persistent snowfall and permanent freezing of the ponds, however, it is advisable to also let the native pond roses hibernate in a protected place. Tropical water lilies fascinate with a brilliant variety of colors, but are not easy to handle during winter. If these were already placed in planters when they were planted, they can be easily removed from the pond in autumn and stored in a suitable container. The wintering quarters for the exotic animals must be a bright and warm place, with water temperatures between 23 and 25? C. Normal daylight in winter is not enough, additional lamps have to be installed.

  • Native varieties are hardy and overwinter in the pond without being harmed
  • The native varieties can, however, also be brought to winter quarters to protect them from the first frost, e.g. B. attic or basement
  • Only cover lightly with water, the native water lily does not need strong light or excessive heat to overwinter, but it must always be protected from freezing temperatures
  • Check regularly whether there is enough water in the container
  • In spring, the planters come back to their place in the pond
  • Tropical varieties need a bright and warm place, with water temperatures of 23-25 ​​° C, care must be taken to ensure that the water level is sufficient at all times
  • Additional lamps must be installed for an ideal supply of light
  • After winter and the last nights of frost, the exotic species come back into the pond in their pots

The multiplication of the water lilies

The water lilies are predominantly self-sowing and, under ideal conditions, reproduce very strongly. The rhizomes can be divided and placed in different locations in the garden pond, but this must be a suitable size for several plants. For small garden ponds and water basins, weak-growing and not particularly strong self-sowing pond roses are ideal. These varieties are undemanding and bloom reliably for long periods of time.

  • Self-sowing and with strong growth, the water lilies ensure their own reproduction and spread when the conditions are right
  • Low-growing and low self-sowing pond roses are especially suitable for small garden ponds and manageable water basins
  • With large-format varieties, leaves can grow up to 60 centimeters in diameter

Blossoms and flowering period

Water lilies are mainly planted for their beautiful and sumptuous flowers. There are about 40 different species and new cultivars, with a different color palette from white to yellow to pink and even deep red, which also beguile with a seductive scent. Water lilies are herbaceous plants of several years and bloom for a long time if they are kept in a species-appropriate manner. With proper care, the flowering period can last from spring to autumn. Most strains love the sun and warmth, and need them to be in full bloom. A shady location with little incidence of light is sufficient for a few species.

  • Warm and sun-drenched location for optimal flower formation
  • Nutrient-rich water and soil for a long flowering period
  • If the water and soil are poor in nutrients, additional fertilizer is required

Diseases and pests

Most water lilies are particularly susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases. No chemicals should be used in the water of a garden pond, as they usually cause even greater damage. If fish and other animals live in the pond, chemical agents should not be used under any circumstances. With cultivation conditions that are well matched to the pond plants, a lot of damage can be prevented in advance, as can the selection of robust cultivars that come from local areas. Tropical species are more prone to pests and diseases under strange conditions. With a regular inspection of the pond, an infestation and diseases can be recognized at an early stage and appropriate defense measures taken.


  • Aphids are particularly common in wild plants
  • Rinse with a jet of water from a hose, if necessary wipe off with your fingers
  • Otherwise, wash off the affected plants with a small amount of detergent and water using a sponge
  • Make sure that this detergent solution does not get into the pond water

Fungal attack

  • Due to their location in the water, pond and water lilies are quite susceptible to harmful fungal attack
  • If more and more yellow spots appear on the leaves, they should be removed relatively quickly in order to curb the fungal infestation as soon as possible
  • In the event of severe infestation, remove all leaves so that the plant can grow new and healthy shoots

Lily pad beetle or strawberry beetle

  • The water lily leaf beetle or strawberry beetle particularly often attacks water lilies in the local latitudes
  • The beetle’s larvae eat their way into the upper side of the lily pad and make them look unsightly
  • With a large number of corridors, the affected leaf dies
  • Since pesticides may not be used in the pond to protect flora and fauna, it is best to collect the beetles and larvae by hand

Little vegetation and blooming rottenness

  • If the water lilies bloom poorly and have few leaves, this is an indication of acute nutrient deficiency
  • In this case, cut back the roots and give aquatic plant fertilizer in small doses
  • Prefer natural fertilizers as chemical products spread quickly in the pond water

If the water lilies spread too far, it will also lead to a blooming laziness, here the plants have to be cut back accordingly.

With their magnificent and beautiful flowers, sea and pond roses are an ornament for every garden pond and entice with a lovely scent. The large floating leaves shade the water and protect it from overheating on hot days. This gives the pond inhabitants a safe place in the shade and also protects them from predatory water birds. At the same time, they curb the excessive growth of algae, which is caused by strong sunlight. Since these aquatic plants absorb many nutrients from the water, they also deprive the algae of their livelihood. The water quality in the pond can be improved with water lilies, but growths are to be expected. With timely pruning and dividing the roots, this plague can easily be prevented.

Kira Bellingham

I'm a homes writer and editor with more than 20 years' experience in publishing. I have worked across many titles, including Ideal Home and, of course, Homes & Gardens. My day job is as Chief Group Sub Editor across the homes and interiors titles in the group. This has given me broad experience in interiors advice on just about every subject. I'm obsessed with interiors and delighted to be part of the Homes & Gardens team.

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