How long do ravens live? That’s how old they get

Ravens are among the birds of prey. They are said to have devious, thieving and mean characteristics. Only a few of the 42 raven species live in Germany. That’s how old ravens get in this country. Rabenvögel The Corvidae family consists mainly of ravens and crows. The “classic” and world-famous creatures can be recognized visually by their black plumage,…

How old do blackbirds get? | Life expectancy information

The blackbird (Turdus merula) is one of the best-known native songbirds . Several broods a year ensure an increasing population density. Find out here how old blackbirds get. blackbirds Blackbirds, also known as blackbirds, are native to Europe, Asia and Africa. They are about 25 centimeters tall and reach a flight span of up to 38 centimeters. This makes them, together…

Feeding pigeons species-appropriate: what do they like to eat?

In cities, pigeons peck at almost any leftover food they find. However, this food is not species-appropriate. Because the birds are actually grain eaters. We will show you how to feed pigeons in a species-appropriate manner. pigeon feed Pigeons (Columbidae) are naturally vegetarians. Since they cannot crush seeds, fruits and berries, they ingest the pigeon food whole and swallow…

How long do pigeons live? That’s how old they get

City pigeons are among the most controversial birds, especially when they appear en masse in human settlements. Their life expectancy is rather short compared to other pigeon species. Read here how old pigeons get. pigeon species In the animal kingdom, pigeons (Columbidae) form a family with about 42 genera and over 300 species. In Central Europe there are…

What birds sing at night? | Nocturnal birds

When birds sing at night, they are usually nocturnal singers. This does not only include songbirds, as you can see from the following list of nocturnal birds. Feldschwirl (Locustella naevia) Size: 12 to 12.5 centimeters long Color: olive brown striped top; yellow-whitish underside; red-brown legs favorite places to stay: open landscape areas; wet meadows, swamps and moors; Riverbank; pagans Song: “sirrrr”…

Breeding duration: how long do blackbirds breed?

Blackbirds enchant with their melodious singing. This territorial song is performed by males between March and the end of July, i.e. at the time when the songbirds breed. Here you will find all information about the breeding period of blackbirds. Amsel (Turdus merula) The blackbird, also known as the blackbird, is the most widespread songbird in Europe. Their…

Duck species in Germany: identify ducks here

Among the duck species, mallards are probably the most well-known ducks in Germany that occur in the wild. They are easy to identify. However, there are other magnificent specimens to admire. Identifying made easy three toes pointing forward between webbed feet live mainly in the water relatively long and broad body short, powerful wings flat and broad…

Bird with red breast/belly: this one is it

A red-chested and/or red-bellied bird wants to draw attention from its peers. It is inevitable that we will also spot him faster. In this country, these species have red feathers. 4 Stand bird Resident birds do not flee from the cold of winter. These brave fliers can therefore be spotted all year round. Eisvogel – Alcedo atthis Other…

Identifying birds of prey: 16 birds of prey from Germany

Birds of prey are known as lords of the air and they are symbols of power and freedom on coats of arms. However, the population of some species has decreased in Germany because their habitats are disappearing. Adler What distinguishes alders is their exceptionally good visual acuity, which allows them to spot their prey from great…