Identify wasps with long hind legs

Among the numerous species of wasps, those with long hind legs are particularly noticeable. Our overview makes it easier to identify these wasp species. identify wasp species If a wasp with long hind legs is discovered, it is very likely a field or spider wasp. The best-known specimens that have these elongated extremities are described in more…

Recognizing a hornet queen with a picture: size

Where a hornet queen flies around, a nest is usually not far away. But how is it to be distinguished from the workers and drones? Quite simply: by the size, special features in appearance and other features. size differences While the workers have body sizes between 18 and 20, more rarely up to 25 millimeters, hornet queens…

Drive away bumblebees – gently remove the bumblebee nest

The fat and cozy bumblebees are not considered aggressive. They only use their stingers in extreme emergencies and are anything but dangerous to those around them. Due to their great benefit to nature, the small insects are protected. If you find a bumblebee nest in an unsuitable place, you may want to gently remove it and drive away…

Get rid of earth bees and sand bees – drive them away gently

Sand bees are wild bees. There are over 1,500 species of them. Around 150 species are native to Central Europe alone. These bees owe their name to the fact that they like to build their nests in soil, preferably in sand. Each female has her own nest. Many of the dwellings are often close together. Sand bees are actually harmless, like…

Differences between hornet & wasp: size & co

What is that buzzing around the coffee table set on the terrace? Is it a wasp or a hornet? Read what differences separate the two species in appearance and behavior. Look Many people think they can easily tell the difference between wasps (Vespinae) and hornets (Vespa crabro). However, this is not always so easy, because sometimes you have…

When wasps build their nests | Size & Material

Wasps build nests to protect their brood from predators and the elements. But when and from what material do the insects build their nest and how big can it get? wasp art In Germany, several hundred species of wasps are native. Over 80 percent of them live solitarily. That means the queen takes care of her brood alone. Much…

Lifespan: how long do wasps live? | 5 facts

As the summer passes, the appearance of the wasps also diminishes. But does that also mean death for the animals? Or do they hibernate in hiding? This guide provides interesting facts about the lifespan of wasps. Lifespan of different wasp species at a glance Medium wasp: dies at the end of August Common (common) wasp/German wasp: lives into…

Wasp foam and wasp spray against wasps & alternatives

Hardly anyone likes wasps around them. For some people it is even downright dangerous, namely for allergy sufferers. A wasp sting can be fatal. But even if you don’t have an allergic reaction, you don’t want to be bitten. In summer, wasps are quite common, sometimes in the house, often in the garden. It is particularly annoying when eating, but…

Wasp nest under the roof / attic – how to remove?

Contrary to their bad reputation, wasps are anything but permanently bad-tempered insects that only seek to inflict painful stings on people. Unfortunately, the attic is one of the preferred construction sites for a wasp nest. This circumstance makes even the most animal-friendly housemates uncomfortable. The question arises, how to remove a wasp nest under the roof? This is how…