Strawberry pests and strawberry diseases: what to do?

Strawberries taste particularly good from your own garden. Unfortunately, the harvest of strawberries can be reduced by pests or diseases. This article will tell you what there are and how to fight or treat them. strawberry pests Strawberry blossom cutter and strawberry stalk cutter Both beetle species belong to the weevils. Not only do they attack strawberries, but…

Overwintering strawberries: 6 tips for overwintering

Strawberries are popular. The sweet berries should not be missing in any garden. The perennial plants can easily be brought over the winter. With these instructions you can successfully overwinter strawberries. Overwinter strawberries properly Strawberry plants can stay in the same bed for about three years. The right treatment before and after the harvest decides whether the plants can…

When to plant and transplant strawberries

The typical strawberry season in this country is in May and June. The harvest time is extended by the so-called monthly strawberries. But when do strawberries have to go into the ground for the harvest to work? plant The right time to plant strawberries today depends less on the variety and more on the condition in which…

Growing strawberries in raised beds: instructions

The raised bed is often only used for annual crops. However, it is a back-friendly alternative to planting perennial plants such as strawberries in it. The strawberries benefit from planting in raised beds and produce higher yields. layering If you are planning to grow strawberry plants in raised beds, then you should make some changes to standard…

The ideal soil for strawberries: this is to be considered

In order for healthy growth and lots of delicious strawberries to work, you need a soil that ideally supports this. Below is the most important information on what to look out for. garden bed If the strawberries are to grow in the garden or vegetable patch, the ideal soil meets the following criteria: Loose texture lightness,…

Planting strawberries: the ideal distance

The ideal spacing between strawberries is crucial to the success of a cultivation. Too large or too small a planting distance reduces the chances of a rich harvest. Learn more about planting strawberries here. The right planting distance The purpose or location of the cultivation is decisive for the correct planting distance between the strawberries. A distinction can…

The ideal location for strawberries: 6 facts

Strawberries are one of our favorite sweet and useful fruits. For the best possible harvest, the location should be chosen ideally. You have to pay attention to these things. Sun The more sun strawberries get, the better they ripen and the more sugar the plant develops in each individual fruit – the strawberries become sweet. A location in…

Mixed culture of strawberries: 26 bad and good neighbors

The strawberry mixed culture is advantageous for the strong, healthy growth of the sweet fruit – provided good neighbors are chosen and bad ones avoided. 26 examples of this can be read below. Mischkultur-Definition In mixed cultivation, plants are planted next to each other that complement each other perfectly and do not get in each other’s…

Should you cut stolons on strawberries?

Every gardener is delighted when his lovingly cared for strawberries open in abundance in the spring, because they promise a bountiful harvest. If the Fragaria goes on a tour of conquest with her tendrils, the joy is mixed. While some are grateful for new, free plants, others see offshoots of strawberries as useless energy robbers. Both considerations speak…

Set strawberry plants – what soil / fertilizer and planting time

Strawberries are healthy and extremely tasty. There are many different types and varieties. The selection is important, especially if you want to harvest fresh berries over a longer period of time. It is then advisable to choose varieties that ripen differently so that the harvest time is extended. In addition to strawberries that bear once, there are also varieties…