Japanese Azaleas and Rhododendrons – Care Guide

Japanese azaleas and rhododendrons transform every shady garden into a Garden of Eden throughout the summer with an abundance of flowers. This apparent contradiction between flourishing display of splendor and a shady location always arouses astonished looks among hobby gardeners. Nevertheless, imposing rhododendrons and the small Japanese azaleas belonging to the same genus feel extremely comfortable in…

Planting rhododendrons – planting time, spacing and transplanting

Flowering rhododendrons are a feast for the eyes. Keeping these beautiful trees is not easy, but not overly complicated either. A suitable location and, above all, the plant substrate are important. In addition, these shrubs must not be planted too deep. If a few basic things are taken into account when planting, nothing stands in the way of a…

Rhododendron leaves nibbled: what to do? Who was it?

Rhododendron, also known as alpine rose, is one of the most popular ornamental trees in the garden. Even after flowering, the evergreen plant is still very attractive. The shock is great when the shiny green rhododendron leaves are eaten. Who is the culprit? How do you get rid of him? The weevil Feeding damage to rhododendrons comes from the…

Transplant rhododendrons correctly: Instructions in 5 steps

The rhododendron brings color to your garden with its many different flower colors. The shrub, also known as alpine rose, is one of the most demanding flowering shrubs. The right light and soil conditions help the shrub develop its colorful splendor. In the following article you will find out what requirements the shrub has for its location and…

Rhododendron, Azalea – popular varieties and species

In addition to the rose, the rhododendron genus, including the azalea, is one of the most important and popular ornamental trees in Germany. This is hardly surprising in view of the graceful flower shapes and the enchanting blaze of colour. Currently 1,150 rhododendron species are known, just over 4,000 varieties that can be cultivated in Germany and…

Cut rhododendron correctly – instructions

Properly pruning rhododendrons can be a challenging task, because not every representative of the variety is satisfied with gentle pruning. Others, on the other hand, resent excessively radical interventions and in some cases never recover from the waste. So that the rhododendron doesn’t look downright abused for years or even die, the right and adapted approach is…

Rhododendron – Yellow Leaves and Brown Spots – Causes and Remedies

Rhododendrons are particularly popular in northern Germany, but they can also be found further south in many gardens. A suitable location and a plant substrate that is precisely tailored to them are essential for survival for these plants. If these two criteria are not correct, the woody plants do not feel well and become susceptible to diseases…

When does my rhododendron bloom? – Info about the flowering time

The selection of rhododendron plants is almost inexhaustible. But not all plants always bloom at the same time, there are (sometimes large) differences. Flowering time of the most common rhododendrons 1. Early rhododendron blooms from April Rh. ‘Andrea’, attractive new Williamsianum hybrid, pink-white inside and pink outside, late April to mid-May Rh. ‘Baden-Baden’, old Repens hybrid…

Propagate and refine rhododendrons with cuttings and cuttings

Rhododendrons can be quite expensive. So when you have found a nice variety and want more plants, you should try propagating it. There are several ways to do this. It is important, however, that they are propagated according to type, i.e. that an image of the mother plant is created. This works very well through the propagation of cuttings,…

Fertilize rhododendrons properly – the best rhododendron fertilizers

Rhododendron advertises with picturesque names of varieties, such as gold topaz, snowstorm or fragrance cloud. In order for the popular ornamental shrub to live up to these titles, all care components must be harmoniously coordinated with one another. A balanced supply of nutrients plays an essential role in this interaction. If you want to fertilize your rhododendron properly,…