Building a root barrier for raspberries: instructions

Raspberries are an asset to any garden. But their extensive root growth can quickly become a problem. With the right raspberry root barrier guide, you will have the solution. Raspberries – root barrier makes sense Although raspberries are shallow-rooted , their root growth takes up more space in all directions each year. Although some offshoots from runners are then formed,…

Mixed culture of strawberries: 26 bad and good neighbors

The strawberry mixed culture is advantageous for the strong, healthy growth of the sweet fruit – provided good neighbors are chosen and bad ones avoided. 26 examples of this can be read below. Mischkultur-Definition In mixed cultivation, plants are planted next to each other that complement each other perfectly and do not get in each other’s…

Location of avocado plants: 7 criteria

Avocado plants need a location that meets their requirements so that they can grow healthily and produce lots of fruit. Below you can find out what the optimal location looks like. General site conditions Due to the original origin of avocado plants , they like locations that are close to their actual home. Since this is located in the…

Blueberry location: 6 important criteria

Blueberries (Vaccinium) are among the healthiest fruits that can also be cultivated in the home garden. The right location is a prerequisite for vigorous growth and a rich harvest. Cultivated blueberries vs. forest blueberries In order to choose the ideal blueberry location, you need to know whether the plant is a cultivated blueberry or a forest blueberry. Although they…

Cut tayberry properly | attitude information

The Tayberry, bot. Rubus fruticosus x idaeus is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. However, so that you can enjoy the mildly sour taste every year, the shrub needs an annual pruning. attitude Tayberries grow as shrubs that reach well over two meters in height. In addition, numerous side shoots develop every year, which can quickly…

10 quince varieties from AZ | Old and new varieties

In addition to the popular types of fruit such as pears, apples and bananas, the quince is unjustifiably unknown. The sweet fruit offers so much potential for the preparation of numerous dishes. In addition, it visually enriches the garden with its bright yellow berries. Anyone who has long recognized the benefits of the plant and would like to…

Should you cut stolons on strawberries?

Every gardener is delighted when his lovingly cared for strawberries open in abundance in the spring, because they promise a bountiful harvest. If the Fragaria goes on a tour of conquest with her tendrils, the joy is mixed. While some are grateful for new, free plants, others see offshoots of strawberries as useless energy robbers. Both considerations speak…

Planting time of blackberries | When and how to plant?

Blackberries (Rubus) are among the robust berry bushes. They have low maintenance requirements, which is why they are very popular for self-cultivation in your own garden. In addition to healthy growth, a rich harvest is of course important for hobby gardeners. The basis for this is the right planting time, ideal site conditions and, above all, the right…

Planting time of blueberries: plant blueberries correctly

The blue berries simply taste delicious and they are always healthy! So the desire to cultivate one or more blueberry bushes in your own garden is understandable. In fact, under ideal site conditions, they could bring good harvests for decades. But these berry plants are demanding, their planting should be planned carefully. Check out our guide for the best…