Bugs (heteroptera) are not exactly popular roommates in your own four walls. Although they do not cause any serious damage, they should be transported outside as soon as possible if they are sighted.
Table of Contents
detect bugs
There are around 60,000 species of bedbugs worldwide. They are found in almost every habitat. In Germany itself, 1,000 different species can be found. Even if the crawling animals live in the most diverse areas and regions and look very different in color and shape, the body structure of all bugs is the same. In contrast to other insects, these small animals can be recognized by their typical features:
- Proboscis or proboscis (beak or rostrum)
- consisting of two bundles of four bristles each
- these are enveloped by a lip
- folded under body when at rest
- two medium-sized compound eyes (rhabdomen)
- two feelers (antennas)
- Body mostly flattened, predominantly oval
- three breast segments (thorax), each with a pair of mostly walking legs
- Back plate of the front chest (pronotum) forms a large pronotum
- Shield covers center chest section
- posterior dorsal plate section of the middle chest (mesothorax) protruding
- drawn with a shield-like triangle (small shield).
- two developed front wings (hemielytra) in the chest area
- Stink glands on hind legs
The size of the bugs can vary from 1 mm to 11 cm depending on the species. Likewise, their ability to fly is more or less pronounced despite the presence of wings. In addition, the coloring of the animals is quite different from spotted to striped, from green to dark brown-black everything is available.
escape into the house
Bugs are very adaptable. Mainly they prefer a dry and warm habitat. This is also ideal for reproduction. Especially in warm and dry summers, the animals can multiply explosively and a plague of bugs can quickly develop. Under such conditions, reproduction can occur several times a year. A female is then able to lay up to 450 eggs. In their natural environment, the animals can usually lead an unobserved existence, but the situation is different when they suddenly appear in the house. Mainly four different types can be observed here:
Green stink bug (Palomena prasina)
- also known as common stink bug or common greenfinch
- recognizable by green body coloration in spring
- brown in autumn
- Secretion of a smelly, sticky secretion
- Body size 12 to 14 mm
Marbled stink bug (Halyomorpha halys)
- also known colloquially as “stink beetles”.
- greyish-brown in colour
- Antennae ringed with white
- bright spot on the neck
- fruit tree pest
- Body size 17mm
Gardeners (Rhaphigaster nebulosa)
- gray-yellow colored
- heavily spotted
- black feelers
- Secretion of a fetid secretion
- Body size 14 to 16 mm
Fire bug (Pyrrhocoris apterus)
- dyed red
- black head with shield
- Pronotum with black central spot
- Body size 9 to 13 mm
A bug plague in the house can only be seen in autumn. Bedbugs don’t tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees very well, it’s just too cold for them. They are therefore looking for a suitable winter quarters. The animals are so attracted to heated and lighted apartments. You then not only quarter yourself directly in the house, but also
- on heated and covered balconies
- in saucers of potted plants
- also in cracks and cracks in the masonry and
- in the roller shutter box
Before the bugs get into the house and apartment, they usually gather on warm house facades in the sunshine during the day. Later in the evening, when it gets colder, they seize the opportunity and crawl or fly through open windows and doors to their new winter quarters.
Get rid of “Stinker”.
Although the animals are not dangerous for humans and do not cause any damage in the house. They can only tamper with stored fruit. This discolours unsightly after an infestation, and deformations are also recognizable. It is then no longer suitable for human consumption. Of course, the stinking smell that the animals give off can also be annoying. Therefore, to get rid of bedbugs, they should never be simply crushed or killed with a fly swatter. As a rule, the crawling creatures disappear back into the open on their own in the spring when the temperatures rise. However, living together with the little animals is not necessarily advisable. If a bug plague is seen, immediate action should be taken. There are a number of ways to get rid of animals.
Just capture
That would be the easiest way to get the creepy crawlies back outside. The procedure is as follows
- Put empty glass over animal
- slide a piece of paper or cardboard between the glass and the floor etc
- Carefully tip over the glass with the animal, opening upwards
- then transport it outside
- alternatively put on gardening gloves or
- Put the plastic bag over your hand
- Then collect animals
Laying out sticky traps
There are special sticky traps on the market for catching insects, such as flies. These traps are placed directly around the windows, doors, walkways and roosts of the bugs. It is important that the sticky traps are replaced regularly, as the trapped animals leave their scent marks, which does not exactly ensure a good indoor climate.
Use of the vacuum cleaner
Now this method sure is somewhat controversial. After sucking up the animals straight from hard-to-reach hiding places like blinds, the animals would die in the vacuum cleaner bag. Then there would be the stench they exude. If this method is used, the bag must be replaced immediately after the work is done. Alternatively, a stocking can also be attached to the tube of the teat. After all, catching the bugs is really easy.
vinegar and dish soap
This self-made solution can be used both to combat animals that have already entered the home and also for prevention. are needed
- 120 ml vinegar
- 60 ml dishwashing liquid
- 250ml hot water
- mix everything well
- fill in a spray bottle
Window frames, doors, walkways and hiding places for the animals should be sprayed with this mixture. The solution can also be used directly to combat the animals, i.e. spray them with it. After treatment, they die. In addition, other fragrances can also be used. This includes
- Salmiak
- clove oil
- Neemöl
- juniper
If the infestation is large and nothing helps to get rid of the animals, an exterminator can be consulted.
preventive measures
In order to prevent the animals from setting up their winter quarters in the apartment in the first place, a few preventive measures should be observed
- lock the windows and doors
- Use fly screens on windows and doors
- Cut back plants on the house wall in autumn
- switch off the light when airing the room
- Light magically attracts animals
- Reduce outdoor lighting around the house
- Spray house walls with insect spray
- Seal cracks and joints in the masonry
- Check attics for leaks
- seal them with silicone or other sealant